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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. https://youtu.be/N0Dx7lcIuJg Yeah.. But it does explain a lot of big boss's absence.. I just wish they had gone into a more detailed explanation of what led to the creation of OUTER HEAVEN and how venom became that "demon" as time went on... I know they said the real big boss set solid up to kill Venom and was led to believe he was betrayed...
  2. I think it sealed up some of the cracks in the series with the cassette tapes and I saw what they were going for with the "less cutscenes and dialogue, more gameplay" thing... But that's what metal gear was famous for. Cutscenes and dialogue that told a beautiful story with a deeper theme for an everyday man... I suppose Kojima did take too long with the creation of the fox engine, so he was fired... I just wish perhaps konami would have let him finish his final masterpiece as it was hinted that this game was practically nothing compared to what Kojima dreamed of as a final product... Mgo3 had me crying though dammit. I never got the chance to experience mgo1 and saw a little of 2 on YouTube, and I can honestly say 3 for a first timer such as myself was enjoyable... However the lag and various other things have driven that opinion into the ground for me. But dammit you gotta love screwing around in Afghanistan with a Serval rifle with a red dot and a stupid goal to blow everything up in the least time possible.
  3. I found this picture of me that my dad had apparently taken a month or two ago and I honestly think I've reached the rank of the single most anti-photogenic son of a gun to ever walk the earth No I didn't abuse any substances, I may be dumb, but I'm not dumb enough to become temporarily furthered in my strong suit of being an idiot!
  4. something I always found at least borderline a good quality of my otherwise unhelpful and unneeded presence was my ability to help people when they really got down into the pits emotionally. It always cheered me up even if it was in the slightest to see someone saying "thank you" or "I appreciate that" when I did something... However that makes me sound selfish doesn't it? Well I suppose every rainbow ends somewhere.
  5. Ok guys I'm gonna lay this on you... Wait that sounds weird. Once this guy comes up to me and just randomly hugs me, ok? So I look at him for a second and kinda move the hell away, and ask him, "why did you just hug me?" And he says "why didn't you hug back?" Man you just ran up to another boy you barely even knew, and is known around the school for literally being killed from hugs, and hugged me, let alone the fact you are a boy, randomly hugging another boy that you barely know. I swear this guy was either high as all hell (wait isn't hell down low underground?) or he was just screwing with me. Another time I meet this guy who asks, "is air gas?" In the classroom, and all I can do is look at this poor guy and wonder, "Is he trying to just screw with the class for a laugh, or is he serious?" Poor guy... Was serious... I didn't even know what to say. Nobody did. In fact, the teacher ignored his question after about 10 seconds and just continued teaching.
  6. I thought I would come back to this after all the MGSV TPP stuff has been laid out in clear view... What are you guy's thoughts on the phantom pain and metal gear online?
  7. Oh none of you people could have guessed me to jump back in here Hm... Ok uh... Gyrados do you still live?
  8. Oh my god I'm still alive does anybody even remember me

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Absol-lutelty awesome!

      .,. Please don't kill me guys I promise I won't cause any trouble!!

      I gave you hell, Mael. I'm surprised you haven't done the above already. Sorry about that by the way!... (If it means anything anymore)

    3. Shing


      I have heard about you. But yeah good to hear from you despite you don't know me.

    4. Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Absol-lutelty awesome!

      You've heard about me? Gosh what am I the legendary fool of reborn?

  9. What if all Pokemon got their power from the dollar store
  10. Sorry I've been gone! Moving is rough work.. Alright so I'm here now though... Is grass here is the question... Any idea of if she's around?
  11. Phew man I've been gone a while, can someone play catchup with me? Hehe
  12. What if the fire nation was attacked. By jigglypuffs
  13. And Grass said "oh lord Jesus there's an exam!" But grass realized she had a bunch more exams and was like "I got roleplayidis! Ain't nobody got time for that!"
  14. What if rule 34 means if it exists, there's a photoshop of it.
  15. What if pidgey is falco. And according to wombo combo dat ain't falco.
  16. What if we all were dreaming, and Pokemon were real and life was fake.
  17. As Jake was calmly weeping, and when he had finally finished and realized just what Mark had done, he was determined. "I swear on my life Mark... When I find you... You traitor... I will *clenches fist in anger* get payback for this poor girl and any other of your victims! I swear... I'll avenge all of you poor people... One day, I will show Mark what I'm made of. I can't believe this whole time he was with the bad guys...I can't believe I /Was/ one of the bad guys myself... But my mind is clear. Mark will pay. My own mentor... And I must defeat him... But how... This will be a crazy hard task... But I must get vengeance for these-!" A roaring flame dashed past Jake's head leaving his speech dead in pieces on the ground and eyes as wide as donuts. He slowly turned to his Pokemon checking on them, and touching around his head to see if it was still there... "Well then wasn't Demon... Let's go check out who did that... I guess you guys could say I'm a... Hothead now huh?" All his Pokemon smirked and went with him down the hall following him as he pressed against cover. Suddenly he heard it. "Fury swipes on the girl." Jake immediately thought it was going to be Mark, having a flashback to what had happened earlier, and rushed the area in anger, coming around the corner, he saw a small girl, a sandslash, and a grunt... But it just didn't seem like Mark. (Mood swing to extremely serious) "Go, Whisper. Icy wind." The sneasel threw out a cold chill causing the sandslash to trip and slide, missing the girl just barely, with Jake approaching the grunt slowly with his hair down over his eyes and a hateful expression. "You people disgust me. I can't believe I was one of you once... Ruthless... RUTHLESS B*STARD! I should kill you... But I have boundaries unlike you." Whisper engaged the sandslash in battle, starting off with a straight fired ice beam directed right for the sandslash. Almost forgetting the girl behind him was there he spoke while pointing backwards. "You. Go. Now. I need time alone with this guy" Jake popped his knuckles and neck and got ready to attack the grunt while the Sneasel fought the Sandslash. Jake almost reached for his combat knife, but slowly let his hand off of it, and just assumed a grappling intended combat stance. "I bet you're too much a baby to throw a punch at me." He was waiting for an opportunity to grab his opponents arm and go from there.
  18. We can all chill out tactically on our tactical combat pillows eventually once grass is done and summer is on. Can't wait for these rps to pop again!
  19. Nice m8, I could swear I've written something just like this, and stored it in a poetry section of my notes.
  20. >tfw extremely creepy girl

    1. Maelstrom


      mighty judgmental today, aren't we?

  21. What if through the wormhole with palkia is confirmed?
  22. (Oops sorry honestly hadn't noticed the update) "I just HAD! To run my friggin mouth didn't I!" After a couple slashes and fierce attacks, the vespiqueen was beaten down. "Iced that sucker, let's keep going." As the group continued onward down the corridor until they found a set of stairs. "Nice! Let's go onward! Quick! I know we're getting close here..."
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