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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. *accepts Tamer's application* K, you got the job... At McDonalds... BUM BUM BUHH!!! *tamer dies of embarrassment from having a good education and working at a food joint* King! : D
  2. Because the patriots made us, they made this topic and disguised themselves as some reborn member... They used this hill, bribery... Propaganda... They just wanted us to play their pointless game.. But they need to learn that soldiers aren't tools... And now we must show that by drinking various delicious beverages that go good with cookie snacks...
  3. *hops out of a Blackhawk helicopter from about 20 feet through the chimney onto the floor* Ouch... Landing shock sucks... I hope I didn't make your tea spill, that was a sweet jump though... *takes off my sunglasses that display the ABSOLHOUND symbol across the sides epically* And by the way... I like Gulf style macadamia nut cookies... And sweet tea... *opens mission/survival pack, and pulls out a box a cookies and a canned glass of sweet tea, both of which are camo colored.* Nice day...
  4. Btw, remember, not everything sucks! Even tho u can't chokehold drag, and the action button is used for everything, you can upgrade you shiz! And btw... *metal gear army comes out of nowhere* Uhhh... The Boss did that!
  5. WOW Mgs3 in a nutshell! My fav part... AGGHHHHHHHH I GOT YOUR BANDANNA!!!
  6. BB! THE TRUE STORY! EPISODE 3! Sniper wolf all over again!, And the dickbag duel! (Liquid) FACK YOU TOO!!! BROTHA! HEY FROGZ!!! DO THAT THING WHERE YOU LITERALLY COME OUT OF NOWHERE! (Frogz) YES! We finally actually caught snack! (Snack) NUUU LIQUID! Wat is ur plan!? (Liquid) I'LL TELL YOU WHILE SHOCKING THE FUCK OUT OF YOU LIKE A TOTAL DICKFACE WITH YOUR OWN KNIFE IN YOUR SHOULDER! PATRIOTS! GW! AI! FUCK YOU! THE COLOR BLUE! (Snack) but... The patriots.. Liked the color yellow more! And we destroyed the fuck out of GW five years ago! (Liquid) PFFFTTT Raiden was gay and Emma was a flirt to you snack do you honestly think a worm cluster meant to shut down GW would destroy it?! *shocks Snack* (Snack) OWWW!!! I knew Emma was a fucktard, we should've let vamp choke her while standing on a narrow bridge! He would've died then! Right? (Liquid) *shocks* NO! *shocks* BROTHA! *shocks* DUH! *shocks* HE'S *shocks* A *shocks* NAOMI! *shocks* HACKING *shocks* DICK! *shocks* NOW FOR NO REASON! *shocks while holding him* BYE! (Snack) *sees Naomi on the boat* *flicks her off* Da fuk just happened? (Big mama) IDK! Let's just go. (Snack) GREAT PLAN! (Liquid) GO FROGZ! DRIVE THE BOAT AND LET'S ESCAPE COMPLETELY IGNORING THE PATROL BOATS NEXT TO US! (Marill) (Yes I know it's spelled Meryl Silverburg it's just a pokeman joke for her name) LIQUID SNACK STOP DAT BOAT! *liquid keeps driving* STAHP! *keeps driving* STAHHHHHPPPPP!!! *keeps driving* HEY PMC DUDES COME OUT OF NOWHERE NOW! *liek a gazillion PMCs* *liquid takes off sunglasses* MARILL DOES YOU LIEK TO PLAY ROCK PAPER SCISSORS WITH ME!? (Marill) HELL YEH! LET'S PLAY ROCK PAPER SCISSORS! (Liquid) K READY! ROCK! PAPER! GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS BITCHES! (Marill) *GASP* HE CHEATED! PMCs! FIRE! HEZA CHEATER!!!! (Liquid) LOL nope! *fingergun* BANG BANG BANG O WOW IMA CHUCK NORRIS BANG BANG BANG! *pmc's guns SOP lock* (Marill) NIGGA YOU CHEATED AGAIN?? (Liquid) Hell yes! NOW READY FOR THIS!? BANG! *everybody starts Getting SOP nanoraped* This gun of the patriot! IS ABOUT TO BECOME AN FNP90 OF THE