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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Yep. Nothing like dumping water on yourself and then paying to an organization just because some dude said so. Oops, I mean... "Nominated you" Did you not even shutter at the cold water? (Lulz I didn't, proof in the what do you look like section)
  2. (You did not just say that...) Marill?... (Is that what a "cute" looks like?)
  3. I hate all jokes. Buh dum shish Did I dare you to listen to my video in my sig with volume all the way up with headphones? No? Well that's insane! I just did...
  4. Super sand is a meme of "super saiyan" Geez zephyr people don't have their root tv shows anymore, just spongebob.
  5. ... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! *mega evolves* DANGIT. Rose am I a failure of a super sand?
  6. Is a horrible person that should go Marill Roll off a cliff for saying that.
  7. 360 noscopin mlg rpg-7 Ok I said that to sound cool when I have no idea wat dat is.
  8. My brother just started listening to a parody called we're miners and we know it. My reaction.... >.> NO NO NO! NO! NO!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! ITS TERRIBLE UGH! DIIEEEE MINECRAFT!!!! Ehem. Sorry for that outburst. It really was just... Oh god my ears...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Absol-lutelty awesome!

      >_> I have a strong hate for dat game. I'm literally yelling out loud because of this thriller parody he turned on... God my ears.

    3. Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Minecraft... It's just... OMFG HE TURNED ON THE THRILLER PARODY AGAIN!!!

      To me, minecraft is not fun, to easy, and boring. Stealth games are my favorites.

  9. Why hello friend, and welcome to the reborn community. Nice to meet you, my name's absol/jake and- WHITNEY!!!!!!! *remembers gym battle* You will pay for your crimes...!!! Ehem. Sorry for that. I'm generally a quiet person too, I hate inappropriate jokes, hugs, and miltank- I mean... Annoying anime. I have a dry sense of humor, somehow make others laugh, and a bad temper. Nice to see a new face around here.
  10. Basically. To Leroy in mgs, you gotta have the jump. GREAT COVER XD. And a good sense of Prediction, these guards will jump out and stab you before you can even get a shot off. The worst part about going like a Leroy in mgs is you're gonna die eventually.
  11. Mgs3 Graniny Gorki. Sneak in like usual... From there... LERRRRROOOOOOYYYYY! NNNNNJEKINNNSSSSS!
  12. Ah ah ah! Super saiyans : 3 Srsly Jericho can bears do dat? 0_0
  13. It's ok zeph. My signature shows what I do when people say things like that... WHOEVER SED DAT IDK COME SAY SORRU TO ZEPH!
  14. Guys from 6th grade up are dumb. The end. Children from 6th grade down are dumb The end. Girls and boys in the same room from 6th up is dumb The end. Don't put me in the same room as weird girls. I grow extremely angry with anything annoying quite quickly. The end. I hate societies ideas of what's cool, teaching us about computers over how to pummel someone in a football game. I would love to wrestle, you just can't gain any weight, Or else you get rekt. Just remember, the bigger they get, the less slippery you seem. Man I hate my school. They'd arrest me for wearing one of my keepsakes. *a 50 caliber ball point bullet* They don't pay enough attention outside of the office to notice people smoking. And they don't have any sort of fighting. Terrible. I'm super jealous... I don't care if it's you or Bruce lee, I'll take em on. I'm the most headstrong person you'd ever meet. This song... It's... The most inspirational thing I've ever heard in my entire life.
  15. No I won't and will not ever dance. Never. Ever. Nope. Oh wait you didn't call for me?... I see how it is. Rose... It's pummelin time.
  16. Born with it. Born to love it. The next person didn't take the ice bucket challenge.
  17. Well... After a long wait, I found something worth my time. I mean your time. This is my dad's channel he made years Ago, and since he's a parent, the name kinda makes sense : P. Dis... Is me... And a derpy challenge I didn't want. In case you can't hear. When my bro said he did it for fun I said I didn't... At the end I said... So can I punch you now? Because I wanna. It derped my voice, it's normally so much deeper XD.
  18. Lol, I'm gonna give my team an awesome name, and my partner is gonna be that kinda person that you wanna facepalm to everything they say. I'll be the best team meanies/ skull esc team EVAR! A preview of my team... For lolz.., A dark set of eyes appeared across the room. (???) "hand over your stuff and nobody gets hurt..." (Victim) "W-who are you?!" A large white paw with long black claws emerged from the shadows and the dark eyes squinted eerily. (???) "my name is ab-" Suddenly a small blue creature flung itself into the open (Marill) "MARILL!!!!" The paw retracted itself back and the eyes darted to the Marill. (Ab-) "Marill you fool! What have you done!?" (Marill) "oopsie! I goofed? Should we try again?" (Ab-) "yes......" The Marill steps back into the shadows while trying to look scary and the ab- clears it's throat. (Ab-) "ehem... Hand over everything you've got and nobody gets hu-?!" The two noticed their victim had already walked away... The thief showed itself to be absol, Marill at his side. Absol simply facepalmed and walked away with Marill in tow.
  19. Ye. Wow it's been an hour and I'm still an ace member. MILESTONE!!! Rose come slow clap with me
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