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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Both of them recalling their pokemon, Mark nodded in agreement, and Jake smugly remarked "Mhm. I'm bored. 5 minutes to get there and Alina is just "whoosh!" Gone. Man she can do some peevish things... Like when she chased me around with Emerald... Ugh man I'm gonna get her back for that one day. Lets move then!"
  2. Jake heard a noise coming from the another small room on the floor he was on. He wanted to check it out, but he felt as though it could be an enemy. He cautiously approached the area he heard the noise from through a dark narrow passage. Upon reaching the spot where he heard the sound, he walked into a clearing where... A pokemon... Was smacking another in the face? A second pokemon was there too, but it looked terrified. Jake decided maybe it was a good idea to help, so he jumped out of the shadows. "Hey! Need some assistance?" He used leer, not sure of how these two pokemon he met would react, but that's not what mattered. They needed help!
  4. Anyone else here who needs to be saved by that brave soul? Absol? When a crazy girl glomps me, it's ok to help. Rose, are you like, a princess now or something?
  5. Jake gave up on trying to enter deeper into the castle, and decided to move on into a dungeon to explore. Nearby was the treeshroud forest, so he decided to go there to train, and hopefully find food. Upon entering, he saw an apple. He picked it up and ate the whole thing quickly. He looked up however, a very angry kirlia stood there... Apparently it wanted the apple... "Oh sh*t... Uhh... Here?" Jake handed the kirlia the core, which threw it into a tree with psychic. "So... Uhhh... Can we talk this out? Maybe... With some apples? Or uhhh..." It stared furiously and then struck Jake with confusion, but to no avail. "Alright! My turn! Jake used his leer attack, and the kirlia used its basic attack, hurting Jake a good bit. Jake used his play rough, and the kirlia was about to go down. Jake took another basic move, hanging on the best he could, and then used scratch, ending the skirmish. "Man... This might have not been the best plan... But I can't turn back now!" Just moving made his body ache, and he flinched, so he decided to sit and rest for a bit, and then kept going.
  6. We can all safely agree... That jacze had too many crushes. Pineapple! *runs away*
  7. if we ever meet irl (I highly doubt the possibilities of that but still) I'll treat you to macadamia nut cookies Not to sound like a "fat American" (cuz I'm not XD) But
  8. Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate Graveler 1-6 24 0.5% Seviper 1-7 24-25 6.4% Beldum 1-7 22-23 6.4% Wormadam Sandy Cloak 1-11 26-28 8.2% Riolu 4-8 T ? 8.2% Cranidos 5-9 25,26 8.2% Donphan 6-11 25,26 0.5% Shieldon 7-11 25-27 8.2% Golem 8-11 28 0.5% Items Pecha Berries Oran Berries Silver Spike (4) Apples TM Brick Break Scarfs Persim Band Power Band Twist Band Seeds Violent Heal X-Eye Pure Gummis Clear Yellow Orbs Foe-Fear Transfer Rollcall Hurl Foe-Seal Traps Chestnut Trap Selfdestruct Trap Warp Trap Slow Trap Spin Trap Pokémon Trap Slumber Trap Summon Trap Gust Trap Poison Trap Trip Trap Copy paste from wiki. Wow this Is derp
  9. Wow uhh... I got ninjad into being guessed... Is that good or bad zeph?
  10. Banned because being fabulous is for girls. Last post for the night. G'night...
  11. Banned cuz ya gotta be headstrong.
  12. Mark sighed heavily at Alina and Sarcus just ignoring his ideas and went along with it. Jake spoke up "I'm a scout!" Mark couldn't exactly remember what he was, it didn't matter too much anyways. The end was so close. Jake's pokemon came out from his new pokeballs he's gotten. "This is Demon, my Houndour. Whisper, my Sneasel, Z, my Deino. Soul, my Riolu. And I can't ever get my Zorua, Mirage, to ever stay in a ball..." Mark grabbed his pokeballs and tossed them all. He pointed at them as he called their names. "Sheer... My Sylveon. Desert... My Sandslash. Onyx... My... Onix" he looked at the huge creature and it roared. "And finally. Feather... My Pidove... I'm sure our pokemon will be better suited for different things."
