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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. I hope this debate won't be a joke. Well guys, it's either the angry businessman or the criminal. Take your shot.

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    2. Sutoratosu


      And no, if one is an american with any respect for the blood shed to grant you the right to choose your own leadership, or the fact that once upon a time, not all citizens of all genders and colors had the right to vote at all, then it shouldn't be considered "Optional"

    3. Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Absol-lutelty awesome!

      ^ thank god people like you exist. I thought of these exact words as I typed it because I come from a military family. I feel kinda bad for being too lazy to express how I really felt.

      I always felt that the constitution should never be "modified" by a lobbied politician. It is blood soaked, and therefor can never be written over without using a part that has yet to be stained for what it stands for (an amendment)

    4. Neo


      More like the Business man that's campaign on thinly veiled racism, or the typical politician (with everything that entails)

  2. So, Chris Wallace will be moderating the final debate... opinions?

  3. "Caught in election fraud" "exposed election fraud 2016" "Hillary using voter fraud" and Wikileaks showing the same, why am I not surprised? *sigh

    1. Sutoratosu


      Because hillary is a fucking crook with a long history of many other uninvestigated crimes, including several suspicious deaths of those who either opposed her at some point or somehow got on her badside.

      Trump was right about one thing, and one thing only- she deserves to be prosecuted, but then again... so does he, cause he's got tons of illegal shit on his shoulders too.

    2. Sutoratosu



      All these people...dead... all of them connected to Clinton in some way or the other, and all of them with some potential reason to have gotten offed by her.

  4. No! Me! I swear you guys it is 1 am don't you even dare question my judgement! Ame!
  5. Good god wait until Ame finds this thread As 1:00 am approaches I get the feeling that tonight is going to be the single worst night I've ever had, as I find myself watching more ridiculously weird YouTube videos and maybe just putting these knives of mine a bit too close to my eye as I tiredly inspect them. Tonight's weird ass finds: (Man what a gem, view at own risk!)Tonight's weirdest action: I stood in the middle of my room holding my dirty clothes while staring at my phone instead of taking them to the basket (at 1:00am of all times) while watching above video as my eyes stay hardly awake. I think the worst part of it all was the fact that going for a run at this time might have been a good idea! I. Regret. Nothing. *trips on cat
  6. I feel like if I keep spinning this balisong for long enough something bad is going to happen

  7. This is why I question my life
    1. Hect


      ... That could've ended painfully.

    2. Absol-lutelty awesome!
  8. Tfw about to PM Vlad Putin just to ask him to import guns for me

  9. I have a very very bad feeling that soon reborn is going to be feeling a lot like another day of trying to get through hell in STALKER: Misery, in which, as game title implies, is miserable. Ame pls don't rek us we just need some time to train first.
  10. Banned for not getting out of here STALKER
  11. Hearing my parents talking about the insanely high income tax+ tax rate in general that we are getting worries me a lot. I don't know how I'm going to make it in the world when they don't even teach us how to do a mortgage :/

    1. Busti


      The government will get its money from you one way or another. If that country doesn't do a lot of income taxes, you will be get the bill another way. Don't despair, we all deal with it somehow. And, the less you earn, the fewer taxes you pay...

      Unless you are in the USA, then you are smart for not paying taxes (Trump needs to go down)

    2. Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Absol-lutelty awesome!

      What worries me is when all of those insanely high rates are wasted on broke policies such as Obamacare etc

      I live in the USA, so taxes here are ungodly weird at the moment and a lot of the money is going toward things it really shouldn't.

      To be fair to trump however he broke no laws and followed the tax code :) he didn't have to pay tax because of a loss, that's how it works.

  12. Tfw you realize that you're engaging in a political debate but you aren't even old enough to vote. And nirvash, this isn't directed as an attack, but there is a good reason that more than half of America doesn't trust Hillary :/
  13. One day might we unite for the definition of freedom to be our own, and justice to be delivered by the will of man's dreams, not by his empty name.

  14. my built in stealth camo is detrimental isn't it? Spine!
  15. Any of the community here play the STALKER games? Just a question for a maybe possible just perhaps RP in the future

    1. Arkhi


      Yes, I actively play the MISERY Mod for Call of Pripyat.

    2. Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Thank god someone else does

      Cheeki breeki

  16. -Have you ever played S.T.A.L.K.E.R? - if so, what're your opinions on Cheeki Breeki? - did you know you're so nice and awesome? : 3 (was I just nice to someone?) - for reborn do you plan to ever find a way to aid in optimizing it for lower end computers? - country or city? - why are my parents talking about cutting up my younger brother? - do you plan on owning a boat one day?
  17. Am I this sneaky? Not a single guess for me huh? Andise- I mean anstane!
  18. Cheeki breeki Iv Damke Lugruf get over here STALKER and stop being future version of me
  19. Today I learned that having anything that can be used as a restraint near a girl that likes you is about as intelligent as leaving a loaded handgun next to a criminal who really wants your wallet. Help.
  20. WARNING to all guys with yandere girlfriends, don't drink anything they give you, I woke up somewhere different a while later!

    1. InnocentSerenity


      No trust in your Yanderes. So mean.

    2. Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Absol-lutelty awesome!

      -,- ok well maybe I'll drink anything but the tea she gives me

    3. CCYami


      Wait, so waking up chained to your bed with broken legs is NOT normal in a relationship?!

  21. Name: Jake (don't call me Jakey or else) Age: 15 -,- Birthday: 4th of December Location: dat Texas Height: 6 ft Hair Color: dirty blonde Eye Color: gray-blue Live With: family Pets?: too many Relationships?: yandere girlfriend Crushes lately?: what's a crush? Dream Job: mechanical engineering and gunsmithing Currently Playing: Cheeki breeki Favourite Food: any form of red meat. Favourite Drink: anything that tastes good with red meat. Favourite Color: I have been waging war on this topic in my mind for years, either blue or gray. Favourite kind of Music: either the saddest thing I can find, or the loudest metal in the world. There is no pop here. Favourite Band: what's a band? Favourite Album: what's an album? Favourite Game: Cheeki Breeki- I mean STALKER: COP with Misery installed Favourite Genre of Game: survival horror in a very immersive setting Favourite Hobbies: shooting things, looking at shooters, touching and fixing shooters, collecting knives, and playing games. Favourite Movies: war movies, duh. Favourite Shows: comedy, news channels that aren't known for lying, and war shows before bed (I don't get nightmares silly) Please don't arrest me I'm not insane ;-;
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