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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. As Jake moved along for a bit, instincts told him to try to not stray away from the center area of the strange dungeon. After a while of taking lefts and rights without a single word, they found another clearing! There was a.. Very oddly placed set of stairs, along with two enemies! A ralts, and a kadabra... As he looked around the luscious, beautiful room. He caught a scent... "Apples, Jory..." A small group of apples sat in the corner, but the enemies had seen them, there was no way they could get to the delicious apples, or sweet escape, without a couple of fights! Jake dashed forward and used sucker punch on the kadabra, and the two psychic pokemon closed in on him. "Hey Jory! Let's show these two who's boss, huh?"
  2. 0.0 uh oh... *troll face* Well then I'll just respawn! *bad elevator music for waiting to respawn begins* hey KH... Could you help me a bit here? Zeph is very, very hard to defeat.
  3. YEAH! IM DED! Guess what..? Ghost absol time... *starts flinging endless streams of household objects at everyone* MUHAHAHAHA!!!
  4. *falls like falling 50 feet* FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuu......... THUD... Rose... Why did she do that!? I was only being honest!
  5. NOOOOO!!! Well then... Uhh... Hmm... *psycho cuts rose, uses go away on PWB, and... Uhh... Runs away from the zeph not knowing what to do* KH! Help! I don't know what works against the zeph!
  6. Nope. *dark pulses the zeph, the rose, AND the PWB!* : 0
  7. I bet she likes trapinch. And no, Zeph. You can't hug me. 1. Hate dem. 2. I'm in a box now, under sheep's possession. The worst possible person- I mean... No wait, zeph would be far more terrifying. (Zeph)
  8. I'm a friggin poltergeist that used to destroy planets, I think I'll be ok. Rose, plz don't let sheep trap me in this box ;~;
  9. *ultimate troll face* So if anybody tries anything, we blast em?
  10. It's the ghostbuster capture box thingy. I need you to get out of this thing vin.
  11. He searched around for a bit, wondering, and then came back "Ithink we should check the other rooms, c'mon!" He ran off calling Jory and the Mudkip after him.
  12. Rose! Vinny, don't do this man. This box sucks already.
  13. AHHH YEEE... Oh wait. I have to do this real quick. *shoots a Notus tracking missile at spawn* REVENGE!! KH, beware of zeph. Lets charge our combo attack. *begings charging dark energy*
  14. Gonna shoot people... With paintballs. What were you expecting? Does anybody have a FC they'd like to exchange? I'd love too. (Lol this is a question, So it doesn't have to go to FC thread : 3)
  15. We should tell her the story about how you GET ME OUT OF THIS THING RIGHT NOW ROSE >: | (Rose)
  16. Hmm... *thinks of Big Boss's speech* Maybe... The world is better off without hills... *nukes zeph, and everyone there while giving a blank stare*
  17. "Hey, thanks for the assist! There's no way I would have been able to take that big bad tree all on my own. I'm Jory, by the way." He took a few steps closer to his new friend, and spoke somewhat nervously, but still courageous. "No problem friend. The name's Jake!" He reached out his hand for a shake of partnership, he was pretty sure they both knew the three of them would have to work together to get out alright. "If we're gonna get out of this mess, we're gonna need to know we can trust each other."
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