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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Banned because story time. I believe they were doing training when I'd looked over. Blurry memories, sorry. My dad served for quite a while. He had a bad childhood. Got into trouble with the law, and decided to drop out and head to the military. They treat privates without educations like trash. Fact. If I'm not mistaken my dad's been a coast guard, a blackhawk engineer, a squad leader, a turret gunner, an IED detector, and a sniper for high value targets in Iraq. I believe it was 7-8 years. He left because he was married mael. He'd given his time, and his hard work. And he needed to stop. He had a family to take care of. He said that no matter what you do, he just can't escape the insanity of the PTSD he suffers now, and he once stated he was drowning in pills while having an emotional breakdown. Upon returning he was a very strange person to me. I used to be a happy, carefree kid. But he didn't know how to be a parent. He was treated badly and then threw himself into battle because of some crime issues, and how he didn't want to deal with school. He told me I couldn't join the military like he did, and that it was the worst decision he'd ever made. As I grew up, he'd treat me like his dad treated him, and I became just like he did when he was a kid. Burying emotions because they make me feel weak, and he told me that it was a weakness in itself. He told me he didn't want me to go down the same road as he did. He's got some interesting things to say, for sure. He's told me some f****ed up stories, and gave me some pretty good reasons why he left. He was a patriot, fighting for a country as the media said. But he would say he didn't fight for a country, he fought for the people he loved back at home. I never will quite understand him, but he truly has a different way of thinking when it comes to war. For a more odd story, he said they'd train the men to stay awake for days, and once, they were doing long marches, and he fell asleep but walked through trenches and crap, and when he woke up, he was almost at the end of the march xD. Ik these aren't detailed, I can tell tell them a bit better over pm and whatnot.
  2. finally we can do something! If you just kept talking about things I didn't want to hear I was just gonna sig video.
  3. Goku was the only anime/manga based character I want to see in any mixup fight game. It's obvious they wouldn't choose anyone other than him. No gohan's or anything. I don't really like anime in general, but db was just... Different. An all-stars for handheld is a great idea tho.
  4. Yeah. Good point. But that's still low as low gets. Back on topic time.
  5. Holy, if anyone ever dares lay a d*** hand intending harm on you, or anyone who doesn't deserve it I give you all the right here to beat them into the floor. What you did was the only thing, you defended innocent people. To think people go so low now! It pisses me off beyond belief, don't feel bad, they are wrong. You obviously shouldn't kill them, but they deserve a good beat down for intending to harm families like that.
  6. You know me so well. The next person didn't watch much tv as a kid
  7. >.> i believe I'm the most active.... Murdoc is derp........ Choose the guy that punches things all the time, it's logic! So we can choose wut team we are? I'm lovin it. XDDDDD grass=ultra derp guildmaster. I miss rubyheart. She coulda done the derpy guildmaster part perfectly! Btw, If we flip off the npc partners, who wants to join the annoying baddie team? : P
  8. ^ 0-o And you didn't beat the living s*** out of both of them? Today I went to school.
  9. So, we can have a legit rp where we have other ppl as partners? Idk if it gonna take the explorers, or rescue type run, or something different, but this rp is going to explode with popularity. Guaranteed. We have around 10 ppl now. Idk if we can get 16, but 10 is a great number. 5 teams is quite a few.
  10. Banned cuz I was a 2000 military kid. Grew up to helicopters and a school where you could look over a hill and see a friggin base filled with armed men lol. Just for a few years tho, when I was around 7-8 we stahpped military stuff and moved to Texas.
  11. Meh... True, but they said there's a chance. I know personally, I'm not gonna be spirit bombing bowser anytime soon. (You gotta admit you wanna try that) But with battle of the gods out, dbs popularity has only gotten bigger. If we could have goku, I don't even care if it's the original db goku, in any future smash bros game, I would be extremely happy, and surprised... At least we have that troll- I mean duck hunter dog.
  12. They use a duck hunt dog.... A friggin meme character. Over goku, XD. I love Nintendo logic. I think goku would fit in fine with the ssbb universe. He luvs a good fite, and will do anything to win. Hell, his whole RACE loves fighting more than anything else!
  13. xD. He's been in games, many in fact. His best was dbzrb1 and 2 so far.
  14. They probably would add kid goku over buu saga (ssj3) or battle of the gods goku.
  15. The attract stomp combo... THAT COMBO!
  16. *walks up and "predicts" a giant rain cloud to rain on jacze and walks away* Rose. Come show dis poor mahn some care.
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