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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Well, we finally have something in common. Physics freaks. Believe me, that's a helluvah lot of force to hit a wall for a freaking snake...
  2. Quick attack= fast. I see your logic but if I can't dodge something moving at 350+ Meters per second, and then slamming its entire body at full force into it I could see a Dratini having trouble. If a shotgun that's slower than quick attack can throw a person to the ground. I'm sure something far larger than a bullet moving at around the same speed could do more. I know, trust me. I've watched it happen. Don't worry the dude is still alive. I didn't determine the damage. I just placed the attack. Tell me grass, before I continue to waste my day typing. Would you be convinced that your plan was going along swell if the person across from you was pissed? Probably not. Speed and weight determine power... Not the target... You learn a lot in the gun industry. Just tell me what to change and I'll look into it.. I can understand your 'character control thing' so I'll go change that. But you can't argue with giant doves flying at the speed of the average buckshot shotgun blast. XD
  3. I could tell a person wasn't convinced when their face is extremely pissed off. And like I explained after I edited. Small nearly weightless creature hit by an extreme force.
  4. It's not control. It's physical force. A small creature hit by an extremely fast force. It's like a man and a bullet. There will always be a force throwing them back. Then while this nearly weightless creature is in midair it is hit by something at another high speed at full force. It will go flying. And strategy. Of course.
  5. It's not power playing when it's strategy. I'm a witty person. You have to think harder. Please.
  6. "... That look on her face... She isn't convinced... Sheer! Protect! Feather! Hit Angel with quick attack!" Sheer deflected the poison jab and Feather slammed Angel in the face to stagger it. "Now! Desert came flying out of the ground and punched Angel in the back, sending it into the air. "Good work..."
  7. "Foolish girl, you say you're defensive and then attack first? What is wrong with you? I'm not Jake, I actually come into a battle with a real plan... Sheer, dazzling gleam to blow back the attacks to the best of your ability... while the enemy is blinded, Feather you do your thing..." The dazzling gleam set some of the leaves flying off course and Feather handled the rest with a gust. While the dazzling gleam was shining Mark gave a signal to Desert and the pokemon dug underground, he then proceeded to cover up the hole and disappeared. The dazzling gleam lifted and all that was left was two of Mark's pokemon. And it had iron head at the ready. Looking convincingly defeated, mark spoke. "How did you... Take out my Sandslash so fast...?" He put Desert's pokeball away to add to his act. He glanced over at Guardian, aware of it's coming attack. All he had to do was wait...
  8. He stepped out a of the crowd slowly arms behind his back. And he was doing a very slow clap. "Nice hustle... But this is how real men like Jake and I do it." He started doing some very familiar flips and tumbles. They were exactly like Jake's. They just looked far more experienced. "At least you'll be more fun than Jake was during basic training... Hopefully... That guy used to have as much personality as a dead fish before we changed him..." He continued to taunt her with spinning and juggling tricks before he tossed out his pokemon. "Desert! Sheer! Feather! Let's go!" He was 2 times as smug as Jake and his pokemon were modestly showing off. "I doubt you know what you're doing lady. I helped train Jake. If you thought he was bad you have another thing coming..." His voice was horrendously calm and he teased Grace in the same ways Jake would. "Now if that old hag over there would start the freakin' battle... I could actually show you how awesome I am" There was not a single bit of overconfidence in his voice. He knew what to do and how to do it. Then for some strange reason he tapped his ear and whispered something extremely quietly. ".......Jake....... This is Alpha.......... Come in Jake! This is Alpha. Don't forget the mission....." Jake was beyond confused and he looked about frantically for the source. "Now little lady, let's get started! Shall we?" His smugness was like beauty. It rung through the air like a crisp bell. (Battle theme! First 1:00 is the introduction (before battle) then all the rest is battle theme)
  9. Ohhhhh myyyy GAWWWDDD!!! I got caught... Again... Fffffffiiiinnnnneeee... *least effort sucker punch at a wall ever*
  10. *respawns* HEY! FISSURE IS INACURRATE! You got lucky this time...
  11. Well... This is a bomb shelter... Meaning it has anti-air, nuke, and ICBM capabilities... *fires a rocket straight into the ceiling* LOL, they never shelter these from the inside... *climbs out* NOTUS!!! NOTICE ME!!!
  12. You didn't actually expect to hold me forever right? A broken masterball is broken... And now Rose... I KEEL YOU! *stab* *Absol-Norris kicks Bruce* I think it's about time i got a pokeball resistant ballistic shield... *internetz* Wow, it'll be here in 3 days... I have to wait that long... I've discovered a new fear... M-M-M-MASTER BALLS! *hides in bomb shelter*
  13. Really? Is that so... So what gender do you think it is if we can't have the same gender pokemon...
  14. Gene is a badass, believe me. I kicked vamp's ass on Hard, but that's just cuz I was trolling him. Although the RAY did shrug off the missiles, it was only because Raiden shot at their extremely heavily armored cockpit area instead of the brain. Solidus however knew RAYs' blueprints, and he shot the fuck out of AI terminal From *thiiiiiiiisssssssssss* range... 5.7mm can do some real damage apparently... But believe me, watch the Gene battle, and you'll see my point.
  15. And believe me... When you fight the fury in HD... It's gonna be all liek... (Naked Snack) OMG THE GRAPHICS ARE SUPER HD SO I CAN'T SEE YOU SO EASILY IN THE DARK LIKE IN PS2!!! HOW!? (Dat Fury) Nanomachines, son. Btw who would win Gene or Vamp? Both are Absolute wizards with knives, Gene, a master of throwing knives and CQC along with his psychic mindfuck powers. Vs the troll of all Metal Gear Is it an immortal sonofabitch? No, it's a dickbag that everyone hates! No! ITS VAMP, THE INVINCIBLE TROLL! He is known for his mobility and resistance to death. He also trolled Jesus by walking on water. Both are athletic trolls with knives, Gene is just faster and can't jump everywhere... And he has mindfuck powers...
  16. *uses revive* K I'm better! And nobody thought to catch me too?! YES! YES! *Puts on an Absol-fitted cloak, and walks behind Notus* My old rival... Western Showdown time... *pulls out a single action army and unleashes 3 bullets into Notus, I then blow off the muzzle smoke and take over the hill* King!
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