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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Don't worry zeph, I feel you. 5 hours of homework... Omfg... Vali, get over here so I can talk with you about being "fortunate"
  2. Sounds annoying as hell, eh zeph? Btw wobbuffet: a new meme in town. Used for chaos and confusion. Yelling wobbuffet on forums is meant to change a subject, or destroy a chain of comments. Ex: Noob: hi Noob: hi Dude: WOBBUFFET! Noobs: wtf. What just happened. Etc. Everyone, a new meme has entered reborn.
  3. WOW WOW WOW... Flirting? japanese words? Sorry Telos, but I have to wobbuffet that one. Jericho! Help... Plz... Telos is scaring me.
  4. WOBBUFFET! Wait did I mess up your chain? Oops. Jericho!
  5. Dang you telos, I see that Smile Mightyena... (Telos)
  6. I'll just say "he's sneaking around" and move on... -.- Jericho...
  7. *eatin' cookies while lying around* Hey, Rose. Don't you think that Corner would logically see your castle as a point of potential conquest eventually? Just sayin' *nom*
  8. But I had air balloon ._. Corner and Kenny are fighting over me, I feel safer with you, Rose. *hides*
  9. Not a ninja but me in sight. It's over! its safe everyone! Rose.
  10. *cardboard box crawls up next to Corner, I explode out and shoot him* King.
  11. Banned because ninja is a bad word.
  12. And I strike when nobody has guessed me In 2 pages. Sneaky. Hey Hilda! I gotta surprise! *poke!* wait for it...
  13. I'm fluffy, but not that fluffy. Zeph! Are ya here?
  14. Banned because there are such things as strong words.
  16. Not a killer, but an attacker...? So I attack Mikzal to get him to come here... But not kill him... Makes sense! (Mik)
  17. Absol, mate. There's a lesson you really need to learn before you go much further. Jokes like this? Not really all that funny. All I ever see you post here is comments about violence and action, and while there is certainly a place for that sort of comedy, it should never be all you're thinking about. But I wasn't making a joke... Am I too violent, crazy lady- Rose? >.>
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