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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Jake set down the Rogue Mime.Jr gently and turned, he seemed far different than the lazed dozing Jake he was just minutes ago. (Calm and quiet mood swing) He turned and opened his eyes with a frown on his face. "Or instead of forcing yourself into a corner huddled together by a fort of excuses and your own beliefs you could consider Sonny's point of view. Chances are he didn't put you here to "punish" you or "give you a slap on the wrist"... He brought YOU here Sarcus because he knew that you too shared a difficult relationship, stronger than a rivalry... He brought you here not for the reason of disturbance but because it was "interfering with your education" by having you two constantly bickering instead of coming here to test just how strong your rivalry is... The point of you two coming here today, I've realized was that Sonny was just trying to put you into a corner like this with you working with Max to test your "rivalry" if you were truly rivals then you would reluctantly accept the fact you had no choice out to work out your differences in order to even lay a scratch on Sonny's pokemon... The point was to bring you too together to force you into accepting your differences no matter what the odds, no matter the opponent... That, my friends is the only way you can beat him, or the "team shadow" he speaks of. He's making you come here so you can do that, instead of hiding in a fort of your beliefs you're going to have to except that not every day is a peaceful one by the river, but you have to make it that way yourself." He handed the Mime.Jr a small origami flower that he had made before dozing off and them raised himself high back towards Sarcus. "Now... Do you understand the point? It's not forced, this is making sure you two can succeed. Different or not. How will you pass the exam when you have to deal with a partner if you can't even hold a rivalry together?" He walked up to Sarcus and reached out his outstretched hand to shake it if he agreed with his idea and hoped Sarcus saw what he meant.
  2. Yep, shout out and give your reasons! My fears are the unknown, yep I'd be scared if I saw a big floppy floppy tentacle object at the end of my hall too... And spiders. Three words Brazilian wandering spider. The spider is Just creepy... And that venom tho... Of course I live in Texas so no spider would "wonder" that far just to give me a spook! Give a shout out! What's your worst fears?
  3. Jake pulled down the Mime.Jr from his line of sight and quickly remarked, "Wait, am I free to go then?..."
  4. Jake awoke from a short doze as he felt something step on him... Throwing himself up in surprise, anger, and fear He looked down to find a Mime.Jr had been his assailant. "Well what do we have here?..." Jake's pokemon stepped forward laughing creepily as if they were ready to kill the little thing, Jake however silenced them with a "stop" hand motion. He picked up and examined the Mime.Jr closely. "Who might be your friend?" He asked the pokemon
  5. Actually could this be a good time to introduce my second character? He is the suspicious type of person after all and might come to check everything out.
  6. now... FOR MOTHER RUSSIA! *kills self* (Hill is up to next person's grab)
  7. *falcon punches her off hill* Your stand In... THAT POND OVER THERE THAT IS!!! Huehuehuehue
  8. Yeah, my second character will be introduced around the end of chapter 2 also I think... Unless Grass thinks I should now.
  9. "This... Is ridiculous..." He sighed loudly along with his pokemon, Jake hadn't been in a single battle before and just when he had the chance, he couldn't. His pokemon were a lot more frustrated than he was, banging their heads on the ground at the thought of watching a battle for the third time without any experience to call their own.
  10. Jake raised his head angrily and opened his Mouth so quickly and determinedly it was as if he were going to fire a laser from his mouth, he was going to further justify his reason to Emerald's useless detention by explaining to Sonny she was insulting him while he worked and then threw him into detention, however... He quickly drew back a tight fist and closed his mouth. He put his arm down to his side, cooled down and turned away, lowered his gaze, closed his eyes, and shook his head as if in disagreement. He turned back to the group and followed them to the arena. His pokemon stared down, silenced with anger from being shut-up and unable to help Jake tell the real story.
  11. IMMA AVENGE YOU VINNY!!!!! *gets into RAY* Here! You can take good ol' RAY's entire payload!!! *shoots about 20 small rocket propelled objects into the air that burst into 10 seeking missiles each, then proceeds to fire more homing missiles from the kneecaps and unleash the machine guns from RAY's "wings". Finally RAY's mouth opens and fires the laser cannon* That should've done it... King of the remaining hill, in honor of Vinny ;_;
  12. "I've only stood up to somebody that needed to learn a thing or two, is it so bad that I only defend my dignity? No, her rudeness doesn't seem to solve anything. So I stood up for my beliefs and I gave her the stare down. She's just anger-trigger-happy. You know who I'm talking about don't you?" His pokemon smiled and nodded amongst themselves as Jake spoke. They looked about proudly feeling that they too stood up to Emerald's tyranny by assisting Jake in his rant against her.
  13. "Detention! This'll be fun!" He walked away from Emerald's desk ignoring the kid next to him fall, he swiftly twirled a pencil around his fingers as he walked away and then quickly shoved it deep into his pockets with a well aimed jab. "Show Emerald what you're made of up there kid! Word from Jake!" He gave him the double finger point gesture and then lifted his hands away and put them down to his sides. "Don't you go disappointing me." The boy caught a flash in Jake's eyes of playful happiness as he walked away. "Max, try not to slip up on words so much. Cya" Jake walked out of the class as if nothing had happened, his pokemon praising him and patting him on the back for standing up to Emerald. ------------------------------------------------------------------ As Jake approached the attention room he looked inside through the glass and saw a familiar back-of-the-head. It was ol' Sarcus alright. He stepped in and took a seat next to him and looked forward.
  14. *throws a thousand Metal Gear Solid guards* (One thousand alert sounds) "Good luck with that..." King of the hill, with a bunch of guards and reinforcements to spare
  15. All you said was that he was tired, plus wouldn't yelling at somebody, (especially the teacher) would kind of wake you up?
  16. Jesus, this was yesterday and you still haven't fixed your post! How long are your showers?!
  17. (Extremely serious mood swing) So... Emerald... Would you have anything to say other than insults? It'd be nice to hear that what I just did wasn't in vain... And what're you staring at Max for? He didn't do anything wrong... Shouldn't you be more focused on insulting my methods instead like you always do instead of accepting them and maybe actually considering giving me credit for it instead of continuing to bomb me with every negative word in the dictionary? I am one of the most intelligent stundents in this class, no doubt, but your methods of teaching using punishment over just accepting things for what they are, are making me wish I just wasn't here. But isn't that just what you want Emerald? You just hate me so much you make me unable to heal anything because every single time I try I think of (points at her) YOU! Every time I try to heal something the "way" you want me too I get mad because I end up thinking of you, and then because I'm angry I CAN'T heal anything... But as soon as I try to impress you, I try your way but you won't stop freaking insulting me! So guess what, I have to ignore you just to be able to do anything at all! My way or not! (Calming down and quieting voice) Sorry for the outburst... I just... Need some time to think..." He turned towards Max who was now giving him a look, now he knew the real reason Jake couldn't heal anything, and so did the whole class too.
  18. Is still ranting on about things that aren't true And MAYBE is an idiot
  19. *pulls out a sniper rifle filled with anesthetic rounds loaded inside* Sorry about this... King of the hill
  20. CRYPTIC!!!! METAPHOR!!!!! I have been defeated by the prowling snake! I shall return however and attack once again! GUAJJHGHHEJJXJWJJD *die*
  21. Dat freakin solar beam to the back from groudon tho...
  22. Stupid altaria! FIRE SALAMENCE ARMY!!!! *dragon pulses* That! Was a nice training course...
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