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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Thnx! The reason garchomp has hone claws is cuz Lets be honest Dragon rush misses a lot more than 75 percent of the time... Huge damage, and flinch chance. But ur right, I should get rid of stone edge for coverage... Poison jab seems good, but ice types? That's an issue... That's what stone edge was meant to deal with. Scizor has double hit because Technician increases it's power drastically plus a sdance on an already strong pokemon. I left a mega blastoise. A FREAKING MEGA BLASTOISE with one hp with that, I'm sorry if it's a bad idea, but I really thought it was... Btw, would the average earthquake at +2 knock out an ice type?...
  2. I've just begun competitive battling... It's scary, but I have a good win ratio. At the same time, some bad losses... Listen guys. I need serious help. Plz rate, and consider helping me edit, my team! Lead: t-tar Physical sweeper (nobody will give me t-tite QQ) Lead in with d dance, then jump into crunches, stone edges, and earthquakes. Just in case, I can switch into sand veil garchomp for a hone claws and psysical attack beat down, or mega evolve if I'm feeling ballsy. Support sweeper: Garchomp Perfect runner up with t-tar from my experience, I can use hone claws twice under the protection of sand veil, then beat down enemies with stone edges, earthquakes, and dragon rushes. Mega evo is for spare power. Mixed: Greninja Protean mixed speedy sweeper. I can switch with u turn into ferrothorn if things get ugly. Tank/wall/drainer: Ferrothorn Do I need to explain? Leftovers with stealth rocks, leech seed, toxic, and gyro ball. This guy takes hits liek a true mudkip and recovers too. Can switch into sweepers easy. Speedy anti fairy attacker. Technician scizor, we love him. He can mega evo, lead In with swords dance, then double hit, aerial ace, and bullet punch everything to death. Annoying murderer. Cursed body bannete. Prankster mega bannete with will o wisp, taunt, and sucker punch o' death. Or just not mega evolve and taunt and sucker punch. Please rate and help me with my team, no mean comments plz. I'm really new to this and don't have a clue what I'm doing.
  3. Watching the Eric Andre show... Three words What the fuck. Episode if u wanna see. "Scott porter"
  4. Demon strangely, mid flight stopped it's attack and barrel rolled directly at sakura's lower body while whisper began using taunt on char. None of his pokemon where obeying, maybe they just didn't like Grace that much... "What're you guys doing? You're just asking for it!" (Fitting theme here XF)
  5. ... So imma make another final draft now Normal battle theme NINJJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Serious battles Secret RP plot device battle thing for Jake you'll see way later Rival battle Wild battle Outside battle normal theme Outside battle serious theme (like being chased by team shadow serious) Outside battle funny moments/ ridiculous moments Done
  6. The quote... At the top... NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! STAHP... TROELING... MEHHH... If I have to then fine...
  7. Maybe I could power up punch and speed boost run blaziken then baton pass into garchomp for mega evolution ownage. But I could be wrong, is this a good idea grass? Or maybe I could run up swords dance? Or maybe flame charge?...
  8. I can't think of a legendary link. (If I get one) I've crossed out everything but mewtwo. I'm a little flustered by how hard of a choice this is. Grass, what baton passer do u recommend for my competitive team? (It's been a blast battling in the battle spot, I'm pretty good, but some people out there are better. I need help. Thanks for introducing me to this) Your experienced opinion is helpful too murdoc. I'm very new to this, but I clearly have potential. Btw murdoc, thnx for introducing me to steel types. I began to like them, then while biking in x and y I suddenly encountered a scyther. Scizor is just for me.
  9. Any suggestions for my team grass? I'm always ready. My newest teamember is swampert. So bye to lucario I guess.
  10. Belly drum + sitrus berry + some aqua jet or priority attack on adamant ev trained azumarrill. So... Many... OHKOS!!!! And yeah, azumarill and co are some badass tanks. I say f*ck eviolite. A floppy eared death rabbit with higher stats is more fun!
  11. Bellydrum combo, I has it. Just add azu to that marrill. My main weakness is fire. That's what lucario, ditto, and garchomp are for. And if I must mention another enemy.., FUCKING FARIES MAN! And that children, is why I carry scizor. Current T tar Garchomp Ferrotroll I mean thorn. Scizor Lucario All purpose ditto in case team sandstorm gets walled up.