  13. Love me some good old fashioned beat down. I actually don't use any sort of skill in terms of martial art. The only thing I ever really learned was some CQC stuff, just slapping judo and kung fu and such together. Srsly. Does dat rose do dem punchy arts?
  14. But... Buu beating his chest is my favorite gif ;-; I did gr8 at football, apparently I'll be moving up to the next team rank! I'm so happy : D even though I had to get unbelievably pissed, I'm happy!
  15. Ooh! Ooh! I broke my leg in half! : D And yes rose, that does count. (Rose)
  16. "Hmph. Left before she would even give us any battle ideas... Sarcus, it's just our small team here. You and I should think of some ideas on how we can easily get Jake in there and destroy there lines. Shouldn't be too hard." Mark turned his head to Tami slowly... Thinking as he did. "And I think we just did... Alright listen. Jake and Tami obviously have good noggins. Jake makes powder bombs all the time for fun, but is an idiot for bringing them here... If Tami and Jake can assemble enough things to make a clatter, we can distract, and crush them during the confusion, while Jake and Tami can pick off their leaders if possible. Shouldn't be too hard of a fight then."
  17. Mark looked at the quivering exploded Jake for a moment and shoved him up to Sarcus. "Use him how you need him, he'll be fine. After he's healed a bit that is. Now to determine a strategy. They want to surprise us, so we have to do the same. We surprise them. They'd expect us to be here with the students and they would wipe us out, and probably take prisoners too. That's just logic. The question is, where are they coming from now? If we can find that out, then we might be able to handle the issue at hand, surprise them, and take out there forces as quickly as possible. I don't think a distraction should be necessary... But I have an idea. Jake jumps out and begins ranting and making up stalling antics. They will most likely attempt to capture him, seeing as he's only one person. Our units and frontal men are secluded nearby, and we simply jump them. Jake already would have a view on the most important men, the leaders and front line. If we can destroy those within the first few minutes, then victory is ensured, they coundlt possibly win with such a small battalion left over while we still have such a large advantage. Another issue is, what if they just anticipate us, kill Jake, and move on destroying us? We need to find a way to keep Jake safe for the distraction, while still being able to legitimately sneak up on them... But how? Any ideas?"
  18. You broke the chain. You get a very hard question. Am I the Jake. Or the Poncho? (Lol at the end)
  19. Mark took a peak at Alina for stopping them, and then decided he had to get the last word on this one. "We've got a few sitrus berries to spare, i think we would've been fine... But at least you care, I commend you for that." He gave her a a friendly nod, and turned back to Jake to speak. "Hey, I think it's time I teach you one last technique before we go. It could be the last I ever teach you after all. Watch and learn... This ability requires a great deal of aura to use, but it will be helpful one day." Mark put his hands together and began to charge his aura within him, he began to glow deep blue as his aura surged through him, and then, a large burst of short ranged energy of that color directly in front of him, and it sent Jake flying at least 3 feet. "It requires a great deal of power usage, and some training but it's worth it. Try it yourself." Jake places his arms together, locking hands by the fingers, and slowly but surely, began to increase his aura flow, and then quickly released it in a full power burst, exploding his own energy into himself where he stood. Mark laughed at him quite loudly, surprised that happened. "You need to train much more. But it's nice to see you at least get the concept. Project outward more." He thought to himself, "it's nice to know he can at least know I've taught him all I can before he went ever see me again... At least not for these people... I can't believe he developed amnesia... I'll have to complete the mission myself... Goodbye... At least for now." Returning from his thought to find Jake staring at him, he reassured Jake with a smile. "Ms. Alina. Do we need to move out soon? I think we're ready."
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