Wild absol used security camera video of you attempting to steal from me then tearing your clothes off!
It's super effective!
Jake used PP makes too many sexual jokes!
A critical hit!
*suddenly head comes to life*
Says the woman who forgot to kill me and now stuck me in a wall... Thanks I'm stuck here now... Dang and I said you would never catch me... Never mind...
Jake used shadow sneak!
Jake is free from his house!
A wild Jake appeared!
*legendary dog encounter music*
PP tried to attack but was too slow!
The wild Jake fled!
And murdoc, we should leave... why is she stalking us?
It must be a secret glomp attack...
But seriously, why are you stalking us, I'm scared now...
But a pokemon is protected from all harm inside a pokeball!
*jumps out of pokeball after going through crusher*
If anything happens today it's NOT going to be getting caught by you!
*uses quick attack*
Get off dis hill!
A wild idiot woman appeared!
Grasssnake sent out Absol! (Jake)
Jake doesn't need Grass's stupid orders!
Jake used angry rant!
Idiot woman named pokemon princess used sexual joke to counter!
But it failed!
Topic used get off topic!
Pokemon princess used angry sexual joke!
Jake used trolling
Pokemon princess used raging sexual joke
Jake is confused as to why she uses so many sexual jokes...
Jake fled!