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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. How about undefeated spirit? That sounds cool. I feel like skullin really doesn't like me. I really was hoping duel was two members of a team that create a specific attack. But nvm lol. Oh yeah like the link boxes! I remember. But 16 moves. 0-0 oh. That's new. So can we start? Plz? Or is there moar to explain?
  2. Sorry, I'm fighting him. He can't talk right now. Rose, don't feel disturbed by my moves.
  3. ... I'm confused already. Shojo? It feels like I'm in a center of hate here. I'm just gonna back out... >_> (I don't really have to do all this junk with grass right?)
  4. I. Know. That. I can't make a joke to save my life. Da faqs a madoka magica?
  5. Yeah ik. I have no idea what the difference between link and duel attacks is supposed to be. All I know is I made up a ridiculous name. Grass and Absol combo would be all like. Grass used glomp! Enemy is paralyzed! Absol used Enemy=ded I guess.
  6. Forget it. Dis planet dumb. Who cares if I blow it up. *goes back to fighting sparky* Rose
  7. You don't expect me to have to use a duel attack with grass right? Meh. I bet skullin hated me to begin with anyways. Lol.
  8. Meh I hate kingdom hearts Oh rlly? Well wut do you think it should be? XD.
  9. I'm not ded fool. You gaiz gotta ride tha ark outta here. I'm blowin the friggin planet up. Ark.
  10. Dat Yin and Yang Hyper Swag Attack tho. Maybe being around skullin won't be all bad XD.
  11. I did, but it was covered by two houses and I was short and really little back then. I could barely see the cloud. Luckily it turned away. Never have I ever been in E-quake.
  12. Here you go sir! *stops rekin the planet to hand over the hearing aid* why don't you help your elderly rose?!
  13. Mega absol ftw. We gonna start tonight then? I think all ya gotta do is open the gate and let the kiddies in. So what are duel and link attacks? Two members together with a strong attack in guessing is duel. (Skullin and I come together for Yin and Yang Hyper Swag Attack xP) But link? Wuzzat?
  14. *looks at buu watch* Ya got 5 minutes (LIESSS) C'mon PWB The ball is already just above the core.
  15. Banned for judging the judging OF judging of humor.
  16. Planet's almost ded! >: 3 I have no idea when I became kid buu, but I did. You better get to the choppah a little faster, PWB! (For some reason I feel like someone is gonna change my name to Kid Absol, change my avatar to Kid Buu beating his chest, and my title to Kid Absol.)
  17. Maybe harvest ability in mystery dungeon could be after x steps ur team gets 10 hunger and 25 hp back.
  18. Banned because OF waifu. ye mahn lez go. ... *gong* 1 2 3 4!!! I DECLARE A FORUM WAR!!!!
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