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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. MY CRYPTIC METAPHOR IS TO POWERFUL FOR THIS! *rock explodes and darkness lifts *repeats huge speech and the random raven chases you around thirsting for your blood* King of the hill CRYPTIC METAPHOR IS ALL POWERFUL!
  2. Talks too little and makes to few sexual jokes. Yeah I went there...
  4. LMFAO Favorite lines "This gun is the best gun ever!" And all of Raven's lines (The big buff guy in the tank)
  5. His eyes flashed a playful retaliation "Well, you've hurt me Em... I may not be able to heal as well as people like you... But I can't just know something like location by staring at wounds... Now if you'd excuse me! I'll just figure this out myself! Watch! And learn!" He called up his Sneasel and told it to make a ice magnifying glass for him to use. "This will do! Thank you Whisper! Hmmm..." He inspected the wounds deeper areas... "Infected wound, uh oh..." He pulled some AloeVera plant from his binder "I keep all this just in case... This should suck the infection right out..." Pus began to ooze from the wound and Jake quickly grabbed a balm mushroom. He squeezed the mushroom lightly and it extracted some of its penicillium. "This will burn a little..." He took the pokemon's hand to comfort it and poured the disinfectant very slowly onto the wound. The pus began to dissolve away and the wound was clean. "Now for some bandaging..." He carefully wrapped the bandaging around the pokemon and made 4 tight layers around the wound. "You should heal up fine in a couple days... After all, why rush healing with magic, which can be painful, instead of a slow relaxing natural heal up?..." He patted the pokemon's head and smiled. "Emerald! This case is busted!"
  6. K then here's my new person... Name: Mark Nickname: Zero Age: 16 Eye color: green Hair color: blonde Hair style: a nice crew cut Clothing style: either black shorts or blue jeans. He usually wears a nice black button up shirt with a red handkerchief, wears brown shoes. Role: has a serious skill for spinning things and agile tricks (juggling etc.) and is a great shot just like Jake, except they have different styles of shooting, strategy, and attack. He is Jake's raw rival. THE rival... Voice and tone: much like Jake, except with a slightly lighter, not higher voice. (We both have deep his is just lighter to hear pretty much) Features: very charming eyes Persona: very cocky and determined, he takes everything head on and prefers an encounter over infiltration. (Classic cocky rival) Pokemon: A sylveon (sheer) lvl 22 A sandslash (desert) lvl 20 A onix (onyx) lvl 21 A pidove (feather) lvl 5 This good?
  7. "MOVE IT SLIC! PP is to stupid to realize if she were to upon a hole in the U.S.A I'd end of in the middle of the Pacific Ocean! I had to swim here cuz' of that bitch! Lets rule together!
  8. "Wow!" He held up his hands like she was holding him up. "Gotcha ms! Now what've we got?!... Here..." Upon seeing the swirlix a bead of sweat fell down his face and his eyes closed slightly. "Oh, a swirlix... And a bad cut..." He turned to the class with a big ol' happy smirk and dreamy looking eyes. "If there's anything that we know, means you too ms. Emerald, it's that I'm a complete idiot." Part of the class laughed. "ESPECIALLY when it comes to healing! I mean look at me! When I heal! I look like I'm trying to push a boulder around! Am I right? I mean, I have this super red face, sweating, and these pokemon are just like, what IS wrong with you!? You ok? Should I call Grace to come heal you too?" "We gonna have a healing train down here folks!" The class was already laughing before he'd finished the joke When he turned back to the swirlix he couldn't help but hide a smile, it was laughing and it seemed like it was much better. "You like that little guy? Here, lemme patch you up real quick" Upon feeling Jake's touch it became skittish, it saw Jake's pokemon staring at the swirlix and it knew exactly what kind of pokemon Jake trained. It didn't make it much happier. "Ok, here we go... Since I am gonna go down in the history book for town's worst healer, I might as well fix you up my way..." He looked at the cut closely... "Emerald! What caused this cut? And where was this cut received? Vital information..."
  9. *kicks PP off the hill* Pffttt... Whatever, get out of here, last thing she needs is a slave Tempest... King of the hill
  10. Jake leaned forward in his seat in suspense, ignoring his whole "relaxing" thing. "Wow... Credit to max... Looks like we've got more than one little hospital walking around..."
  11. *slips over you and accidently cuts you with my my a head Scythe* Woops... Better call a janitor... King of the hill.
  12. Wait this is old physical stuff too? Oops... When I was was 10 I was having a fun day at the pool! WARNING: incoming gore Upon jumping off a diving board I felt myself hit it or something, on the way down I felt totally normal. Upon falling into the water for some odd reason I could barely swim. I began to sink. So I treaded the water to reach the top. I thought everything was normal as I began to swim back to the latter. However... I got a bit scared when my right leg was immobile and completely numb. There were life guards waiting for me at the edge, they must've noticed me hit my leg... But these jackasses however were the worst lifeguards ever and sat at the edge as I tried my hardest to swim, it was literally a struggle for my life. I began to lose energy extremely quickly. Now here's the gory part. Using whatever force I could manage after the unusual weakening issue I'd had moments ago, I pulled myself up onto the edge of the pool, as I did I literally exploded with pain inside. My eyes dilated and widened and I began to yell as it felt like I was burning to death from inside out, as if demons had erupted from inside me. When I finally pulled myself up I saw a sight that words couldn't describe. My foot was backwards and lose, one part of my leg with caved in and the other was bulging out. Suddenly I stopped yelling. The pain sharpened and I just stopped yelling. I collected myself and prepared for what would happen mentally, and by doing so I stopped yelling. Everything started to get dark, must've been shock. I was loaded onto an ambulance transport cart and I looked around as things looked darker than usual. I was loaded onto an ambulance and hooked up to a vital sign thingy. Apparently the wound was worse than I thought... Upon x rays it showed my leg was completely severed in half internally. That day was no good. Other thing, I had a Jacobs (something I can't remember) on my head that had a chance of developing into skin cancer. No hair grew in that spot and it felt waxy. I had it removed the same year my leg snapped in half and had some stitches. However I have to go back this summer to get it removed again because they forgot to get the very bottom part -__- Lol Bad eyesight too
  13. *throws a Bruce Lee to distract him* DIE GURL! Victory King of the hill
  14. "Classic Emerald always picking at me..." Jake put his arms behind his head and crossed his legs under the chair. Maybe he ought to relax while he still could...
  15. Final drafting of themes Dat normal Dat serious Dat secret Dat rival Dat wild pokemon The end Yeah I'm on my phone XD
  16. Moderate to severe asthma. Affected by many stereotypes. A fear of needles. An odd attraction to weapons. I have absolutely no disorders and/or disabilities besides asthma disease. I have a serious pollen allergy though... And dat moderate asthma doesn't help it... I apparently got a real nice gene pool to have so few issues... Besides that I'm either just a big asthmatic or I'm affected by either diseases/problems I have no idea about.
  17. PP makes too many sexual jokes! Best pun ever right? No?... Well muk you too...
  18. *breaks loose* You can't knock out a dead guy... And have you even seen a zombie movie? Hello! Busting out of the ground! And do you even know how long compostation by decomposition takes? No, because you're an idiot. *shoves* Just... Get out of here... The woman who got beaten... By an undead Absol...
  19. [iNTENSIFIES] *DAT MEGA ABSOL THO* I shall not be an ice statue. Especially for you... *throws psychic type plate at arceus and starts punching my Absol paws together* You and I are gonna have some fun...
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