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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Play 2 first, then Peace walker, then the hell out of 3. Or peace walker then 2 then 3 Since you're unfamiliar with peace walker, you get to choose between 3 different controller modes in peace walker, If you are familiar with 4's playing controls, use the shooter type. If you're familiar with mgs1, 2, and 3's controls, use the action type, If you're familiar with the monster hunter games, use the hunter type. In Peace walker, you have to establish the MSF motherbase, the dream of The Boss, and control an army, however it's not simple. You must assign people you find, capture, or free, to jobs in MSF, Like the combat unit, research and development team, mess hall, and various other requirements. You don't just find weapons lying around in levels, you actually have to assign people to the R&D team to fix, improve, or create all your stuff. You can also capture other enemies vehicles and such. With the mess hall team, your unit's moral will decrease, making their performance frailer, and frailer. Meaning you have to make food for them. You mess hall team will handle that. Combat team is self-explanatory. Medical team, heals peeps who fall ill... Etc, etc, etc Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it all... Big Boss returns with his 2 very famous weapons in his arsenal. The m16a1, and the MK22 mod 0 hush puppy tranquilizer gun. Then you must find, or build weapons yourself. Good luck, and things will play out themselves, you'll easily understand. However things have changed... Slightly... I can't seem to get into first person, the game seems to be in mainly third person. CQC has been GREATLY improved in Peace Walker. CQC can easily be more useful in peace walker than a gun. Use it as much as possible. The radio backup mechanic is still in. The soliton radar has been replaced with a sound detector, essentially acting as a compass, and a very short range radar. Good luck.
  2. *drops down from a HALO jump* (MSF general) "Absol, your mission, now that you've successfully landed on top of the castle, is to blow it up for absol-lutelty no reason, we already have a motherbase but we need this hill anyways, we've lost to many men fighting for it. Make sure you take Notus and Rose with the castle! You've been equipped with a M9 tranquilizer, plenty of explosives, and our famous recovery system, however we'll be bringing them to the terrorists at the Big Shell as hostages instead of bringing them to MSF headquarters. Good luck, over and out." *TOTAL stealth pro walks into the chamber and just like Fatman, places c4 in the most random places, then I tranq rose, and use the Fulton system to recover her to the escort chopper that dropped me off. I cover the rest of the castle in c4 in horrible places, and then I find Notus and his Jirachi at the top of the tower, a little bit to close for comfort from my Insertion point. I tranq Notus (and if you don't know how Absol's use guns, we use our mouths and tongues... Or our paws. Duh.) Then as Jirachi goes over to inspect, I attack it with a night slash sending it to the floor dazed, I proceed to tranq it right between the eyes, and I use the Fulton recovery to get them out, I proceed to talk on the radio with the MSF general* "General, start operation "fake out" " "Acknowledged! Starting the operation Absol!" *the MSF troops begin a very convincing retreat to our secret underground bunker near the hill* "General, am I cleared to commence?" "Yes, Absol, allow me to quickly consult Big Boss........ He says commence the final phase "big ass boom boom!" *i push the detonator setting the c4 off, destroying the castle and killing all of Notus and Rose's army, MSF proceeds to seal off the hill, giving us the win.* *meanwhile the terrorists at the Big Shell have received their new tied up hostages, Notus and Rose, Raiden is derping around the corners the whole time.* "Absol! Mission is a success" "Awesome, thanks General!" *pulls off my patch that signals my allegiance, showing an ABSOLHOUND symbol.* *then I proceed to secretly call 2 other people* "Yes, the missions succeeded... Of course the terrorists took the bait... Yes... Indeed... Thank you... President Johnson... (BUM BUM BUM!!!!!! ABSOLHOUND was sent by the president! And someone else asked for Absol...) "Hello, it's me Absol... Yes we have the hill ready for you... Of course I won't betray you sir... I PROMISE we will have peace... I appreciate it... Notus...... (BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUH DUDUDUDUDUHHHHHHHH!!!! I secretly did all this junk to trick the president into thinking I had captured N and R and handed them to the terrorists... However In the end, I captured the hill and secured it for Notus... As a cover story... And so we could attempt peaceful union... I can see it... NOTUSROSEVINNYTAMERABSOLHOUND... Is so close...
  3. But I didn't wish for anything! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!! I wish there was mgs hd collection 2!
  4. YES! Les Absols Terribles was a success! You just shredded Solid Absol! *uses Absol Magic : D* SHUBUBBUNUN!!!!!!! Uhhh!!! *dome disappears* Now I'll shred you crazy lady! *slash* King! Now to go and deal with all this junk Rose has in place...
  5. Pliskin is my fav character oddly enough XD. Dude, by HD, I don't mean crappy barely any difference, I mean like, GOOD HD, like the modern one, as if the game were brand new for the xbox 1 or play station 4. The Ocelot duel in HD was amazing.
  6. Dude The HD looks SOOOOO good. They put so much effort into the recreation of some of their greatest titles. Mgs3 in HD ITS NOTHING LIKE PS2 VINNY! IT WAS HD!!! I cried beautiful tears of joy at how much the graphics had improved on all the games. Mgs2 HD Mgs3 HD Peace walker! HD!!! It was beautiful.... Everything was so clear... And so crisp... The fights were like nothing they were on ps2 so many years ago
  7. Ok! Now you can have all the time in the world!!! *freezes everything ever but Vinny, myself, and everyone in the Reborn community* Have fun!
  8. Hey look I'm at MSF mother base! THANKS ROSE!!! *grabs entire combat division and our metal gears* TROOPS! LETSA GO! *falls on top of Rose from a Hind-D* hello crazy lady, bye crazy lady! *msf troops pump Rose with lead from the Vulcan cannons on the Hind* *runs to Notus* here buddy! I found you a playmate! *throws The Fury at him* I hope you like burning to death while being hunted by a psychotic freak!!! IM BURGER KING OF THE HILL NOW!
  9. The fury, a dude who is obsessed with destruction after he had a traumatic experience upon returning from the moon landing, he saw the world engulfed with fire, and he went insane. He joined the Cobra Unit, armed with his flamethrower, jetpack, and his untamed rage. He likes fire too Ruby. Fire vs fire
  10. *falls down from the huge explosion Rose tried to kill me with earlier... Onto Rose's head...* Well that was easy! MSF FOREVER!
  11. I beat 3 and 2 I'm trying to beat Peace Walker They made it a considerably hard game.
  12. *walks up* HAY GURL!!! I just came to take the... Your hill?... *derps* NO! *hill explodes* I'm king of the flat Absol!
  13. Bro, you HAVE to get the HD collection... Mgs2 mgs3 and mgsPW in HD!
  14. Yeah, it's a cqc weapon, plus volgin is a dumbass to begin with
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