Banned because story time.
I believe they were doing training when I'd looked over. Blurry memories, sorry.
My dad served for quite a while. He had a bad childhood. Got into trouble with the law, and decided to drop out and head to the military. They treat privates without educations like trash. Fact. If I'm not mistaken my dad's been a coast guard, a blackhawk engineer, a squad leader, a turret gunner, an IED detector, and a sniper for high value targets in Iraq. I believe it was 7-8 years. He left because he was married mael. He'd given his time, and his hard work. And he needed to stop. He had a family to take care of. He said that no matter what you do, he just can't escape the insanity of the PTSD he suffers now, and he once stated he was drowning in pills while having an emotional breakdown. Upon returning he was a very strange person to me. I used to be a happy, carefree kid. But he didn't know how to be a parent. He was treated badly and then threw himself into battle because of some crime issues, and how he didn't want to deal with school. He told me I couldn't join the military like he did, and that it was the worst decision he'd ever made. As I grew up, he'd treat me like his dad treated him, and I became just like he did when he was a kid. Burying emotions because they make me feel weak, and he told me that it was a weakness in itself. He told me he didn't want me to go down the same road as he did. He's got some interesting things to say, for sure. He's told me some f****ed up stories, and gave me some pretty good reasons why he left. He was a patriot, fighting for a country as the media said. But he would say he didn't fight for a country, he fought for the people he loved back at home. I never will quite understand him, but he truly has a different way of thinking when it comes to war.
For a more odd story, he said they'd train the men to stay awake for days, and once, they were doing long marches, and he fell asleep but walked through trenches and crap, and when he woke up, he was almost at the end of the march xD.
Ik these aren't detailed, I can tell tell them a bit better over pm and whatnot.