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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. God dang the gts, does anybody have a mawile safari? For god sakes... (I hope to god one of you have one. I'm searching for sheer force mawile. Sorry if I'm being an A*s today. I'm pretty pissed off)
  2. *mega evolves and flings myself at Notus with sucker punch ready* "You guys! Quit being silly!" *drops a forested mountainous background at night on the top of the hill* "This is more like it!"
  3. I can't get sheer force mawile, no matter how hard I try. Gts sucks, plz someone exchange favs with me if you have a mawile safari. Mine: 356620437794 Hurry plz!
  4. Granted, but you always will wake up seconds after you doze off. Man, I wish I had a huge T.V.
  5. Flamion, medium rare, in the primest form possible, I swear I'd never eaten a better meal in my whole life. What pokemon type do you hate most? (My answer must be placed... F*CKING FAIRIES!!!!!!!!)
  6. Nope, just an absol under your bed, how's it going everyone, this isn't awkward, I swear. Vinny, c'mere, I haven't talked to you in a while.
  7. Banned because I don't know what that is...
  8. "I didn't even get to throw a sucker punch... Victory!!!!" (We also didn't get caught this time xD)
  9. *immediatly backs away into the bush*
  10. "WHHHYYYYY!?!?" *jumps in a bush and scopes out teh sylveon with binoculars* "There you are you ugly son of a..." *sneaks around sylveon through the brush, then creeps out into the open behind rose very slowly...*
  11. "God what happened xD, it felt like a bunch of bats were cramping my style... Anyways we're kings again!!! Or not... Hmmm... " *mega evolves and sucker punches* "I get the feeling that won't do anything...."
  12. "A gift? What is--- OH GOD!!!!!" *a rumble is heard from the rubble* "FOCUS SASH B*TCH!!!!!" *uses assurance to smack xerneas in the face* "Now... There's no way I'll survive another moonblast... What to do...? Oh yeah..."
  13. Nope, but I can give you this Reaper Cloth Sorry, dusclops xP Vinny, you know you've missed me.
  14. "Great plan xD So now that Jericho, and probably, Rose are finished, what should we do???" *puts on sunglasses while eating popcorn and drinking Capri Suns* Victory dance!!!
  15. Uhh... Well... Lets see... *grabs jericho's gun to attach to the magnet. "This should work!" *slashes the ball by the middle* "Now if it's cut enough... Then this should work..." *shoots up pokeball with jericho's gun*
  16. *rose's magnet plucks the bullets out of midair* (xD) *uses a dark pulse to blow the armor off* *psycho cuts Jericho* (Red and blue victory theme) "Oh wait that's right..." *turns to rose* "Oh boy..."
  17. RESPECT THE POUCH B*TCH!!! *everything goes in reverse and I Sparta absol sorta kick thing* *eats some popcorn*
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