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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. *playing le STALKER: MISERY. *taking le soft stroll in wilderness, Mosin on back. *HAS HEART ATTACK AS BLOODSUCKER RIPS MY THROAT OUT FROM BEHIND

  2. *waiting for butterfly knife to arrive intensifies* I wonder if the company will just send my money back because they don't trust me with it

  3. Jake= cunning dirty supplanter I feel my self esteem exploding
  4. This is why. Oh, and yes, that is my friend playing a dang musical in the background.
  5. After my experience I've had with balisongs/butterfly knives, I responsibly conclude that all underage children and teens should be allowed to have one, too much fun.

  6. Hey, calling me a spine is absolutely correct, I am an obnoxious pain in people's sides. ... But for real, spine cmon I can't be angry all by myself.
  7. You my friend deserve a Medal of Honor for your commitment to draining your life away to pass school, especially at a time of the morning in which most people make the worst decisions of their lives. *HARDBASS BLARING FROM MY ROOM AT 1:00 AM INTENSIFIES
  8. *sees this thread early morning when half awake *makes a post on this thread while half awake I think pineapple x morshu sounds pretty dumb- wait a minute... Ok guys morshu and then the x and then pineapple- Something there still don't sound right. Ice cream sand witch x morshu for maximum meme, and most chances for me not to get shipped with anyone for my stupidity. Don't you dare. Don't even type it, I swear. I will toss my empty water bottle at you!
  9. "I'd love to hear governor pence tell me what's so enjoyable, or comical, about nuclear war" easy, American and Russian soldiers not giving two shits about the war and squatting down to drink alcohol with metal and hardbass blaring in their ears while the Russians shout "cyka blyat"

  10. Hey guys, here again, and from the thoughts of the most negative member with the most obnoxious sarcastic humor, I have a question for you all. What are the weirdest things you have done at 1:00 AM, the hour in which you make choices a fully conscious you would ever make? For me: My 1:00 AM experience *playing with knives as if I'm some kind of masoch- i mean machinist. *staring at pictures of guns, but not just any guns. This is 1:00 AM, and only 1:00 AM me looks at hi-point pistols * this Feel free to share! I promise I won't bite until the moment arises!
  11. -.- alright guys I'm surprised you didn't notice the giant shadowy ball of negativity that is myself coming from a mile back Morshu my man get over here
  12. Too many bright fields for me, I would totally go for a dark type field along these lines. Absol's obnoxiously negative attitude floods the field... Wait a second I can't see sh*t. Hey, Absol you jerk turn the light back on! *sigh* can't even see what attack I'm picking... Dang it i just threw a pokeball by accident. Don't worry guys I've got th- "Dark type moves do like way more damage, fairies suck GG" "You can't actually see your choices and panels, only the two Pokémon's health bars" "You get to have Absol's obnoxious attitude all over your screen" Ame please add +1 positivity to my 9001 negativity stat.
  13. Even after the release of the evolved forms I'm still going with the most lit team I'm really trying to not read any spoilers or any info for this game so it's really a 100% new experience. It's painful, but worth it.
  14. Ah, the aftermath of the VP debate. The "to be invisible-men" debate! They tell ghost stories all the time at my dad's political science class about them!

  15. Is it just me, or does it take an entire makeup kit to make Hillary look like a human being, and an entire iceberg to keep trump from ripping her in half with the amount of leaks linked to her corruption?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Neo


      Yo man, what a well thought out comment. Gold star for you, fam.

    3. Shamitako


      A poor appearance is associated with poor physical health and it's hard to hold respect when your health is poor

      But honestly if I didn't know her health was suspect, I wouldn't have guessed it from her appearance. Woman look perfectly fine to me

    4. Swimming95


      I mean her health isn't suspect unless you believe in conspiracy theories... And I guess if you ignore all of the facts you might think Clinton is a criminal.

  16. IV DAMKE Oh wait that's not ok around here right Bluemoonicecream is next because I can see said person reading
  17. Before I would have said physical. Now? Digital for sure. I can find any game I want, for a reasonable price, and not have to wait for days while being able to play it on a PC that is more powerful than a console! I don't know what else I could ask for besides a way better graphics card.
  18. I stayed up so late I forgot what I did the day before. i hope that counts for something!
  19. So trump promised to remove kebab

    1. Maelstrom


      He's going to remove grilled food on a stick? What?

  20. Today, I somehow managed to break a carbon fiber fishing rod by yanking to get unstuck from a rock... I'm either strong as hell, or that rod needs return due to a defect

    1. Sparky


      Maybe you're secretly the Hulk

    2. Ironbound


      Or maybe it's just physics. Levers are magical.

  21. I seriously don't want to spoil this adventure to come but I still keep going back to YouTube to watch the videos and coverages... *sigh* So basically word is that popplio will likely be a water/fairy, litten will likely be fire/dark (heheheheheheh...), and that damned mr owl will be a one, a two... A three- I mean a flying/grass! This leads me to wonder just one thing. Where will the fire fighting type of the region be so I can literally drive it to extinction? Also something that has been worrying me is how awkward the walking animations look ._.
  22. Tfw the last bit of your gift you once had has slipped away, down a long winding river of mainstream mind numbing that in the end will surely result in the waterfall that will swiftly crush your dreams with cruel, and unfeeling haste. Tfw I seriously don't know what the hell I just said. No wonder I was "most negative in class 2014-15 year"
  23. I can't shake the feeling that my reluctance to grind on random wild Pokemon is gonna ga-bite me soon...

  24. You know, I see now that brave bird Pidgey is about as terrifying as walking into a wall in the dark, you never see it coming, and you feel like an idiot for running into it so hard

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