PATRIOTS! BANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBANGWOWIMGOODATBEINGSUCHADICKBANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBNGBANGBANGBANGBANG! DEAD! *throws big boss's "body" @solidussnacklol (Big mama) NUUU MA BOI B.B.! (Liquid) HAHAHAHAHA!! (Vamp) Hey! I'm the dickface around here! (Liquid) shutup! I'm chuck Norris as an old stereotypical westerner! (Naomi) WAHHHHHHHHHH! (Snack) STOP CRYING BITCH! Mama! You ok? (Big mama) sorru snack, Ima be dead, shadows are dark, light is light, light erases shadows, you're a permanent shadow, why am I talking about basic physics? Go be a shadow snack, don't get totally derped up by Liquid's light! *DAH* (Snack) NUUU!!! I DON'T GET PHYSICS METAPHORS THAT INVOLVE ME!!! *A WILD DREBIN APPEARED!* (Drebin 666) HEYA SNACK MA NIGGUH! I LIKE COLA, MONKEYS ARE COOL, IM GOING TO BE A TOTAL DICKFACE FOR THE REST OF THE GAME! (Monkey) Yo, Yo, Yo, snack ma nigga hook me up with some smokes! (Drebin 666) SHUTUP! He's ma snack NIGGUH... MINE! *rips the knife out of snack's shoulder* (Snack) OWW BITCH! (Drebin 666) SHUTUP! It builds character! Bye! *drives off* (Otacon) HEY SNACK GET BACK TO THE NOMAD! IMMA SNEAK ON LIQUID'S BOAT! *on the Nomad* *watchin' mark.ll livestream* (Liquid) I ALWAYS LIKED WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION! I STOLE ONE! WE'RE GOIN TO ALASKA! (Naomi) KK! Shadow Moses is cool, let's go there of all places! *steps a step back and trips over the mk.ll and falls into the water* *the mk.ll suddenly comes to life* (Sudden mk.ll) YOU DESERVED THAT BITCH! (Vamp) Hey, this piece of shit sounds like that tickle me angry blacks dude I played with so many years ago... I better cut the footage that I somehow know is playing on in! (Otacon) Fuck, he broke it... (Snack) wow, so off to Shadow Moses? (Campbell) Hey snack, I'm just gonna call in at just the right time to say, Shadow Moses, Weapon, Liquid, go. Bye. (Snack) OKAY!!! LETSA GO! *at Shadow Moses* *starts having dreams* GAH! I was having those dreams of whenever I didn't have a detailed face again! *jumps out of heli and hurts back* AHHH BITCH! *holds back and starts rocking* SHHH... Ahhh... SHHH... Ahhhh... SHHH... Ahhh... K I'm better! BYE! *sneaks into Shadow Moses* HMM!!! BACK TO OTACON'S OFFICE TO OPEN THIS HUGE DOOR! *click* YEAH!!! And random Gekko... *electrifies floor* Got it! *runs back to huge door* Otacon! Open the-- HOLY SHIT RANDOM ELEVATOR GEKKO! *shoots* YEAH! You're still not done opening the door yet? Oh yeah it cutscenes to when you're done! *walks outside* LALALALALALLALALA! Oh shit sleeping gekko! WAIT NOPE THOSE ARE ALIVE BYE! *runs out to the field* AHHH, SO CLOSE TO REX! *random railgun* SHIT, FORTUNE HAS COME BACK TO GET ME! *tree falls and drops operator* FAK!! *grabs gun and shoots towards the woods* K so crying wolf? Hmm... *mosin nagant* *night vision* Too easy *shoots a bunch of times* HAHA! You suck! *loses beast form* (Crying Beauty* STOP! SHUTUP! OH GOD RANDOM WOLF! GO AWAY! I SNIPE JUST LIKE THAT OTHER WOLF DID! EXCEPT I DIE LIKE 10 TIMES FASTER! IMMA CHASE YOU NOW SNACK! *snack runs off into the blizzard where he can't even see wolf anymore, then hides in a barrel next to some other barrels* *crying wolf somehow finds snack* (Snack) WOW WTF HOW!? *random white world* Wow LSD land again... Oh it's you wolf lady!? SAIGA 12! bitchin' *shoots 3 times* (Snack) EASIEST BOSS EVER! Bye! *runs to REX* Fuck the railgun's gone! *random vamp, Naomi, and Raiden appear* *naomi begins rubbing vamp all sexy like* (Vamp) I'm