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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Or don't guess me that's ok. I actually have stuff I can give ya xD. Fork-nal Fork-tums... You name it I got it! Need any mikzal?
  2. Thanks for lightening things up things up friend. That's actually quite useful.
  3. Great news! I hope the new fairy leader gets rekt!
  4. Dis is gr8! Just remember. UGH HMS!! UGHHHH!!! Get an Hm pokemon for stuff like dat. Liek poocheyena for your rock smashing and cutting... Marill for your surfing, water falling, strengthing etc... You posses a slight ground weakness but no matter. Make sure to teach Greninja dark pulse if at all possible. Teach gengar a status move such as toxic. Crobat looks good. Arcanine... The strength and rock smash Hm are technically ok coverage, plus the defense lowerage of rock smash. You can keep that if you want... Tyrantrum is simply great with the head smash. Metagross is good. And your rotations are pretty good. This team is good for your in game needs, try to get a sweeper though. Like, swords dance then dragon claw idk. Those will help. Metagross is a fine tank, good choice! This team looks good, I won't judge you for the basic flaws, since those are simple fixes. Nice work!
  5. Well. That's was a quick choice you made. I never get welcomes... ~_~
  6. What. Just. Happened. Rose help... My head hurts.
  7. "But..." Then my brain exploded and I yelled, flipped a table, and learned I have to follow stricter rules. WORTH IT!
  8. ... ... ... *flips reborn community table* SCREW DIS! IM BUYIN IT!
  9. ... ... ... What kind of little kiddie do you take me for... Is this bloody worth my time or not?
  10. For some reason I suddenly feel like I'm not getting any help from anyone so far, I mean I know reborn is a insane asylum but come on guys... I don't wanna waste my time yelling ur stupid dun not get ace member... Or be closer knit to any crazy people... Is there really any good thing to throwing all my rupees down the hole?
  11. Is it worth it and what does it add? It's expensive, and I'm not made of rupees. Should I buy it or not?
  12. ...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Magus


      So much life changing philosophy in this status update, worthy of the great Red himself.

    3. Rawr-Ma-Ama
    4. Arkhi
  13. No, just Marill- I mean absol! Uhhh.... Uhmm... I can't guess anyone... Uhh... Ame!
  14. Now, something I learned. Hysterical strength Adrenaline is our basic power up, it allows us to use more and more oxygen the more we have, and hardens our muscles to increase strength greatly, now something you might've not known, is the fact that with enough adrenaline, and a strong scenario, such as your child trapped under a car, you can gain so much strength from the rush at that given moment that you can lift that car off given person. Another odd strength fact Yelling does make you stronger. It's a proven fact that grunting, screaming, and producing any loud sound of rage will raise your adrenaline levels so high, that you can accomplish some pretty amazing feats in this hyped up state.
  15. Basically, post any ridiculous science fact you know here... These can include anything from how a single cell can do something crazy, to how a single tick almost killed all humans in Europe.
  16. You don't say... Seeing as the average boss can 1hko EVERYTHING ON YOUR TEAM! And then fern uses fury swipes... Ugh god.
  17. ... I get to do football, and wrestle with my dad who cheats with his godd*** police and military techniques... Great exercise, and really pushes my limits but oh god my neck and arms hurt so bad after all that. Everyone... I have bad news... I've watched an anime episode... (This is my reaction, except I got a drink of water and tried to forget what I saw) Aerobics=stretching lulz
  18. Maybe my team could be the rogue type of team, kinda like team meanies, but not getting chased by the law xD.
  19. So instead of pairin us up, you throw us into the pit of finding a partner...? Err... I guess a Marill/gible partner is in order...
  20. Never ask me this ever again. EVAR! Would you like to switch genders? Reason?
  21. One day. I will post a picture. Until then, I'm outta dis place.
  22. Nope, not planning on hazin one. But if I do, I can officially sing... I gotsa a tumblr! A tumblr! Favorite pokemon tree with three evolutions? *cough *cough MARILL! *cough*
  23. Ooh I went through New Orleans, fun I guess lol. Ummm... What?... I mean... When it rains... I do normal things that I do. Including... Planning the destruction of reborn. Uhh... Trying to cover up my love for the Marill family. And trolling you rose : 3 So... Your favorite d***, it's hot out activities?
  24. Nope. Gonna get Marill- I MEAN ABSOL ROLLED! Bearicho, come cover up that I like the marill family of pokemon.
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