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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Another one of my favs is the chain whip, known as the yin yang weapon. It is well concealed until it is thrown out revealing a long sharp edged snake sword
  2. Mine are the dual tonfa and the johyo (rope dart)
  3. What's your favorite weapon/ weapons of all time?
  4. Is there any possible way I could get out of here incognito? (The thugs are now slamming the kids head against a wall) Oh god... I should leave... (One of the thugs) HEY KID! (Me) well... Screw an incognito escape...
  5. Well I'm safe from annoying little brothers here... The back of the academy is a great hiding place! And apparently.... A thug hide? (Sees a gang kicking a guy around and backs away out of sight panting in fear)
  6. Boy is being a late comer good! I get the first day off for being way to late! (Walks inside my house) hey mom and dad! Yep first day off! Cya! (Parents) 0_o? (Me) oh crap here comes my brother... (Background) JAKEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Me) I'll take my chances outside for the night... (Sprints back to the academy and runs around back)
  7. (Senses being stared at) ((NOTE: I am able to sense this in real life and it's freaky as hell)) *walks out of the principals office seeking the person* (sorry about the language arts just remove that and add in lunch)
  8. (Of course being an idiot I covered two periods with my hand and it turned out my lunch period was between 2nd and 4th period along with magic for 6th period) wow I hate my fingers they can go die, I have 6 periods? Because I was late?! Ohhhh no that school principal didn't.... Wait, yes she did... Well I guess I really do have to worry about tommorow....... (Continues walking slowly with head hanging down)
  9. (Just got permission from grass snake to join ) ((My name is jake kurai)) I fearfully stumbled to the front door of the academy for my first day. My stomach tightened as I thought of tests and grades. It got even worse as I imagined what the food tasted like... As I entered the doors smells entered my nose smelling like any other school. I loosened up after thinking it was just like any other school. I walked into the principles office and saw a shiny amulet around her neck, it seemed like almost everyone had one. My stomach double knotted up as I read the schedule not getting even a word of it. P1. Linking (me)??? P2. P.E (me) oh that's normal... P3. Pokemon history (me) come on they even have history for a pokemon academy?..... P4. English language arts (me) still normal... P5. Free period (me) now that's a good way to end a day! I was told to go home that day and come back tommorow because I had missed already to much for the day... So I happily walked home without a worry! (Except for the stomach cramp of worry for the next day)
  10. Goodra is the new pseudo legendary... I suggest you don't hug it... You might get... Stuck in it...
  11. I dislike raging people, annoying people, bad books, bad quotes, bad posts that I make and read comments on it later that make fun of me, being made fun of, rudeness, screaming, yodeling, dieing, falling, tripping, raging parents, some emos, bad freindship, school food, learning about things i hate, sticky things, the words cute, darling, and adorable, ( ) rocks, family deaths, beings shocked, a pokemon I don't like, and fluffy things... (Lungs explode)
  12. Geez you're so demanding and straightforward... You sound like an angry mod XD
  13. I should probably learn how.... (Looks over at asquisance hopelessly clueing her to tell me)
  14. EDIT Name: Jake Kurai Age: ??? (He's never told) Hair: dark blonde Eye color: gray-blue Has a slightly muscular build but isn't a complete muscle head. Around 5.7 feet tall and is often found wearing long sleeved shirts and blue jeans. Calm cool and collected but explodes with anger when annoyed or teased to much. Loves to eat, especially steak. Lives in a small suburb with a family of 4, two parents and a brother along with himself. Sensitive to: being annoyed to much, being,teased about family or himself in a personal way, and hates not having food to eat. Also extremely angered when his family is being attacked, hurt, or harassed. Affilition: ??? Rebellious to evil: not really ((Problems or suggestions please be noted))((Also adding to sign up)) Half blooded Is new to the academy Knows nobody in the academy
  15. Sorry about the accidental post thread, this is the real one XD
  16. This is the ooc thread below is the real deal http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=6259&view=getnewpost
  17. This role play is about a world that is currently in a war. This war exists between two races. The aura guardians and the shadow guardians. The justice in this war, the aura guardians, are people who are deeply connected to a pokemon at birth through a mark on their arms. Once they have turned 13 these marks are developed enough to activate their hidden power. This power is to turn a person into their aura guardian form. Turning into aura guardian form is different for all people because it is triggered in different ways depending on the person. Some just need to concentrate, others may have to experience a death of a family member or friend. By changing form they change appearance from a normal person into a humanoid-pokemon like creature. For example a pidgey aura guardian would go from a normal boy to a boy with feathers, wings, a beak etc. but keep human like features such as two legs and arms. (Although this can be different in some cases like a gastly aura guardian wouldn't have arms or legs) the aura guardians live in a secret camp hidden deep within an unlocated forest. Only aura guardians know of its existence. There are 20 cabins, one for each pokemon type, along with dual types and legendaries. Normal, grass, water, fire, electric, bug, fighting, ground, psychic, rock, dark, poison, flying, ghost, steel, ice, dragon, fairy, dual type, (2 types) and finally legendary. However the shadow guardians are opposite to aura guardians. They are evil, unjust beings that are pure evil. They only exist to kill aura guardians and to do as they wish. They usually live by themselves or in gangs and have no such organizations like cabins that the aura guardians have. Rpers who wish to sign up can be shadow or aura guardian. (Try not to be a legendary unless you absolutely hate every other pokemon than a legendary. I'm trying to not god mode aura guardians or shadows with to many legendaries. Remember you may often be in battle or training during this rp)
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