gonna kill you cuz she said so! I'm sending in emo gekko to suicide all over you! They explode! LET'S FIGHT SNACK! *barrel roles into him then CQC stabs with syringe* (Snack) BITCH PLEASE! *random Raiden* Snack, you keep the emo gekko from suiciding while I fight dickbag! I mean vamp! *vamp throws knife* DEFLECT BITCH~ (Vamp) We're both Boy Scouts... Lets fight with butter knives... (Raiden) yeah sounds reasonable... *pulls out knives* FIGHT! *raiden* IMMA RUN AT YOU! *vamp* IMMA RUN AT YOU! CQC OWN! Wait wat!? *raiden* LOL I can officially cutscene own people! *raiden stabs and then slices through vamp* MEANWHILE (Snack) HA! So this is how it feels to be Fortune! *vamp turns around* *raiden* HA SHANK! *vamp* *SHOVES* OW I HAVE A BOO BOO NOW! *licks his knife* This is such a good idea! Knives taste great! *raiden gay poses* FAST CQC DUEL TIME! *start fast deflecting everything* *vamp* DAMMIT MY HAND! *raiden shoves him again* *strikes at vamp and misses then Vamp CQC owns Raiden* SHANK TO THE SHOULDER!!! *Raiden* AHH BITCH YOU PINNED MY ARMS TO MY BACK WITH KNIVES! AND THEN STABBED ME IN THE SHOULDER! YOU'RE SUCH A DICK! *raiden CQC owns Vamp... With his head* Ha bitch please! *rips knives out and then Vamp starts doing ballet* *dancing with the Vamps begins and he chooses Raiden as a partner* *raiden* You stabbed... MY HANDS AH BITCH *runs at him* NINJA KICK GO! *Vamp ballet dodges and kicks him in the ass* *raiden starts trying to punch him and Vamp continues dancing gayly* *finally raiden lands a hit* *raiden gets CQC owned again* DAMMIT ITS 3 ALL OVER AGAIN! *raiden stabs him in the foot* LOL! *vamp stabs him and throws his knives at raiden* *vamp and Raiden then begin CQC duels again and Raiden gets stabbed in the back* *slow mo* SON... OFA...VAMP...ISA...DICK...OWWWWWWW.... *slow mo for the rest of Vamp's CQC ownage* *vamp* HELL...YEAH...YOU... LIKE...THAT...BITCH!? *raiden gets stabbed everywhere and falls to the ground from the shoulder hit* ...RRRRRRRRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... *slowmo over* *vamp prepares to execute raiden* THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR KILLING ME SO MANY TIMES IN THE BIG SHELL! *raiden* BITCH HELL NAH! *ejects the knives into Vamp and stabs him with the HF blade* (Snack) *smiles* He finally killed dickbag... Part 5 coming soon!
  7. *radio contact* Notus, notice, that your ABSOLHOUND recon, stealth, sneaking unit is just sitting back here waiting for orders!
  8. Jake turned over to his new friend Aqua and gave him a quick tap "Hey Aqua, who's the little lady? Tahmi, was it? Is it just me or did Alina say that totally wrong? Maybe she isn't as awesome as I had believed... Especially when it comes to names..." You seen this... Tahmi before? She doesn't look anything like that mean old hag watching the two of them..."
  9. Liquids version... Rock! Paper! Guns of the patriots! Die! Vs normal Rock! Paper! Scissors! Shoot! Also I believe tonight shall be the night... Vs crying wolf... Then the Rex fight! YEAH! (Movie preview) Snake! Keep those gekkos from being emo and suiciding while i fight dickwad! Wait no, vamp! So... I see you're a Boy Scout too... Lets fight with butter knives Raiden!
  10. Also remember when Meryl had Liquid completely surrounded, then Liquid randomly decides to play Rock Paper Scissors with Meryl and he threw scissors then suddenly all their guns didn't work? I hate scissors from Liquid... Then he decides to go all Chuck Norris and finger guns of the Patriots everything...
