God dang the gts, does anybody have a mawile safari? For god sakes...
(I hope to god one of you have one. I'm searching for sheer force mawile. Sorry if I'm being an A*s today. I'm pretty pissed off)
*mega evolves and flings myself at Notus with sucker punch ready*
"You guys! Quit being silly!"
*drops a forested mountainous background at night on the top of the hill*
"This is more like it!"
I can't get sheer force mawile, no matter how hard I try. Gts sucks, plz someone exchange favs with me if you have a mawile safari.
Mine: 356620437794
Hurry plz!
Flamion, medium rare, in the primest form possible, I swear I'd never eaten a better meal in my whole life.
What pokemon type do you hate most?
(My answer must be placed...
*jumps in a bush and scopes out teh sylveon with binoculars*
"There you are you ugly son of a..."
*sneaks around sylveon through the brush, then creeps out into the open behind rose very slowly...*
"God what happened xD, it felt like a bunch of bats were cramping my style... Anyways we're kings again!!!
Or not...
Hmmm... "
*mega evolves and sucker punches*
"I get the feeling that won't do anything...."
"A gift? What is--- OH GOD!!!!!" *a rumble is heard from the rubble* "FOCUS SASH B*TCH!!!!!"
*uses assurance to smack xerneas in the face*
"Now... There's no way I'll survive another moonblast... What to do...? Oh yeah..."
"Great plan xD
So now that Jericho, and probably, Rose are finished, what should we do???"
*puts on sunglasses while eating popcorn and drinking Capri Suns*
Victory dance!!!
Uhh... Well... Lets see... *grabs jericho's gun to attach to the magnet.
"This should work!"
*slashes the ball by the middle*
"Now if it's cut enough... Then this should work..."
*shoots up pokeball with jericho's gun*
*rose's magnet plucks the bullets out of midair*
*uses a dark pulse to blow the armor off*
*psycho cuts Jericho*
(Red and blue victory theme)
"Oh wait that's right..."
*turns to rose*
"Oh boy..."