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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. God I thought Flo-Bot was annoying when I came across her.. Now we get this fun field of sadistic hatred. I swear I will literally have Espurr eyes if I hate the way this sounds anymore than I already do.
  2. This is the most Slavic anime in history
  3. Me First. Period. Try to touch me, and I swear I will punch you with your own move. and I can say "first" (outside of YouTube) after I do so. I will gain haters in seconds. Freaking seconds.
  4. raising a Pokemon is almost like riding a bicycle, but in reborn for every new one you train you have to ride an extra bicycle simultaneously

    1. Garnet.


      this is the best status on this fucking website LOL

  5. TIL that there is irony in quite literally everything, comparable to how I'm saying I learned something, and yet I don't think I have a brain to learn with ;-; ... Yes I'm thinking of you, teacher who called me down to the AP office for my hardly noticeable facial hair as I stared directly at your full beard.
  6. I guess you could say Jigglypuff's character really puts people to sleep (it's ok I'll jump off a cliff later for this) I suppose Kirby could go at it with jiggles until he finally stops missing Sing (how do you even...?) I'm sure the emotional critical hit on Kirby from waking up with stuff drawn all over his face would at least slow him down a little bit, XD. If Kirby can swallow Jigglypuff's microphone though (likely his first move) it's all over.
  7. I still remember watching that Kirby vs Buu fight and wondering what the hell I just saw, seeing as when buu got angry at people he literally just turned them into candy, and that savage son of a gun ate them without a second thought. I don't think that hairless jigglypuff could dodge that. Speaking of Jigglypuff, does anyone actually want to attempt any thought on a Kirby vs Jigglypuff? I think this fight is at least somewhat more fair to some extent than the one against Buu in terms of zero bias and all things considered. Jigglypuff is going to draw a certain part of a male when he catches Kirby sleeping if he wins this one, 10/10 ending I dare say.
  8. This guy and I had the same thing in mind man, I knew rowlet was gonna become Kapeora Gaebora. He's gonna give us advice, and use sky drop on link when he needs to go somewhere. Anybody else suspicious of popplio turning into some kind of actual sea "lion" esc monstrosity that embodies all of its anger toward us? Because boy oh boy, all popplio haters have a real Leviathan coming for them if this guy is any good stat wise later on. Kinda like with magikarp. Make fun of him now, regret it too late when that sucker gets to around level 20. That's just my thought on it anyways. So, I know it probably has not been confirmed but do we have any sort of rough estimate on the amount of Pokemon that will be added in this new game proposed to us? I plan to begin researching further into said matter if possible.
  9. Tfw dog is giving you puppy eyes, and really wants your piece of fish, which is your favorite kind of fish... I gave in. He stared too long.

  10. Guys I don't even know what to say, my status update for the shiny bidoof is still here, but I just found a shiny poocheyena

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AuthorReborn


      The difference there is that Physical Greninja is still decent because it's Greninja, where as Mightyena has 60 base attack.

    3. Wendel


      Bibs pls, Pooch>Bidoof

      Puppies are better than beavers :3

    4. Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Man you guys really know how to kill the vibe on a shiny capture huh

      I guess statistic failures of puppies aren't that good even if they sparkle like that stupid vampire from that dumb movie/novel series

  11. "I decidedly dislike popplio" ;-; I swear one day someone is going to make a moveset for whatever popplio's final evolution turns out to be, and it will terrorize every last one of us in competitive matches... Rowlet is competeting for my secondary pick with popplio. I don't know why, but I just feel like it's going to look like that owl from Zelda in its last evolution, guys. I wonder what all you could do with a fire/ground... It would need some serious water coverage though, or else popplio is going to come in and put litten out like a light with everyone who hated him watching.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Absol-lutelty awesome!

      ;-;... O-oh...

      I can finally say I have a shiny HM buddy...?

