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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Banned because you're right... Maybe I should go look it up! Quick question. Will I regret this and feel awkward around everyone? Cuz if yus. No... Thanks... In awkward situations... I am VERY in-etiquette
  2. BANNED BECAUSE NO I DON'T ;~; he said it was gonna be uncomfortable...
  3. Banned because... I didn't listen. Too occupied not being tempted to visit Wikipedia on the joke in the nightclub.
  4. But... I'm insensitive.. ;~; Banned cuz Jericho will be coming soon. I know this...
  5. Banned because I'm insensitive too! : D
  6. Easy. Something we have to blow up until it gets better! And god dangit Jericho how many times does my sig have to say that's my answer to my problems in life? Zeph. Come blow up ALL the problems with me.
  7. Is it ok that that face makes me think "I need an adult?"
  8. OOH! OOH! IK WHAT TO DO! *Big Bang Attack* Did I do good zeph?
  9. Vinny... How could you... IM NOT ONE OF THE FAT ONES!!! q-q
  10. Banned for not helping me ban these fools. helix AND xatu r dumb.
  11. Banned because judgement is generally wrong.
  12. (Wow I open this and ur reply is right there XD) Banned because blowing people up for arguing isn't exactly... "Typical" but... I'll take what I can get.
  13. Ban noticed amateur because blowing people up is obviously a way to stop an argument.
  14. Banned for not understanding. (I was trying to say for example, if Jericho appeared, we could all safely assume what he would say would have some sort of gif, vid, or pic and a funny one liner.)
  15. Wait wut!? How the f*** did you manage that? XD Granted. You now... Have... A microwave that isn't on fire... But... Hmm... Doesn't cook anything!
  16. Banned because sometimes, you do know just by thinking of someone... XD
  17. Well... Uh... Hmm... You're a girl... So... Logic says yes! Zeph.
  18. Mark nodded in agreement at the idea, and looked at Jake to see what he thought, he too nodded. (Mark) "should work just fine. The only problem I see is if they take down the front line, or overtake our flank. But I'm sure that couldn't happen THAT quickly. It's time to move." Mark told Jake "come on" by waving his finger, and they sprinted off together, planning to meet the others outside when they got there.
  19. Ughhhhhh skullin is gone, grass is overrun and Jory is idk... ah man... I got stuck with the slow team... (Jk)
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