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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Nope. I refuse to lose to that excuse of an excuse of a meme... I will sucker punch it when it is at its least expecting moment... Person. I NU A CHILD >:U I will punch all animes if you say that again.
  2. *Doge faces for a split second* Wow. Annoying anime lovers gettin rekt.
  3. 5.9 and a quarter ish. Will the absol army defeat that stupid xatu?
  4. ... *slow claps* NEXT >:U So an Absol...
  5. Mega evolves *troll face* *sucker punches EVERYONE but k_h* Screw off Cya. I'm not eating anything that looks like a squabbling idiot today. Or... Uhh... Ever.
  6. No, my next door neighbors are just older people. Spying on them is pointless. However there are suspected dope men creepin round here. Keep your guns close everyone... The next person owns at least 4 guns #ihatethesebut#twin...sies... >.< (dies)
  7. What has happened to this community. Am I the only sane person left?
  8. Everyone here but Jericho is on the wrong list... Oh and shatteredskys too. I hate you all...mostly... Bunch a god forsaken rascals ;-; http://youtu.be/vodd6C5ryUU *sad sene ful uf cri* Jericho (oh and shatteredskys too) You're the only ones who still love me...
  9. Banned because Sabrina was too easy. Hey guys. Guess what? Absol.
  10. Confusion *punches self for no reason*
  11. *Appears on a cliff, throws off trench coat, and shoots everyone but vinny and sheep* You thought you could kill me?! *explains large patriot related survival story explaining that zephyr missed my vitals* For everyone that hates guns! (Rose I'm looking at you >.>) Do you see now rose?
  12. Oh sorry. Lemme help. *shoots rose and Jericho in the heart* *spins gun and holsters* Better? Vinny, let's hide these bodies before sheep comes to nibble on em.
  13. Lulz double ninja. Screw you sheep I will shoot every1 ded. YES! *whips out revolvers and shoots every1 while maniacally laughing* So... Uhh... Every1 is ded. So. Uh......... >.> if anyone is alive come here and just pretend that I didn't shoot you in the heart. (Rose :3 I OBVIOUSLY missed you on accident)
  14. Remember that time you slipped in the shower, did a barrel role, and landed completely fine somehow? Don't. Ask, >.>
  15. CONSPIRACY! The scarf Sheep stole was issued by the patriots in order to allow the patriots trade with absol for the scarf for ocelots bad*** revolvers, so he could return and shoot everyone. But it turned out that he couldn't because rose's scarf made a shield around everyone but absol so he couldn't shoot every1. But the patriots accidently gave me an anti-scarf-scarf. This would prevent the shield from working. Absol could never catch rose, so he had to resort to the gunz of the patriots. He shut down the shield and now absol COULD shoot every1! But it turned out vinny and absol were CIA and they had just trolled the patriots. Vinny, c'mon, to the fork mobile, one last time before Metal Absol VINNY 5 Comes out
  16. I'll take that. *punches zephyr and runs away with scarf* VINNY! WE HAVE TO ESCAPE IN THE FORK MOBILE!
  17. I'll save him from you *troll face* Mik, I'm giving out lolz, talk to me instead.
  18. Vinny, you're forgiven. Let us stab people with forks into the sunset. Anyways... miKzal... Better? See? It's right? Did you see that?
  19. Vinny and Rose are now on my WRONG -__- list. So... Mizkal... Wanna say hi?
  20. He died with raiden on a mission QQ. I knew I couldn've trusted that moron with my friend. Ark can you help me feel better? I need you to 1. Find and bury vinny 2. Burn raiden 3. Punch rose : 3
  21. Yep! Salty knives! For stabbing, with extra blood! Uhhh... >.> I done said nothin. Seriously though, I like salty things. I can eat a whole tablespoon of salt, and shrug.
  22. WRONG! You're now in my wrong list -__- List: Everyone in this game. But! Rose (ughhh why did she have to be here xD) Vinny (my brother, in mgs arms) Shatteredskys (finally somebody makes a good joke.) Not Jericho! I CHOSE YOU! Or... Something?
  23. sergeant absol says, SHUTUP AND DRIVE! Oops, wrong inspiration. Grass. Just... Uhhh... Your posts are bad! >:U and, I'm totally not planning to draw you out with this or anything! Because, uh! Writers block is for n00b3s! (I never get it >: 3) and... Uh... Ura... N00b3!!! HAHAHAHAHA >: 3
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