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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Banned because you know I won't accept it.
  2. Banned for saying I admitted something.
  3. Well, sparky's gone! Now to blow up the whole planet because there's nobody to fight, and zeph didn't give me my cookies. http://youtu.be/WW3zD5QoL74 I'm sure Jericho survived cuz cowboy.
  4. Skull... Is ur char a girl....? Or are you just a crazy girl that gives me nightmares? Or both?
  5. Finally... But what does scub mean is what I'm Asking... ya know what. This is way too off topic. I'm out XD.
  6. Banned cuz I had the same question.
  7. ... And so the battle between absol and sparky begins. (Sparky Also hidden pun. Sparky. Ssj2 has sparks : 3 so I chose dis part of the fight)
  8. I don't really mean the grand hall or nightclub. I mean like, easter eggy. Like looking around long enough that you find something like... "Hey look guys! An Easter egg!" -absol
  9. Oh that's good. At least I don't have to handle 3 crazy girls. A crazy guy is something I can coop with.
  10. Well. Nobody wants to save rose? Oh ok. I'll blow er up. I'm serious jacze. Damsel in distress. Ur chance. COME ON! XD.
  11. I've always wanted these to be in reborn. Famous members orientated as Easter eggs. Examples. PWB could be found on a hill, staring into the sun. when talked to, he will speak of xatu nonsense, and then battle with a high level OP xatu. Others could be quotes from members on signs. Hopefully these a very well hidden. Could it... Happen? Maybe? >.> just thought it would be a good smile for those who get it.
  12. My name. Is the best name. That this planet has ever seen! My great love for absols, and awesomeness, has put me through the IMPOSSIBLE task of creating this name. My heart and soul lies within it, and my courage will nevar be crushed. What I have created so long ago will always be remembered. And that's why I'm leaving reborn... Jk! (You guys don't hate me right?)
  13. Wow wow wow. I have white fur but I am NOT a "sheep". Just for that, you have unleashed my inner rage. I will destroy you! >: 3 (Rose)
  14. I will! *punches* wait you said pinch?! Oh sorry! Zeph! Come back!
  15. I feel like I should add a bit. Jake is scared to death of needles. XD. I had to say so. Srsly tho. Is skullins char literally called DJ Swirl? I just can't stop laughing...
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