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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. THIS WAS THE ORIGINAL QOUTE Also when I asked you said "You can make as many as you want" So your forgot XD
  2. Zero is his nickname, Mark is his real name, grass do you won't me to go dig out that old post for Mark's entry?
  3. Wow wat, I know I had to be out the door and all as I typed out my post, but wow... I skimmed through a lot more than I though I did... Lemme fix that... I brought out zero (mark) a while ago and have a full description and even asked if it was ok, then earlier I said it was a good time to introduce my second character, either you didn't see the whole second character entry or you might have missed it I'll go find it and repost, and maybe, now that I'm back at my house, read your whole post instead of skimming real quickly, and fixing my post.
  4. As Jake reached the Academy with his new Zorua hanging around him intently, he opened the doors rather slowly... His morning had consisted of nearly breaking his alarm clock as he awoke in fear from a terrifying ariados nightmare... Eating cereal... Finding Zorua hiding disguised as a spinarak on the back of his cereal box as a prank, which Zorua got an amazing reaction from... Jake told Zorua to stay home for today since the Academy had issues with students having to many pokemon with them... However Zorua didn't listen... He snuck into Jake's backpack and left an illusion of himself staring intently at Jake from the front door Eating, getting on his bike, making sure his Deino didn't eat any more public property, checking that Zorua was... Himself... And riding down to the academy tiredly... He stumbled down the hall towards the Practice Arena to find out his match, as he entered the screen was lot brightly displaying familiar, and not so familiar names... "Jake vs Aqua" "Aqua?..." Jake had never heard of this person before... It came as a huge surprise to battle a student he had no idea of... However Jake wasn't so "half asleep anymore when an ariados tackled him from behind, which was once again just one of Zorua's pranks... Suddenly a familiar voice wrung into his ears from very close behind... (???)"Well if it isn't him... Howdy, Jake..." Jake turned quickly to the familiar voice without a second more of hesitation. (Jake)"Zero!" Jake's surprise shone through his face like a beacon. (Zero)"How's it been Jake? You miss me?"
  5. ... So imma make another final draft now Normal battle theme Serious battles Secret RP plot device battle thing for Jake you'll see way later Rival battle Wild battle Outside battle normal theme Outside battle serious theme (like being chased by team shadow serious) Outside battle funny moments/ ridiculous moments Done
  6. True... *puts on sombrero of epicness* ella es muy lento, si se diera prisa podríamos avanzar, ella es una carga, un problema ... que darnos prisa! o es que simplemente preocupada por su palomitas de maíz que darse prisa ....
  7. *cuts out of wailord's stomach with scythe and is wearing a sombrero* Tú... Son loco señiorita... *muertes* Yo soy el rey de la colina ... * épica guitarra española * (I'm king)
  8. And then from the heavens, absol used Fly! Or fall... QQ Anyways... The doduo used fly! But that didn't work either? QQ marill used fly! Huh? That's impossible? QQ I guess I can't win ;_;
  9. *box arrives* *i pop out and throw you inside the box, tape it shut, and place a "return to sender" tag on it :3* I said I would return one day... King of the hill
  10. My school is super strict for some reason, maybe cuz it was established by Germans >_> If you lay your head down... They make you pick it back up so you can't sleep ;_;
  11. The algebraic observation of an equation to find all missing parts by studying long variables, sometimes in reverse. Cool, and hard subject In other words, finding the function of equation to find out either how an answer was found, or to completely solve and then find the answer yourself.
  12. School is ALWAYS repetitive. Heck my parents don't even let me play games on weekdays... They press my studying ridiculously hard. It's what happens when you can read like a 6th grader when you were 6 : P
  13. I already have my entire plot line planned, it's a little spooky >:3 I won't really die, I just have a super trolly scene set up for my second character, Mark. It might make some people laugh, and some giggle, others might just say er ma gerd wut
  14. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! THE FAIRIES THEY BURN!!! I'll return some day!
  15. *puts up yolo riot shield* *pulls out baton* THIS IS REBORN!!! *double hit with both objects* Ma hill
  16. Pulling his hand back and shaking his head Jake was about to blow his top As Sonny and Sarcus talked, it looked as though Jake was thinking thoughts of pure evil... (Which means this is inside my head) "I try to make a point and you seem to think I'm some sort of peace and love hippy. I'm not talking about every day being a peaceful day by the river. I'm not talking about having a good ol' jolly day making up with Max. And I'm not talking about some god forsaken bullying. I'm not talking about your respect. And I don't care about what useless pathetic excuse for a reason to not respect anyone's word but your own. I didn't ask if you didn't care what we had to say because you believe in respect! I'm telling you that if you'd just shut the h*ll up instead of turning your back on us believing we're trying to control you and you'd just listen you would understand I'm not talking about seeing what a test looks like, or your rival having abs. I'm talking about how you can't just have a nice afternoon once school ends because of what happened, with some "trigger happy teacher" I'm talking about the fact that what he did was an attempt to make you understand that you have to get off your a*s and fight with what you've got instead of hiding in the past's excuses. Now you need to stand up to your differences like a man and stare Max in the eyes and understand that you just might have to work with him, even if he's a some stupid b*tch or not. Get used to it, I have to deal with Emerald calling me out every day over things like trying to work, I have to listen to her sh*t every time I try to deal with something even if I can do it or not, and she throws me in detention because I got fed up with it, and I made my mistake. Instead of just accepting our differences and working with it, I called her out and look where it got me!!! You can be alone and sort out your personal problems yourself, but you need to face the facts that nobody gets what they want, we're here to learn to fight back an age old enemy of our kind disguised as a school and I have to work with it, so maybe you might just have to learn to work with all your issues too! Now you go have your "Sweet Sarcus Time" by yourself while I go home and feed my cats and fix the house while my parents are out on their little business vacation and left me with all the work, find this Mime.Jr's trainer, and hopefully make dinner for myself after all that..." He left the room shaking his head in dismay... On his way out Jake saw a person that appeared to have heard their whole conversation, the Mime.Jr started to try to hop towards him and Jake gave the desperate pokemon to the person who appeared relieved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ On the way home Jake rode a shorter ,but far more dangerous route through the forest. As he rode along he saw strange bushes shaking softly and heard bickers and laugher inside the brush that he ignored and didn't dare investigate. As he rode along a small dark figure tackled him at full force throwing Jake off his bike, when he looked to find the random attacker much larger than it was Before, it looked like a giant ariados....... The pokemon Jake feared most.... Jake creeped back as the beast hissed happily and then suddenly in a spinning purple light it became nothing more than a small fox like creature. "Zorua" it exclaimed laughing at Jake's terrified face. "A Zorua! I've heard many tales of you..." Either the Zorua had taken a liking too him, or it just liked to stalk people because all the way home the Zorua chased Jake as stealthily as possible. Eventually he stopped and once again the Zorua tackled him, however instead of terrorizing him, the Zorua began to show signs of affection, it had taken to Jake rather quickly... "Fine, you can come home with me you rascal... Just don't go... Breaking anything... Or turning into huge spiders..." He patted it on the head and the Zorua and Jake's other pokemon chased him home.
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