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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Wait... IM ON A TEAM WITH GRASS!? Alright... I can do this! (I hope) Guessing you're the leader?
  2. Oh, and Absol, Skullkin, please tell me that you would prefer to be a rescue team, because I already have the perfect spot to put you two XD. Verdance isnt nicknamed "Lawless" for no reason.. EXCEPTED!!!!! User: Absol Reserved: dat absol tho. Race: poke Specialty: idk... I guess... Res...cue?... Personality. Oh you should know me by now! ; 3
  3. Noooo. Just nice : 3. But rose is a total meanie >:U obviously...
  4. Meh. Next person can list their fav db/dbz attacks.
  5. Dbzrb2... If ur on one of those one hp missions... LERROOOOYYY!! JENKKIIINNSS!!
  6. Yo grass, quick questions! Can I change my poke to larvitar? If not that's fine. Also, team attacks. 1. They allowed? 2. Can we make them up as long as they aren't WAY op? 3. One last question... Will you except my apology?
  7. (Just to clear the last spot up, I don't tease anyone at their expense, that's how I joke around. That's why I don't tell jokes on the forums a lot. They're offensive to some extent. When I do all this teasing, it's friendly. Honest!) I can't wait for this to start, I hope it's super fun : 3
  8. Not yet... Not yet... My mischeif will get bad very, very, soon. Saving for the occasion. Have you ever felt like you've had too much pressure on you?
  9. *facepalm* maybe my history teacher is right about history repeating... Future sight! *crickets* W8..... .......! *explosion* There we go.
  10. So, I can't joke anymore? Eh, that's ok, my jokes were terrible to begin with xD. Just to clear this up, I don't see suicide anywhere near the way you guys do. Just wanted to clear that up. You can pm me for more details. Srsly tho, grass ur too young to die. It's not worth your time... Anyways. I can't wait to see you guys again, but I gotta do school junk. Cya soon. (If anyone finds anything I say offensive I didn't know. Sorry.)
  11. Banned cuz these are species not races...
  12. Hey everyone I finished my cookies : 3 and my hair looks baws. O hai ja-........ Oh. You didn't guess me. I see. I'm leaving now... Rose take my place...
  13. Future sight! *crickets* W8..... .......! *explosion* There we go.
  14. ... Ur nice... I don't say this enough to anyone, take it to heart. Macadamia nut cookie plz : 3 (Zeph lel)
  15. ... You... Uh... Wat da faq is an angel rod 0_o- OH GOD IT BURNS!!! *ded* Uhh... So... Is this thing like, fairy or?... Uhh... Iron tail?... Superpower?... Dark pulse?... Idk...
  16. I'm "confused" BAH DUHM BISH! Man I'm bad at joking. Vinny, we must hav final fite... (U: digimon Mi: evil digimon) What have I come across lol...
  17. (OOOOHHH I remember doin dat in gen 3!) Oh yeah? Ace member used delete! Just cuz imma d***, I used stone edge afterwards!!!
  18. Banned?... Because... That's a reference to that one weird old cat book?...
  19. *checks wiki* ... I CANT COUNTER IT!!! No... This isn't possible... She defeated me!!! Q-Q
  20. ... Dat one movie! : P telos if I threw woe at you you'd know it. I haven't told any sad stories here, nothin'. (Telos)
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