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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. I can ev train pokes in usually, an hour. If you ever need halp. Send me a frend request over pm. I'll gladly help anyone of the reborn community. Now you all have something to be happy about. -I wuz nice. (Help. Need. Snickers...)
  2. Dat jacze be all like. With all the gurls he meets. (Jacze)
  3. Jazce wants ALL the ladies. Should I Big Bang Attack him Rose?
  4. I've never seen such things, just noodles, steak, fish, rice, and sushi... Can you send me some of these strange things? XD.
  5. *little kiddie voice and big eyes* What's a scub?
  6. (Mr. Bison) YES! YES! In all seriousness. Love me some metal.
  7. Attack ALL the anime threads! DB/DBZ=best anime. (Pronounced an-nime for me to troll anime lovers)
  8. Never met pocky, da faqs a wine gummy lol, and dem... Rainbows. Nutella is ok, but dem rainbows. Apparently, by telling someone to shut up and quit acting like an idiot, I'm "anti-social". I see the title when I imagine beating them up. I'll go buu shiz on dem.
  9. ^ 0-0... Once I typed "so, I hope you have a nice day." It said... Just... XD.... "So, I hate you ham a bee day."
  10. But.. What is a scub... If I don't find out imma
  11. I'm a doctor, so I know everything. And yes. Qnd if someone doesn't guess you, Big Bang Attack them. Or in your case, Miltank Attack. Get it Misora? :3
  12. Um. Uh. Hmm. I don't think I belong here XD. Uhhh... Starter position for football?... Does that count?
  13. So I'm not a scub. Good. So... What is a scub? :\
  14. : D no! Not at all! But I'm in a good mood! Starting position on teh football team >: 3. Dat zeph tho.
  15. Wow. No guesses. I'm not loved at all. rose cuz ik this one.
  16. ^ Dobby, brah. We gotta escape while we can. It's only a matter of time before she finds this.
  17. 3 is his fave, and he despises 4 and 2. You sir, have very similar interests with me.
  18. If I Big Bang Attack em' they should get fixed. Aren't I the best doctor Jericho?
  19. Dat wish cave tho. Treeshroud for level 1. Level 30s everywhere. This... Just. XD.... I feel so bad for dem humans now...Anyways, where'd u get that pixel art for ur avatar grass? >.> I'd like some...
  20. I'm not, I wasn't given the "lose your sanity now" tip. I never even introed myself. Lol. But srsly, when grass comes back to post, all hell will break lose.
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