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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Homework... I finish all mine in class!!! it them becomes class work!!! Emerald after me now!? I'm gonna need old spice 16 hour odor blocker I'm gonna need PO PO PO POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Nah you don't say! Smoke bombs have explosive radiuses that will fire EXTREMELY dangerous shrapnel meaning Jake has some work to do once he gets home But man does it take you some time to post... I'm guessing its a shower
  3. But it keeps the same properties of trying to blow up a cave. And if it's aura couldn't Riolu... TAMPER IT
  4. So... Grassy... You're telling me that this thing is basically a huge rock circle that two hits on both sides would cause a collapse?... Smart thinking. Just like trying to blow up a cave...
  5. But I wanted to use de textbook remember!? Man it's hard to get around Alina... (Jeopardy theme) Do do do do do do do, do do do DO dododododo Do do do do do do do do, DO do do do... Do... Do ERRRNNNTTTT How are you gonna escape Alina Jake?! Dang I thought bombs would work... Can I knock her out with a spine blow?
  6. I finally thought of using homework as a weapon grace! My illusion blew up in her face because I strapped a bomb to the wall behind it
  7. "Hehehe Alina my friend... How are you today? You see I'm a bit "stuck" here HAHAHAHAHA!!!" (Enormous mood swing) "You think some knives could hold a little demon like me down? Hehehehehe... Never mind that anyways... Can you take a gander at that school I tell you it's just amazing isn't it... It's so beautiful once you just take a little look isn't it..." As she was convinced Jake was absolutely crazy the Jake Literally exploded in her face, Jake had put a timed smoke bomb on himself, hoping to distract Alina, he slipped out of his jacket but the barrier stayed up. (Happy mood swing) "Yes! I did it!" Once the smoke cleared the barrier still remained however... "WHAT?! SHE CAN MAINTAIN FOCUS THAT WELL FORGET THIS!?" (Serious mood swing) "Wait wouldn't a hit on both sides cause a collapse?... Perfect!" Jake tossed two impact bombs at the sides causing the barrier to blow out. His eyes burned with powder but he still got to bushes before the smoke cleared out.
  8. Jake sat in the bushes listening to Sarcus's rants and considered knocking him out with a hard blow to the spine, but he thought it wasn't such a good idea anyways. He quietly put on his black sweatshirt with a hoodie that he kept in his back pack. He slid on the hoodie, pushed his pokemon up the tree branches and climbed after them and began running along the treeline until he reached the village. He took down the hood and walked towards his home slowly. He knew anyone could be following him. "We're home free guys lets get going!"
  9. "Quickly everyone into the bushes! Riolu use your aura powers to mask our aura locations!" Jake and his pokemon jumped into the bushes down from the branches all of them grunting in pain but staying quiet, Riolu masked them from detection while not trying to move a muscle. They had barely escaped Beldum. Another second and it would have seen them jump from the trees. Jake pulled out a stick and began writing in morse code. It read "ok, first we will stay in the bushes masking our location with Riolu. Houndour, you will snipe out Beldum with a flamethrower while it's not looking. Then we can slowly creep out of here staying quiet. If any other pokemon show up the. Sneasel, you will use ice beam to freeze them and we will continue" His pokemon agreed understanding the code and they readied for the moment Beldum would turn away.
  10. Upon a sudden realization of his surroundings and seeing Sarcus laughing at him he was furious and he finally found something to shown his new homemade black powder bomb to. He pulled a small round ball from his pocket. "So Sarcus... Do you know what happens to black powder after an enormous impact? That's right a rapid pressure expansion... This means by tossing this baby here I can make a blast of black powder. This means by doing so I can blot out people's vision for long enough to escape. Or just hurt the person's eyes... I want you to have this... With laughing at a person's fears can come a problem for you... Perhaps a fight. You should use that sometime. But now I've got to go..." As Jake walked away casually a smile appeared on his face very slowly... "Now Houndour!!!" The pokemon fired an ember at the bomb causing it to burst, Jake climbed a tree and ran off hoping he got Sarcus's attention back in its place.
  11. Oh well no guns... Blow dart PIPE! And yeah what about explosive charges? The simple mechanism of implanting a keg of powder onto a wall using latching screws and then using a spark fuse to set it off.
  12. Hehehe... I like concealed weapons... Just wait until we hit fighting moments. I'll be whipping out the throwing knives and shurikens... Take out some lights to cause confusion and then duel tranquilizer guns... Nobody saw anything here... *blows on gun barrel*
  13. It's not poison types I fear... It's needles... OMG they're so sharp and the way they pierce my skin..... I can only imagine a huge one...
  14. Upon hearing Roselia Jake had a mental meltdown... "ROSELIA!???!???? WHERE IS IT! NO NO NO NOT THE THORNS!!! THEY'RE SO LONG AND POINTY AND SHARP AND THEY HURT SO BAD!!! I'm fine with a poison type, I love them! JUST KEEP THE DEMONIC THORNS AWAY!!!!"
  15. "Sarcus I need to have a word with you for a moment, please listen... Come on deino lets go." The small dragon followed Jake's lead by scents and waited until Jake stopped. "Sarcus... I am uhhhh........ You know what lets discuss this later... When Alina isn't walking after me with that... Roselia... of her's ok?"
  16. "Hehehehehe well Sarcus I saw a Deino earlier but in ran off... But now... Yeah lets go find it... PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!" Jake ran off towards the woods as fast as he possibly could and his pokemon chased after him. Jake continued to run until a small creature was heard in a bush. Jake turned towards it and his fear disappeared. "Deino! There you are!" The small creature came out of the bushes and wagged its tail walking around him smelling his familiar scent from their earlier meeting. "At least you're here Deino... I just need to get out of here!" The deino sat in front of him confused by why he wasn't as calm as usual, Riolu's aura sense noticed it too.
  17. " a roselia you say?... Well I found this guy!" The small Riolu walked out from behind Jake, while Jake appeared to be slipping away in fear. The Riou stood proudly in front of Grace. As Jake ran into sarcus as he tried to slip away he tried to walk around him as quickly as possible. "Hey... Riolu... Lets uhhh Hehehehehe... Go?" Jake sat against a tree in fear and seemed to be shaking.
  18. Oh dear somebodies dropped their tea in the harbour... My hair is more modest than your's! Meaning it's more awesome because of its mysteriousness! > : D
  19. Jake awaited the signal of Riolu and Houndour but then he heard yelling and pokemon cries. He snuck out of the grass slowly to see the people fighting. It was Grace and another person Jake recognized... It was his teacher Alina! "Sneasel down! Riolu and Houndour lets check this out! It looks like Alina and Grace are battling!" Jake approached the battle and then walked up to Grace tapping her on the back lightly trying to get her attention.
  20. It's just getting a bit more popular each day. More people visit, etc And I got in a short post to get the rp going Also should I get fallen angel wings or a flame background for my character
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