  11. XD, of course it's stupid. It's the REAL story of the BB unit. Btw, further research. My theory was correct. The beauties nanomachines amplify their emotions at such a high rate it affects the area around them, they force this energy into snake upon physical contact, and try to prevent his escape using their strength amplifying cat suits to kill him as quickly as possible. Terrifying XD
  12. K I'll do a spoof of that for sure... But first... BB! THE TRUE STORY!!! PART 2! the tale of Solid Snack, and dah angry burd. (Big mama) SNACK! GET ON MA BIEK! (Snack) k... (Big mama) now hold onto me! (Snack) -__- I don't have time for this... (Big mama) here snack take this sub machine gun that you probably won't end up using the whole ride! (Snack) WOWOOOWWOWOW WAT!!? Y do I haz infinite ammo? (Big mama)...... Cuz.... Bikes??? (Snack) wait then where does it come fr--.... Never mind just drive! (Big mama) K! But first I'm gonna have tons of flashbacks and tell you stories you don't give a shit about while we have a minute before some Gekkos come! I only get off my bike if I fall in love... Or drop dead for some reason. I'm invincible in this part of the game. So that won't happen anyways, now that we've spent all this time talking about stuff you already are bored of hearing lets drive! *random Gekko* HOLLLLLLEHHHH BIG BOSS DATS A GEKKO! OTHER WAY! *random PMCS* WE'RE GONNA SHOOT AT YOU SNACK INSTEAD OF TRYING TO KILL THE TEMPORARILY INVINCIBLE LADY DRIVING THE BIKE INSTEAD! (Snack) COOL STORY! BEFORE YOU TELL IT AGAIN, YOU'D BETTER EAT THIS BUCKSHOT! *pmc head explodes* (Big mama) SNACK, LOOK OUT! I'M GOING TO SIT STILL WHILE THESE PMCS THAT I COULD JUST DRIVE PAST SHOOT AT YOU! (Snack) YEAH, SEEMS LEGIT MOM! *jumps over the PMC LAV In slow motion* (Snack) HELL... YEAH... BITCH... SLOW... MO!!! SO... I... HURD... U... LIEK... BUCKSHOT... IN... YOUR... ASS!!! *snack shoots some PCM in the ass while he's running* *slow mo ends* Pfftt... That was funny... Holy mother of Vamp's a dick! MORE GEKKO!!! (Big mama) SNACK! IMMA SIT STILL AGAIN WHILE THESE THINGS TRY TO CRUSH US!! (Snack) GREAT PLAN! *shotguns Gekkos to death* (Gekko) MOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! (Snack) Burn you stupid cow metal gear... Burn... *cutscenes* DAMMIT! And the fun was just beginning! THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE PART WHERE WE HAVE A TEA PARTY NEXT TO SOME BURNING COW ROBOTS!!! (Big mama) HOLY FACK IT'S FLYING BURD SHAPED ROBOTS SNACK! AND MOAR GEKKOS! I THINK IT WAS A GREAT PLAN TO TELL YOU STORIES WHILE THESE THINGS HUNTED US DOWN! (Snack) YEAH MORE GEKKO! *shoots it to death while laughing evilly* MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *explodes* Dammit mom! You lied to me! That barn house sound book you have me was a lie! *flashback to snack as a baby playing with some random barnhouse sound book with the chickens saying cluck, cows going moo, and dogs going bark* Now I see the truth... (Big mama) Well here snack, this is the updated version. *takes and opens and snack starts pushing all the sound buttons* (Snack) chicken goes cluck... Dog goes wolf... Cow goes RRRRRAAAAAWWWWRRRR! And the gekko goes moo... *looks up slowly from the book and burning gekko* But... What does the fox say? *suddenly the burning gekko, the other gekko, the raven troops, raging raven, snack, and big mama start dancing and ranting on asking questions about what foxes