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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. *stops immediately and begins shivering* K... KENN... KENNY! HE- HELP! *falls over*
  2. Hmm... she hit Kenny with my friggin body to do that? *destroys jar with dark pulse and runs away* THAT WAS NOT WORTH IT!
  3. zeph!... Kenny didn't do it... It was me... I broke teh jar... Don't hit him Q-Q... I'll do whatever, just don't hurt my frend...
  4. : 0 wow... That was impressive... *starts eating cookies* I just hope... *nom* that *nom* zeph doesn't *nom nom* try to punish us *nom* again! I hate being paddled... *nom* KH! What should we do?! Zeph will be back at us soon!
  5. Banned for... Oh wait nvm I penny pinched for junk too. Valiant... Plz don't say undisclosed gender... It makes me think terribke things..
  6. But... She... Destroyed all the COOKIES!!! (0:52-0:55 >: <) KH... We have to find a way to get the macadamia nut cookies back! EVERYONE LOVES THOSE!
  7. He handed over the oran berry and waited for Jory to eat it. "Where do you think we should go now? There's two paths into the brush around here."
  8. This is entirely random I know. But does anybody know any techniques to calm down anger on the spot? I could really use something like that.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Valiant_VII


      An old, common method is to take slow deep breaths. Also, there's also counting, either out loud or just in your head, is another idea.

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Calming down on the spot is more difficult to do, it's easier to not let it bug you at all. To do so though, just be the better person and if it's an argument just try to deffuse it.

    4. Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Absol-lutelty awesome!

      I just have to say, thank you everyone! You guys care enough to help, and that means a lot to me.

  9. Screw banning KH I'm banning PWB because im officially terrified.
  10. "Jory, NO!" Jake slowly turned to the cherrim, breathing heavily with his head down. "You... Will pay for that... You monster..." The cherrim looked around for a monster, but didn't see one anywhere. It looked back at Jake and began to charge a solarbeam. "I'll never forgive you! TAKE THIS!" Jake exploded forward off his back legs and his claws burst into a black and purple flame, he raised it above his head, and slashed the cherrim, dropping it like a bad habit from a critical hit night slash attack. He ran over to Jory as soon as he calmed himself down. "Jory! You ok? I got this oran berry if you want it!"
  11. "Good plan!" He threw the hardest punch he could muster, and the cherrim took a step closer to him. "Alright, if your tail slap doesn't get it, I'll use play rough attack!"
  12. I wasn't. I just wanted to piss zeph off before she left. That's all. Hmmm... *dark pulses Zeph's cookie she's eating* I think she's angry now.
  13. You don't zeph. You don't. I was killed with kindness once... It was terrible, I was so irritated but also felt helpless to do anything at the same time. Rose... Don't kill people with kindness. It's terrible.
  14. *steals Zeph's cookie jar* >: 3 I got it KH...
  15. Banned because you sound like a dad.
  16. He took a second to consider what Jory suggested, and then went along with it. "Alright... Let's tread carefully." He snuck past the Houndoom, and grabbed the items, then continued into the hall, coming into another room. There stood a cherrim... "Jory, I think we have an enemy here..."
  17. I always wanted red contacts, my eyes are gray, that's pretty cool as it is. But red eyes seemed cooler to me.
  18. "You're a good one, Jory..." He lay down and began to rest for a little while, hoping nothing bad would happen to Jory while he rested. After a little while, he opened his eyes and shook his head. "Phew... I feel a little better..." He yawned and then got his head right back into the game. "Let's go." He walked up to the stairs and went to the next floor, hoping nothing too terrible would happen. He was warped to another room upon hitting the top step, looking around for a moment, he saw an oran berry, or two, and an Houndoom that was sound asleep. Jake waited for Jory on this one, wondering of they should fight it or not.
  19. "Great work for sure! I'm just a bit shaken after that kadabra hit me..." Alright, let's grab these apples and get going!" He limped over and grabbed about half the apples, placing them In his traveling bag. Afterwards he started wobbling toward the stairs. "We've got this done Jory, don't worry a bit about me."
  20. "Gotcha!" Jake laughed somewhat terrifyingly as the kadabra attempted confusion on him, and Jake used leer, scaring it into lowering its guard. The kadabra used a basic attack, and Jake fell back slowly from the sudden shock of damage, but jumped right back up and used sucker punch, knocking it out. He then turned to assist Jory, and used leer. "Let's finish these jerks off!"
  21. I play paintball. I bet you rose will "wake up" In le hospital if she doesn't open dis box.
  22. Hey look! I'm not a ghost anymore! I guess respawns take that away... KH... Zeph will come back with her frends... What should we do?
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