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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. -__- This is gonna be one long night If one of you asks if I need a hug then... Just don't glomp me grass....
  2. Now imagine that cutscene with Big Boss's fork strapped to his head instead, Vinny you are a genius Snake running through his mission... with a fork strapped to his head.... LOL
  3. Then that means... That solid snake and big boss would wear forks instead of bandanas... [according to solid snake wearing The Boss's bandana gives you infinite ammo] (Raiden) are you sure you have enough ammo? (Snake) of course I'm sure *points at bandana* infinite ammo.
  4. Sorry bro, unless you can kick out the entire MSF army and all our metal gears, you're pretty screwed on this one.
  5. What?... I was talking to Aqua... However since you are terrifying, and assisted Grass in glomping me, I'm not going to say anything.
  6. *slips and kicks Rose by accident while she's picking random dudes* (Family guy moment) MY KNEE!!! Sssss...ahhhhh...ssss...ahhhhh... Anyways... I'm gonna guess I'll take the hill off your hands... Sorry Rose. You go do your thing. TEAM METAL GEAR FOREVER!!! : D (Me, vinny, and legendary... Duh)
  7. But she wasn't killed until the end of the fight... So... I can't kill her with the fork or else Campbell will become the new annoying character... TIME PARADOX!!! ABSOL YOU IDIOT!
  8. He poked his new friends head a little bit "Aqua... Don't sleep just yet... This next one looks like it's gonna be interesting..."
  9. You kinda do have to read the chapters XD Sorru mam (spelled both wrong on purpose, this notice is for grammar nazis)
  10. I don't know what he's thinking, but Aqua and I had the best battle ever... And then it ended in a tie.
  11. I'm the guy who keeps getting asked if I need a hug all the time, (IM NOT EMO!!!!!!! XD) don't know what you're complaining about...
  12. Alice, a crazy guard who wants everyone as a friend, likes to burn things, annoys people, is apparently in Japanese trend, and has a crush on Aqua... I said it would be one hell of a day... Damn I'm good...
  13. Believe me, I only got in a shank, it was very hard to even get in close to hit her with anything However, someday, it WILL be done... The boss will fall to the fork...
  14. Every torture part of each game is a pain in the ass, in one, two, and four, they break your fingers... And in three you get your shit beaten out of you (unless you use Snake's secret torture resisting skill) and then you have to escape a base with almost no camo, very low health, an empty gun, and a fork... Three didn't break your fingers, but it sure did break your mind...
  15. 4 was unbelievable... It was almost funny when Snake met his "mom" EVA XD
  16. Peace walker wasn't my cup of tea, took out the element of total tool using... Since Vinny is just as familiar with Snake Eater as I am, he is aware that Big Boss was a master at using tools to his advantage, from simple motion detectors, to night vision goggles, he used everything. However in peace walker, you have a motion sensor that isn't always very helpful... And it just wasn't the same old mgs I knew, but it was a whole different series, Big Boss's legacy, and I REALLY liked some of the mechanics in Peace Walker... And it really told the story of Outer Heaven's development, the Boss's dream... Amazing title, not my favorite, but it was amazing.
  17. Rose, you're not nearly as bad as PP, so I'll just let you keep the hill! *runs away under a cardboard box*
  18. In Texas, it's not uncommon to come across enormous deer, venomous snakes, and of course, mountain lions. Bears aren't something uncommon here either, if you're not careful in Texan woods, you might be dead the next. A mountain lion's gonna be a lot stealthier than some tall kid walking down a trail... And they are known to kill silently by snapping necks 0_0 Of course if it came down to it, a good ol' stab in the eye would be the only way to take one down. Also since Texas allows firearms everywhere except for hospitals, stores, etc, it's not uncommon to find a person with a concealed firearm, and some of them are a lot more criminal than others... There's a reason I have more weapons in my house than I need, and a well placed shot with my Mom's Walther p22 should do just fine. Pedophiles are common Murders happen in Houston Drug addicts Etc... There's a reason my family sticks to suburbs over huge cities...
  19. Well, since the closest forest I'm around is absolutely huge, but also fenced off, I wouldn't go in there without a weapon. As soon as you identify a mountain lion track at your feet, you change. I've honestly trained myself. I have no training in any form of martial art. I have made my own fighting style. It's hard to explain. Besides that I can't really do much and my life is pretty restrained. If I could go out into the world more, go to the forest a lot more... Train in gun fighting... Maybe learn a real martial art (however I could kick ass easily with my own fighting style) It'd be nice if it wasn't all fake... School, more school... And the occasional paintball game... Something new would be nice.
  20. Wow nice hill bro, is PP still dealing with Ocelot?... Maybe she's just hiding behind a rock or Something XD
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