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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Stupid woman! I know how to play chess fine! *Throws table of shame* Get out of here!
  2. A wild pokemon princess appeared! Grasssnake sent out Jake! Pokemon Princess used sexual joke! It's not very effective... Jake used criticize! It's super effective! Pokemon Princess fainted! What? Your Jake is evolving! *derp music* Congratulations! Your Jake evolved into Absol!
  3. Idiot, I can't queen you because I'm underground!!! So, that means you'll never get my crown! You keep foiling yourself here... *digs out with totally epic Absol claws* Get off my hill peasant! Wow after 3 peoples attempts they all either failed to queen/ king themselves, or they killed the wrong person. 3 ATTEMPTS AND IM STILL KING! COME ON PEOPLE! STOP FAILING XD
  4. Your joke was so bad I'm gonna have to machoke you. If you try to buck me off while i am I'll just rhydon until it's done.
  5. Wow, I'm so slightly happy right now. I'm off admin watch thingy because I've become a nicer person XD
  6. ^ All of that you just said,right back at you. And yes keep the boy parts in too. Sorry, I'm just too... Hard to keep up with *wink* Maybe next time you'll consider a counterattack
  7. Seriously? Why do I stumble across these things... They're all traps... Name: Jake My name isn't absolutely something awesome. My name means 'The clever supplanter' Not a nice title for a name. Age:13 Yes, I'm young, but it doesn't mean I'm a little kid with a high voice at all. Birthday: December 4 Location: Spring Texas, close to the beautiful Gulf of Mexico... (That would be more beautiful if people wouldn't dump their shit in it -__-) Height: 5.8 Eye color: gray blue Hair color: dark sandy blonde Live with: mom, dad, brother. I'm surprisingly responsible though... Pets: two cats Ironically one is black and the other is white. Relationships: yeah, my girlfriend named Cailey. Crushes: I don't do crushing. It's not down to the point and they get embarrassing. I learned that quite young. Dream job(s): lawman (police deputy) Inventor (medicines and machinery) Current gaming: Gmod (mostly random gmod shit) The walking dead (Yeah I don't always have a new game to play, my parents are big on studying...) Favorite food: I don't do favorites either. Favorite drink: didn't I just say I don't do favorites?! Favorite color: fine, Gray... Music: I'm big on alternative rock, heavy metal, and rock in general. I like country too. Favorite game: big on favorites aren't you?... Metal gear solid series... Game genres: RPG, FPS, and stealth strategizing games. Favorite movies: quit with favs XD Favorite animals: foxes and tigers Favorite thing in general: not 'goin there. No more favs. Backstory: sad and angry. Would make another good stupid cheesy sad family movie. Current life: I've escalated past something normal. I've gotten to cloud 9. I feel like my life is perfect and I couldn't ask for anything more. I've even gotten so far as to not fear death and such. My adopted Grandfather and another family member of mine had died around the same time, a lot to handle at age 11. And what's worse my favorite Grandmother is nearly 70 and I'm only 13. See what I'm getting at? She'll die in my lifetime and I'm gonna have to watch live's cruelty act before me. Now off the boo hoo crap. Sanity: still holding onto it, don't know why. Community past: bad, bad, bad. I'm not exactly in the best spot as to call myself a little perfect angle around anyone, moderators and Ame especially... Besides that it's a fine time to stay here. Love the fun times. Nice to meet you! You're in for a fun (and slightly extreme, enraged, and rather entertaining) ride with me around! So get in, hold on, and don't yell!
  8. LOL I just noticed that the number of topics in distortion world were 357 .357 ammunition reference
  9. Banned for referencing BlazBlue (Yeah, I do dis blazing blue stuff too!)
  10. And let's be honest, non of us are giving up delicious steaks and pork chops because of PETA trolling us XD
  11. Good news: dragonite girls aren't affected by fire cuz #dragontype
  12. No, I hate any sort of noise in public. I'd die. If you push this button then you can command a shiba inu army including doge as a 5 star general... But pokemon princess will stalk you XD
  13. Is a pokemon princess (Pretty much she's a really dirty minded person XD)
  14. Sorry sir but you've flattened the wrong person, so I'm still king. Get off my hill! Lol I'm still king
  15. Lol pokemon princess you didn't say queen of the hill! So get off! King of the hill!!!
  16. Yeah, that's right. It's a game and an apology letter! Classical amazing Absol gifts! Right guys?... I haven't made my sincere apology very public lately... Infact... It's been two weeks and I still... Have waited until now to give you all this. As a member/ kinda sorta family thing in the community... I should have given you all of this earlier... I stand here today to present sincerity, apology, and to strengthen the community bond as one. We shall not be separated nor weakened by my rather pathetic jerkiness. -Absol-lutelty awesome We have shared losing our sanity, tacos, cookies, and the pokemon reborn game together and I am still a complete jerk. -Absol-lutelty awesome Wow I'm a jerk sometimes -I think you can find out So as my apology for jerkiness, being a jerk, and various assorted jerky type things. I have brought you this. Sorry rules: You say sorry for something. It can be as stupid as possible, or completely normal... Here's some examples. I'm sorry for being a jerk. I'm sorry for hurting my friend's feelings. I'm sorry for trolling. I'm sorry for slipping by rules. I'm sorry for questioning/ going against moderator and Ame's authority and awesomeness. I'm sorry for not liking tacos. And mostly I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to hurt the community... Thank you all... Now let's play a game about saying sorry and confessing our wrongs to other people and various other random things! P.S. I... Lo- wait no wrong word. I CARE about all of you! Have fun!
  17. Jake sat down in his usual seat and looked about normally in a lazed fashion and he jumped slightly once he sought to his left to find non other than Max. ((I sit in the bottom right corner of the room)) "Well... That was unexpected... Nice to see you here Max!" He cocked his head towards the front of the room in slowest possible way as if it were a horror movie. He whispered gently "Just checking to make sure Ms.minotaur hasn't been watching me... I don't need you getting caught up in... Her trouble net anytime today..." He looked towards the front of the room but was secretly looking down towards his desk at his binder that held his favorite book, "20,000 leagues under the sea hidden amongst the binders covered area. He finished the page and quickly closed it returning his attention to Emerald.
  18. I looked at this and thought "WOW! I'm appreciated!?" You've made me so happy ;_; Then I saw the picture and derped. With joy. What did you think I was gonna say? I hope you guys keep it going together well! It's the fights and disputes that makes all well, you get better at handling them over time! It'll only make things easier to deal with (Yes I have a GF so I'm well aware of dis) Good luck!
  19. I handcuffed you and left you in a cell with an uncuffed yandere. Good luck. King of the hill
  20. Good news: Doge doesn't even kill humans
  21. Grass, you chose to throw... AN IPAD OVER A PHONE BECAUSE OF A STUPID BIRD! Play flappy doge girl.
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