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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. *pushes Tempest* Sorry PP but you can't poison a undead absol... King of the hill!
  2. *gets raised from dead by PP* God dammit, hell no I'm not gonna be your servant! *kills Magikarp* Use him instead! King of the hill... Besides PP
  3. Rayquaza used fly! (A jury hired cannot lie to get a person to win by law, try again some other day PP)
  4. *a small faint noise is heard that gets closer and closer* ...mmmmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! Nope! *godly pimp slap* Victory! King of the hill
  5. I used show destroyed evidence, court vetos! Conviction is in process! Upon reconstruction the evidence is recovered and ur a guilty gurl XD
  6. Wild absol used security camera video of you attempting to steal from me then tearing your clothes off! It's super effective! Jake used PP makes too many sexual jokes! A critical hit!
  7. *suddenly head comes to life* Says the woman who forgot to kill me and now stuck me in a wall... Thanks I'm stuck here now... Dang and I said you would never catch me... Never mind...
  8. Is too... Uh... 26 Never mind... Lets just try be friends again XD
  9. Wild absol used didn't have wallet on him! Wild absol used you're an idiot! Wild absol used poke toy to escape! Wild absol fled!
  10. Is also to stupid to throw a pokeball at me I'm an absol, duh. *lol double post*
  11. *uses slash* Bring something sharper next time, maybe work on running speed.
  12. Jake used shadow sneak! Jake is free from his house! A wild Jake appeared! *legendary dog encounter music* PP tried to attack but was too slow! The wild Jake fled!
  13. Is too stupid to realize I'm off at the roleplaying forum while she hit me, nice work hitting air there PP
  14. Why are you stalking us? This is a really bad time to glomp attack us, I've got my buddy murdoc here!
  15. WAIT WTF SHE CAME OUT OF NOWHERE AS I POSTED And murdoc, we should leave... why is she stalking us? It must be a secret glomp attack... But seriously, why are you stalking us, I'm scared now...
  16. Is too stupid to realize its impossible to deflect words with a mirror
  17. But a pokemon is protected from all harm inside a pokeball! *jumps out of pokeball after going through crusher* If anything happens today it's NOT going to be getting caught by you! *uses quick attack* Get off dis hill!
  18. A wild idiot woman appeared! Grasssnake sent out Absol! (Jake) Jake doesn't need Grass's stupid orders! Jake used angry rant! Idiot woman named pokemon princess used sexual joke to counter! But it failed! Topic used get off topic! Pokemon princess used angry sexual joke! Jake used trolling Pokemon princess used raging sexual joke Jake is confused as to why she uses so many sexual jokes... Jake fled!
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