say* (Snack) WAIT!!! *everyone freezes* Isn't this that part of the cutscene were everything goes boom, the last van gets shot, and Big Mama miraculously manages to get the same wound she did like 40 years ago? (Big mama) Oh yeah... Well it was nice to meet you all! *everything explodes as the cutscene fast forwards* OMG I MANAGED TO GET STABBED IN THE SAME PLACE I DID 40 YEARS AGO!!! SNACK MA BOI! YOU MUST GO ON WITHOUT ME!!! (Snack) k, just take this random ak-102 and sit here quietly while I go upstairs in this cathedral to point guns at the walls and turn around to much! *does that* *wall randomly explodes* SERIOUSLY! I JUST WANTED TO POINT MY GUNS AT SHIT! (Raging raven) SNAAAAEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK! (Snack) It's snack... Solid snack... (RR) SNACK!! IM SO ANGRY! I WANNA SHOOT AT STUFF WITH GRENADES! AND YELL AT YOU TO MUCH! (Snack) oh shit, not this lady again... *fight starts* MUHAHAHAHAHHA SNACK! IM GOING TO FLY AROUND A AIMLESSLY SHOOT GRENADES WHILE YOU CANT HIT ME BECAUSE IM TO MUCH OF A PUSS TO FIGHT YOU UNTIL YOU REACH THE TOP OF THE STAIRS!!! (Snack) I'm getting to old for this... *climbs stairs* SNACK! I WILL LAUNCH GRENADES AT YOU WHILE A BUNCH OF UNMANNED WEAPONS FLY IN CIRCLES! I SCREAM SNAAAAEEEKKK TO OFTEN! FEEL MY RAGE!!! (Snack) oh yeah, I'm feeling it... *shoots her repeatedly with the mk.2 tranquilizer* Holy shit, how many of these can you take? (RR) Way to many! I'm a super overpowered boss!!! (Snack) gotcha... *pulls out saiga 12* Fine then... I'll play it this way... (RR) SNAAEEEKKK DO YOU FEEL DA ANGER?? I'M GOING TO FORCE YOU TO RAGE BY BLASTING EXPLOSIVES AT YOU WHILE IM JUST OUT OF YOUR REACH! (Snack) *gets hit with grenade and is sent flying, gets up slowly* grrrrrr... (RR) DOES YOU FEEL DAT RAGE? SOLID SNACK? (Snack) grrrrrrrr... You've been making people rage to much! and now.. I'm gonna put a stop to it... *starts breathing heavily* (RR) YES SNACK! FEEL THE RAGE!!! *snack's hair starts to glow gold...* (Snack) I... Am... A SUPER SNAKEYAIN! *goes ssj1* And now I'll have my revenge! KA, I HURD! ME, YOU LIEK, HA, BUCKSHOT! ME, TO DAH FACE! HAAAA, HUH BITCH!? *fires a blue beam of pure shotgun awesomeness* (RR) NO I AM DEFEAT! Or is I defeat? Solid snack? *goes beauty form* IMMA NOT ANGREH!! Ima scared! (Snack) *returns to normal* Wat? Hey cool ur Asian, why are you showing me your ass? (RR) *starts walking toward Snack* (Snack) Not dis shit again... *runs* *RR gives chase* C'MERE SNAEK! I'M SEXY AND YOU KNOW IT! (Snack) FUK OFF! *hides* Phew... She can't find me here *RR busts through the wall* WTF!? *RR grabs Snack* GAHHH UR TOUGHER TO GET OFF THAN LAUGHING BITCH!!! *throws* Fuck this I'm outta here! *suddenly goes weird white world* OHHH SHIT LSD WORLD AGAIN! Now for the ultimate weapon! *plays iPod music and RR starts dancing, then time runs out and she falls down while dancing LOL!* (Snack) Sorru mam... But dis snack... Is awesome and you're not... (RR) I'm sorry snack, I'm so sorry, but I must go now... Goodbye... *DAH* (Snack) .............. BIG MAMA U OK!? (Big mama) YEAH SNAKE! NOW WE GOTTA GO INTO THESE SEWERS! (Snack) OK! OMFG ITS LIQUID! HI LIQUID! (Liquid) HEYYYY SNACK, WANNA SMOKE!? (Big mama) OMG! BIG BOSS'S VAN EXPLODED NOO!!! AHHHHHH *falls over* (Liquid) LUL SNAKE *CQC owns him* WHEN IT COMES TO CQC IM JUST TO PRO! (Snack) *flips him off before pulling out knife* (Liquid) FACK YOU TO! BROTHA! Part 3! COMING SOON!