    3. Wendel


      That's the spirit! And Bibs would absolutely love you if you did that! :3

    4. Lugruf


      Or you can trade it for Munna. Maybe you get a shiny Munna

  14. Anybody else wanna see popplio vs the world? Because lemme tell you, that little guy has been put down enough to mass murder an entire army in seconds. In all seriousness however, anybody have an opinion on what would happen if Greninja got a little pissed off at Naruto? I know who would likely win that battle but cmon if you take the limits off the PP on that hydro pump... Hehe
  15. My man popplio is so lit he makes litten look like a... ... ... (Cmon I'm gonna lose them... *sweat drop) Like a water type!' *insert MLG edits here Honestly I would gladly, and I sincerely mean this, pick any of the starters. To be fair I could pick any of them and feel happy. I'm hoping rowlet ends up being a very fast and highly versatile physical attacker type of Pokemon... Maybe something like a more tactical braviary if I dare say, I'm tired personally of grass types being looked at like only tanks as well! Serperior was beastly with that hidden ability and leaf storm and a little leech seed or giga drain thrown in, and maybe a dragon tail to cover its weak spots and use its fair speed to its advantage! Mega absol though. Guys. Don't ask my opinion on mega absol -.-. It looks nice (wish it could be a little different, but... Cmon!! Like invest all those mega evolution stat boosts into speed!!! I hated how it wasn't primarily a speed boost with a bit of a few boosts here and there in stats, attack, and maybe a few into defense with no special attack boost) I think litten is going to be my primary choice... Just no fire/fighting or I'm gonna need someone to cry on... Wait I never said "cry" ignore that. Rowlet is going to be anther favorite for me if it's finally a truly physical attacking grass type with some serious potential. Popplio? I'm actually good with him. I think he looks pretty awesome in my opinion, and anybody who wants to make sea lion mukluk from him needs to reconsider. I cannot wait for these new games to come out so we can get a look at the starters and their defined types and move pools! Don't worry popplio, I can help you in your pursuit of revenge against all who look down on you (WHOOOOO)
  16. So we have here everyone, the lost brother of Winnie the Pooh, except he head bangs in his free time and looks like he's about to snap if one more person even dares comment on him eating too much- Hey guys I just heard something banging on my door... ._. GUYS HELP I THINK MUNCHLAX IS ON ME LIKE AN ESPURR RETURNING TO A WAR
  17. Regarding the battle frontier, I freaking missed that from back in my days of playing my first Pokemon game ever, Pokemon Emerald. I'm getting kind of tired of the lack of challenge in the newer games and it almost makes me wish they had a difficulty setting for when you started a new game or SOMETHING... It makes me wanna go back and play black and white 2 on hard mode! I still remember getting my butt kicked by the elite 4 as a kid in Emerald and even now I wish the game was a tad bit more difficult, especially when I pick back up the old cartridge and play it again... ... Wattson you son of a gun with your freaking magneton -.- On topic though, as more leaks and little ideas pop up, is anyone here actually going for the popplio or is all of reborn lit? ... And don't get me started with that rowlet man, rufflet is gonna be on him like Hillary was on trump a few days ago with the stupid political attack videos.
  18. Seeing this, I feel like this game is just trying to create a greater grudge against all fairy types for me... I am not this far yet to experience this, but when I do I will finally cure my thirst for revenge!! (And get wrecked a few times because I'm a dark type loving son of a gun) That florges is gonna be looking like skull face when I'm done with it, and when I show up to fight it I can just imagine it saying "such a lust for revenge? WHOOOO" the moment it sees me.
  19. Am I the only one around here who gets bored and just feels like saying, "f*ck it" and staring at guns online and playing around with an old folding knife? I can't be this antisocial come on guys.

    1. dragoniteborntacoz


      well im not into weapons so i dont do that

      but i will just end up spinning in a chair for a few minutes

    2. Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Absol-lutelty awesome!

      XD I've done that when I get bored of homework

  20. I just got the espurr from the sketchy house and it is described as "has a quick temper"... HELP ._.

    1. KingRyan


      you're fucked

  21. Yeah! I heard about those records and I could totally believe it after playing it myself Don't you get me started with FOXDIE... The only thing that could kill liquid, and later on ocelot faked that crap and proceeded to run like a girl. XD Tfw getting a haircut so you don't look like liquid snake anymore
  22. Oh thank gosh I'm still racing for 100 problems though!! Problem 3: when you can't eat any more steak and come back to Reborn not having an extra character for Cheeki Breeki
  23. never mind! I have a plan, and this can be converted to not trouble any mods Let's do what I edited into the original post... The race to 100 problems Problem 2: I swear I'm an idiot and I just can't fix it
  24. Ok here's an idea, post something you have a real beef with. For example, This right here. I cannot complete this legendary phrase... I know there is no fix, but I call for a revolution. A cheeki breeki one. Dang it hold up I have to resize the photo!... YEAH! See that? Let's try to get to 100 problems as fast as possible
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