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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Nah, they actually said goku could happen, they've become friends with a team associated with db, however, I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't. I miss snake too. I wonder if snake will return....
  2. Ikr... They call necklaces weapons and then turn around and don't notice people smoking outside. XD
  3. Why are people here. >.> this is evil.
  4. Nope. Gotta restart now. Thanks rose :/ geez. Zeph! (Not rose!!!)
  5. Nope. Just a bigger rain cloud. So... Is rose here? 0-0 don't need her messing up my "predictions" *troll face*
  6. Nope. Makin sure this disaster lasts a while here. Zeph.... Don't come here. A feel a big rain cloud comin to hukuna's place.
  7. Just came to rain on your parade by predicting a disaster. Trollface- I mean hukuna
  8. Nope. But since I took the challenge that technically means I can challenge another person... I CHALLENGE U LADEH! Oops... "Nominate" Send me the vid. I wanna laugh so hard I cri.
  9. Scrolling round the forums. And neo gives me this. http://gfycat.com/YellowishFondHalicore# From dis Lol, he's ded, but it's still kinda funny so eh. Zephyr, I don't think pwb will come tonight....
  10. So. Absol. Is not in dis gaem yet?... We need to spam Nintendo until we get absol.
  11. Did I just get asked if I could be kept for fur brushing, and then called Jakey?... *desc video* Sheep. Come heracross these foolz
  12. True dat. My school is like. oh wrestling is too dangerous. Oh, prescription pills are dangerous. Touch them just because your friend has to tie his shoe and get suspended. Oh, your literally useless empty bullet is a dangerous weapon. And the girls? They'll talk about boys for months and then dump them after a week. I'm liek. Mah sig vid. So mad...
  13. (The gag I attempted to make with stratos) (Your head) Fine. Woman. Better? I know I am terrible at making jokes, and shouldn't even try, but come on.
  15. I'll throw down an anime based smoke screen so we aren't followed *belly crawls out the door*
  16. I don't know. Stratos we have to leave now. It's too dangerous here.
  17. I remembered I have a permanent limp and my right foot doesn't bend as well as my left... Oh wait... I played games. And did stuff. And now I have school tomorrow.
  18. She says acts like she's nice... And then unleashes an army of the things I hate most on me. *facepalm* Women are confusing.
  19. I don't get anime, or this. I'm out.
  20. I played socom 4, that game threw away all the stealth from the original socom games... The whole game is either Leroy or cover fire.
  21. I found this, and I was liek... WUT, I get it but c'mon XD. Isn't this ridiculous etsian? It's almost racial to absolians...
  22. YEAH! IS THAT ALL YOU GOT!? ETESIAN? (Sorry no super saiyan absol vids)
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