  12. What I love mostly about competitive mega scizor is, a single turn of setup. Mega Technician swords dance buffed scizor is so cool XD. Team sandstorm is now this Ferroseed lead up drainer with stealth rocks, toxic, and payback in its arsenal. Tyranitar lead in tank to start the sandstorm chaos All but two of my pokemon then lead directly into the sandstorm assualt. Sand veiling, trolling, sand forcing tanks and sweepers. I have a single glass cannon for a bit extra power. However, I don't have a baton passer yet.
  13. XD Btw murdoc, 60 percent of the time I wrecked. I need to get a new pokemon of some sort... A substitute... Baton passer... Troll... YES! Minun+mega something special attack murderer. No... I must stick to a single style... Team sandstorm! XD The leader? Ditto! Man I make sense.
  14. Geez battle spot peeps spam hydro pumps. Currently t-tar sweeping. Epic win. They stood no chance. Another battle report... Sweeped 2 pokemon with 18 health left. This is hard XD
  15. This battle I'm having is just on the edge, it says Communicating, for liek, EVAR My wrathfull azumarill faints to rotom. Ferrothorn trolls rotom to shit. Heatran gets double team trolled and leech seeded. Tyranitar wrecks with earthquake, then owns gyrados with stone edge. Also now azumarill gets sitrus berry for immediate belly drum recovery It'd be nice if u mentored me tho.
  16. My ferrothorn is entirely set for trolling, I beat a heatran with it. But true, quagsire is evil. I changed my ferrothorn since last post a bit. Leech seed Toxic Stealth rock Double team (LMFAO) Leftovers
  17. Plz rate my team grass! 3 tanks 3 attackers Tyranitar enters with d dance (I still NEED tyranatite) Ferrothorn with big root leech seed and stealth rock Azumarill with setup sweep leftovers Garchomp mix with sandstorm FOR DOUBLE SAND POWERRRRRR!!!!! ( terry crews ) Chandelure of death high sp atck and spd Scizor technician s dance setup Also I'd love to exchange f codes Mines 3566-2043-7794 Safari: FUCKING FAIRY
  18. IKR. Grass, this may sound strange. But I saw you liked competitive battling. I suddenly remembered back in the day, pokemon emerald. My first pokemon game. Treeckos and torkoals... I never cared about natures or evs. I now see that the game isn't what it used to be, so I needed to step up to the challenge. I became a specific type master. I mastered the dark type entirely. Then in xy, the game stepped up again. I had to move along or get left behind. So I became a breeder and left behind my silly concept of a pure dark team. I decided it would be best for me to begin breeding these things called 6IVS. Once I understood EVS and IVS a little, I trained the right way. Finally while training one day, a pokemon trainer challenged me over wifi. We were both new. So we battled, and he defeated me. I was so disappointed in myself, I knew I just had to get better. From that day forward I'd slapped every bit of my attention into the perfect pokemon. I'd created the ultimate dragonite. Great ivs, great nature, wonderful evs... I wrecked a trainer I battled with it, and man did I love the feeling. But I still felt I was so disappointed in my skills, I had to get better. And when I saw competitive battling, it rooted all those memories. You've somehow inspired me to truly test myself in the online battles! And btw... Hp rock Contrary leaf storming serperior with modest nature. Gets freaking wrecked by scizor.
  19. "That florges has focus blast attack... Obviously a knockout... I need to think fast here... Whisper, use screech, Demon! Use this!" Jake threw a king's rock atop Demon's head. Whisper let loose a terrible scream at Sakura, making an attempt to weaken it. "Now use bite, and make sure it flinches, or I swear, we will get wrecked!" The houndour, feeling confident from the king's rock, lunged at Sakura baring its teeth, but instead of bite, his teeth lit aflame, he was using fire fang! "Demon!!! Come on! You're not listening to me!" (He's becoming more and more independent. His evolution is coming...) He remembered reading a textbook that verified that houndooms don't care about packs, and leave them to hunt entirely alone. They can be very hard to control.
  20. "Fine. Demon, Whisper, lets see what she's got..." The pokemon jumped with glee for some payback. They happily raced up to Jake, Demon, pouncing onto his shoulder, and Whisper glaring a horrid death stare at Grace from behind Jake's leg. "Ready when you are..."
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