Oh boy... Alright I'll solve this quickly.
You're mad, I'm mad, let's make a compromise to solve this.
You broke this old man's arm, he ruined your things and lost all of your passionate work. I understand you. The difference is, from what I know I've only broken 2 noses. If I were you, I would've gone outside to do homework to avoid torture from his "Ching Chang Chong" album. I always find a way, whether it's just outside, or in a secret place you go to. By now I would've broke this guys arm in half -.-.
Anyways, it's time to make a plan.
1. Find many hiding places by scouting your home.
2. Consider all possibilities. Rain days=inside, clear=outside etc.
3. Always hide them VERY well to ensure it isn't found.
4. What, you think I don't do this all the time?
Some thoughts, drainage pipe on a clear day, or maybe in a cabinet behind pots and pans on a rainy one. And have MANY, hiding places considered. You'll thank me later for that. A real beauty is to hide papers inside cracks in walls, or place many papers in many places, but have a key to them all. Whatever floats your boat, Grassy. I prefer using hiding spaces for very specific things, such as rare "shinies" (gold rings etc I find) inside a safe hidden perfectly in my closet. It's all up to you, use that creativeness as your weapon to keep mr. Grandpa away, hide well, and always remember.
I would probably do the exact same thing as you did xD.