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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. And I came back to haunt them! Totally worth it. You guys are gonna revive me right? Right, Zeph?
  2. Ya, know. I really feel like I'm no different than when I was alive. I just can't destroy things as well. *flings a plate at Jericho* you know just as well as I do I wouldn't ramble about anything. But I would go right back to wreaking havoc. I'm gonna leave before I get trapped again, valiant! Bye!
  3. Ready for your surprise?... YOU JUST SET GHOST ABSOL FREE >: 3 AND NOW IMMA WREAK HAVOK ON THE WORLD! I told you a box wouldnt hold me for long... Here's a hint before I destroy you. I'm still technically a pokemon. *starts flinging streams of furniture* Thanks, corner!
  4. Idk. Hey. Hey. Corner. If you get me out of this box, you can have a surprise.
  5. .... Ghost absol is not amuse. How did you guys not get that. I could say "THE JERICHO'S ARE COMING" and you guys still probably wouldn't get it. I'll have those cookies now cornerman, but you have to open this box first! >: 3
  6. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!! ...? Oh right. muhahahaha..... It's tricking time.... *ghost telepathy* Come in zeph! Come in zeph! There's this box with a Talisman in Valiant's house, If you steal that Talisman, I will give you whatever you want. *transmission ends* >: 3
  7. your jacze can't save you now! no box will hold me anymore! I think anyways... Surely there's a more efficient way. zeph, give rose this obvious hint while I fling plates at her for not thinking of this yet. (I really hope she doesn't think of it >.>)
  8. Sheep left me totally alone, so I poltergeisted it open after a few days. AND NOW IM FWEE! >: 3 Zeph.
  9. Do I look like a "rose" too you? -.- rose come punch this guy.
  10. I used a level 20 treecko and level 19 torchic with a trawl orb and the stairs right next to me CX.
  11. "Alright Jory... This is the fourth room... I think we're getting close... Or maybe not." He looked around and saw 3 enemies, and the stairs. There was an exegguttor, a ralts, and an alakazam! "Jory! How are we gonna defeat all these things? We need a plan!"
  12. "Alright! Let's do this!" Jake began using repetitive night slashes, occasionally landing a crit. Eventually, after a great deal of attacking from the two, the vespiqueen went down. *pant pant* "there's the stairs! Let's go before anything else shows up!"
  13. Sorry to break it to ya, but tempest isn't here zeph. jericho. -.-
  14. I know the vid quality is pretty bad, but this opportunity couldn't be missed XD

    1. TurboAura


      Ok, so SS3 is the only one that DOESN'T fit Lucario, Shiny, or Mega Lucario being SS4?

  15. "I've gone through here once before, but not very far. I just hid from some thugs that have been chasing me for a good month now... I didn't even go to the second floor. But from what I can tell, it seems pretty thick for a forest..." he thought carefully, and ran down the middle aisle, but came up with nothing there but a ralts, he quickly dispatched of it with a sucker punch, and when it got close enough, a play rough. He ran back to Jory, and then led the group down the second hall-like bush. He came upon a small, empty room, but it had another pass in it. Finally, after some more searching around, they came across a final room. there was the stairs, but an extremely tough looking vespiquen was guarding it. "Jory... This might be tougher than the other goons around here!" he threw a sucker punch, and the enemy came closer, and Jake used his leer. "we can do this Jory!"
  16. ..... but PWB is fair game! *dark pulses PWB, praying I don't hit Zeph's cookie jar too.* >_> <.< my guess I didn't hit it... I can rest safely now... *lays down on hill*
  17. "I heard if you eat these things, it raises your alertness, and makes your reactions to situations a little better. They also are quite filling, must be protein filled. go ahead and eat it!" jake turned around looking for an exit from the room and found a small pathway, he treaded down it a bit while carefully looking about, and came across a detour, and a way they could keep running down. He waited for Jory before he went any further.
  18. *does the legs up in the air anime fall* "your Dad sounds like he's got some good ones up his sleeve... Anyways, let's get moving..." Jake ran off down the lush left route hoping that Jory chose the right route to head down. Upon entering, there wasn't an enemy around this time, but there lie the stairs. Jake walked up and was warped again, sending him to a small room with two gummies, one a grayish color, (normal), and the other a blackish color (dark). By common sense Jake ate the black gummy and waited for Jory.
  19. *sprawled out on the ground* you've... Got to be kidding me... KENNY WHY DIDN'T YOU DO ANYTHING!!!??? The best part is, she's gone. And we don't have to worry about her as long as we don't touch her cookies...
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