  13. KK... *walks into castle normally* LALALALALALLALALA.... OMFG IT'S SOME DUDE SPYING IN A HEADBAND!!! RADIO I NEED BACKUP!!' LOL OK SENDIN' BACKUP ABSOL! *random assault team appears and aims guns at Tamer* NUU... Dun't shuut bois... ITS MA BRO TAMER! Man... I didn't wanna feel like I betrayed you... I tried to take the peace walk... I'm sorry bra... Are we still frends *TOETAL QQ*
  14. The lack of FPS is truly a horrid loss. However it is replaced with a very mgs 4 like third person aiming, consisting of a detailed reticle and aiming. Besides that... And just thinking about 4... BB unit... THE TRUE STORY!!! Tale 1: Laughing Octopus. (Octopus) MUHAHAHAHAHHA SOLID SNACK! I HAZ U NOW, ILL SEND IN A BUNCH OF FAILURE SOLGERS CALLED FROGS TO KILL U WHILE YOU'RE HAVING A CONVO WITH NAOMI!!! (Frogz) OMFG BRA WHERE'S SNACK?! (Snack) *troll face* *mg.mk ll* (Frogz) OH NO WE GOT OWNED BY SOMETHING HAL AND A LITTLE GIRL NAMED SUNNY MADE!!! (Octopus) OMFG REALLY?! FINE I'LL LAUGH TERRIFYINGLY WHILE FLOPPING AROUND WHILE USING TOTAL HAX STEALTH CAMO. (Snack) LUL solid eye NV... *blasts her in the face with Saiga 12* (Octopus) OMFG REALLY!? FINE I'LL TRY TO SHOOT YOU WHILE HANGING ON A CEILING!!! (Snack) *troll face* lol nope! *saiga 12 to the face* (Octopus) FAK U SOLID SNACK! I BETTER BALL UP, SPRAY INK EVERYWHERE, SHOOT LITTLE DRONES THAT TAKE NOTHING TO KILL, AND LAUGH SOME MORE! (Snack) lolwut, k... *walkin' around then sees an unusually large mg.mk ll* (Abnormally large mk.ll) HEYA SNACK C'MERE!!! (Snack) PFFTT I see those mines in front of you abnormally large stupid fake robot made by Hal and some gurl named Sunny! (Octopus) DAMMIT! I BETTER ROLE AT YOU IN A BALL!!! (Snack) LUL imma just stand on this bed... (Octopus) HAHAHA I LIKE LAUGHING MY PLAN WAS PERFECT TO ROLE AT A BED! *eats saiga 12 to the face* NUUUU I LOSE!!! Or is I lose??? *becomes laughing beauty* HAHAHA IM SEXIER AND LAUGH MORE! FEAR ME SOLID SNACK!!! (Snack) LUL whatever! *gets grabbed* PFFFTTT ur not that sexy bitch... OMG YOU'RE CHOKING ME AND SHIT... GET OFF! (My theory is that the energy around them not only crushes Snake's psyche, but it was proven in text that their suits increase their strength a ridiculous amount. Allowing them to choke Snake out while they hold him down) *snack runs away* (Octopus) *runs faster* C'MERE I JUST WANNA HUG!!! *goes to weird white world* (Snack) LOLWUT... *puts on iPod music and octopus starts dancing* PFFT WAT... *aims camera at her and she poses* PPFFFFFFFFTTTT WATTTTT... *time runs out* NUUU YOU DEFEAT ME SNACK!!! *DAH* (die In weird language* (Snack) Wow! Part 2 coming soon...
  15. Just remember, your R&D team can improve your sound compass. Or just produce something new all together. For example, I use the "Sonic Eye" Instead of the sound compass most of the time. It only works while laying down or flattening against a wall, but then displays sound sources ranging from very close to extremely far away by showing a pulsating block. The things I hate about peace walker. You can't move while choking peeps... However... You can chain CQC attacks, and use your environment to your advantage. For example... Throwing a guy as hard as you can into a brick wall by using a backwards throw doesn't sound like a bad idea... At all... You can't crawl this time around... But you can crouch walk like in 4. 4's Psyche Gauge returns. You can't find suppressors in the field like in 3... Once your suppressor breaks, you're screwed for the rest of the level... No FPS... Things I like! Many of 3's, and Big Boss's mechanics return. You work in many different environments that require camo changes. The "stun rod" is a direct mod at 4. Just like the stun knife it can deliver a horrifically strong shock. Hard game. No radar like 3. Enemies are very hard to spot.
  16. Tamer thinks I betrayed him... I only wanted to create a peace between our enemies. Guess it didn't work... So uhhh... We're allied... So why do we need this vacuum cleaner?
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