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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. ^ You expect me?! TO WALK AROUND GIVING JOLLY HUGS!? What is wrong with people these days, i don't need my heart to grow 3 sizes, I'd just become more angry and try harder to persistently have nothing to do with *COUGH* happiness. I wish every time I yelled gimme a wish I would get a wish. I would then wish that I would Step 1: have a wondrous place to lurk about to my liking that I could change on will. (Like the environmental pokeball theory except in a real place suited to my liking) Step 2: to have kinetic powers Step 3: wish to have sunglasses and a glass of orange soda. Step 4: wish to become an Azumarill. (Don't say BUT YOU HATE FAIRIES) Step 5: have an amazing life as a psychic azumarill with a great place to hang. Step 6: profit until the reborn community rises against me xD
  2. Nope, just this angry American leprechaun. Rose, I'm *cough cough cough* sor- *coughs wheezing* ry. If you *cough* come back I'll give you this wonderful *cough* heart *COUGH* shaped box of.. Cardboard! >: 3 Nobody realizes how hard it is for me to say this kind of stuff QQ.
  3. Sorry, didn't like them. Stabbing and screeching with no thought of a plot that makes any sense. However I'd love a movie in which i get to Burn. Kill. Destroy. Murder. Rip. Slash. Tear. Shoot. Blast. Crush. Explode. Throw. Beat. Slam. Smash. Whack. And Break Nurse Joy I mean... Umm... AME! Wait no what?! I mean umm... Apples! Yes apples!...
  4. I'm not a midget slave in a pillow case. And roses aren't pretty. The -__- is real. Vinny, I've not missed you. Please come back.
  5. No. Did you hate the new constant stream of dumb tv shows? I did. A lot.
  6. I don't get enough vacation. Haven't had one in a while compared to the average person. If visiting your grandmother's house for a month is vacation, then I'm a very lucky person. The next person hated zombie movies. I do. A lot.
  7. I'm strong. Have better fighting talent than the average person. I'm sneaky xD. And I have the strange ability to understand people's emotions by looking at their eyes. Make use of them? Are you insane? I'm watching a Jack Black movie, sorry. Reminds me, did you hate frozen? I did. A lot.
  8. Stay confused. That dude with that weird mask on his avatar who's name I can't even remember.
  9. Nope, can't afford it. The next person is not a moron.
  10. (Banana you're a mother?! !!! Continue with bananas question next person)
  11. Death. Burn. Die. Kill. Destroy. Murder. Rip. Slash. Tear. Shoot. Blast. Crush. Explode. Throw. Beat. Slam. Smash. Whack. Break. Yeah you see where my interest in them lies. Is it normal for people my age to think these things?... Do you like mudkipz honest to god?
  12. 9/10 Not enough absols but it's cool as usual.
  13. Wow it's like you people don't know me at all. The next person hates anime with a passion >: U (I do, I find it very annoying)
  14. No. Thanks is about it. Somebody told me I defied death once, but that didn't make me feel better. What do you think schools should really be like?
  15. I'm still here woman -.- *night slashes* I'm king.
  16. When ignorant people strike -.- Example: You're in an arcade, and made a new friend with some younger kid. He decides to play that rigged crane game, and he struggles. You ask if he would like help, and he says yes. As you move the crane about, your new friend's mom comes out of nowhere and says "don't take advantage of children just because they're younger! Creep!" And before you, or your friend can even explain what happened, she's left, believing she's right. Scenarios like these piss me off beyond belief. Ignorant people really know how to get on my nerves. As for the questions... What is the worst pokemon in existence in terms of metagame, and resourcefulness, and why? P.s. Don't say magikarp or feebas, they wreck teams alone -.-
  17. Course not, Pineapple, my brother are your folk, come here and I'll tell you all about it -.-
  18. Hey I'm desperate here... Nvm I guess I'll just request a lock...
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