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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. You wanna know what I would do? Listen it's amazing! Walk by them and don't look them in the eyes. Oh and then stab them in the back while they've turned away! And no haven't heard of any brotherhoods besides assassins creed brotherhood xP and that's a brotherhood I'd be ok joining!
  2. And that's why obito was a bitch kids ... Uhhh... You aren't responding nearly as fast... Wait a second... She must've... FANGIRLED TO DEATH!!!! DUN DUN DUHHHHHHHH Obito: HI! Grace: (instantly revives) DIE!!! Me: I think I'll go before things get bloody in here... (Hears screaming and banging on walls) yeah no thanks...
  3. My god he was such a good ninja. If he just had made that one choice... And just not gone with the evil side... DANG YOU SASUKE!!!!!!!!! *explosion* Meanwhile! https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&docid=axqQ1wD6U6mpnM&tbnid=E5G-EOIeeDE2rM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.memecenter.com%2Ffun%2F1141093%2Ftoradora-with-pokemon-reference-meh&ei=6p6qUuH7Fcbn2wXYuYCYDg&psig=AFQjCNH6AWpAPP3FION4F7xvLE5DVcouSw&ust=1386999907314406
  4. Yeah, but they spam the crap out of slamming base drums http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8A3yfRVC4nU Now that video is for a real pokemon fan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rtl1eNRgLJY Then that one... OMG teh epicness!
  5. No that's more of the inspiring final battle to the finish all or nothing type. Badass, indeed but arceus's is just overdoing it... My ears BURN
  6. I listened to arceus's theme... My spine has been so rattled by chills... I will never be the same ever again... 0_0
  7. Me: I just finished listening to arceus's theme My friend: so? Me: the chills going down my spine were so intense... I will never be the same again... 0_0
  8. A Santa rayquaza... That's the last thing I need squeezing down my chimney to give me Gifts XD And R$ is earned by posting! Also how do you post your trainer card and what not? I already know how to do the type post thing
  9. Dang... But don't details make it good? And I fixed the part about the plan too. It was a bit messed up Plus I made the waterfall and surroundings description a bit more simple
  10. I got a post in, tell me if it's good or not and where I should fix it. I'm not to good at the rps quite yet but I will soon
  11. "Grace! Sarcus! Where can they be now?" Jake looked down and then saw shoe marks in the ground. They were going out into the woods. "Oh my gosh! Was Grace or Sarcus chased off by something!? Wait... It must've been that raging Deino! Maybe it had something to do with this!" Jake followed the prints as fast as possible, jumping over various branches and plants. Eventually a weedle even tried to sting him as he ran. "Grace! Sarcus! Where are you!?" Jake continued to run after the prints until he got to tired. He heard a loud noise, like crashing. Maybe he was near a water source. "Grace? Sarcus? Crazed Deino?" Jake continued to walk until he heard something being spoken. Jake got down into the bushes low and slowly crawled out into the area staying inside the bushes. He looked around as he crawled out and poked his head out of the bush, shortly followed by his pokemon. As he looked around he saw a beautiful sight. A waterfall crashed down onto a small river with shining droplets. Jake crawled out a bit more and heard two voices chatting causing him to retreat into the bushes. Jake, terrified not knowing who was out there divised a plan. "Alright, go Houndour and Riolu. Keep from their sights. When you see them either give me a Thumbs if up they're no threat or and thumbs down which means they're a threat. Sneasel, climb up that tree. I'll give you one of two signals. thumbs up means don't fire your Ice Beam. But if I give a thumbs down then that means freeze them solid so we can investigate. Jakes pokemon followed the plan and Jake awaited his pokemon's signal.
  12. If there's mega metagross with levitate then it's ground weakness is gone. Plus it's steel type so ghost, dark, bug etc that beat up psychics can't get through the steel aspect. Meaning it will be unstoppable to just about everything but fire. And it will probably have large compliments to its defensive and sp attack fields to make psychic moves better and to protect itself from large amounts of damage. Mega metagross would be THE steel type unless somehow they give skarmory a mega evo
  13. I just thought maybe my original dad who was divorced by my mom when I was 2 could turn out to be a team shadow admin or something
  14. I am thinking of a super twist for team shadow... If I asked grace to add it in then it would be so spoiled....
  15. ... What has happened to you........ Well besides that anyways... I've Tried to make my post as easy to understand as possible.
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