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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. TFW... Your pidove finally became a powerful staraptor... #n00b in shofu's comments
  2. Good news: the punch was oil so no human drank any.
  3. "Well Grace, took you a while to get over here. Like usual!" He chuckled a bit Before he turned to Max and whispered in his ear. "Don't worry she's just slow like usual. She's worse than... Sarcus..."
  4. http://imgur.com/Zmuzg62 Surprise! Lillipup
  5. http://www.pbh2.com/humor/funniest-doge-gifs/ Banned because he totally hacked to find that ball
  6. PETA has been out to get Pokemon for a while now... They've said pokemon promotes the ideas of enslavement and animal cruelty. As a fan of pokemon since gen 3 I personally call PETA's bullshit. PETA believes pokemon are forced to fight for entertainment. If they would open their eyes to the first damn 15 minutes of a pokemon game they would see pokemon are protecting their trainers (their best friends) from wild pokemon that attack them and their friends. Gen 3 The professor was attacked by a wild pokemon and you and your new pokemon have to save him Gen 4 You and Barry are attacked and your pokemon defended you from the starly Gen 5 Ummm... Well... Never mind... Nobody was really under threat... Gen 6 No... No threats here either... Now let's be honest. PETA isn't paying attention. They just assume they're right. Pokemon anime The first freaking episode. Pikachu hates Ash Pikachu is about to get his ass mutilated by spearows. Ash actually attempts sacrifice to save Pikachu's life. Pikachu realized how much Ash cared and defended him. Pokemon movie Movie one! Mewtwo realized that trainers weren't abusing their pokemon like he thought they were and even killed Ash just as he'd realized that. Pikachu and every other pokemon except mew and mewtwo were bawling like babies. So PETA? Sound like these pokemon were slaves? Is pokemon really that bad? Give me your opinion. Although I find it funny that parents can kick their kids out at age 10 to go off on a treacherous adventure with a high chance of death XD.
  7. Bad news: solid snake got all the glitched pictures and is pissed.
  8. ((Wait what? I don't wear ties! How did you do it Mael?! XD)) *throws barrels at Jory* I DID IT!!! YEAHHH!!!!
  9. Let's be honest, if you're awesome, you've have a favorite gun. This thread is for gun newbies and smiths alike! I've always just wanted to see what people like. You can post your fav guns, calibers, grains, sizes, makes, models, brands, even your favorite ammunition! Yes this thread is hate allowed. If you hate on somebodies gun they like then hate. Let them show you why they like it. Now let's get down to business. My favorite handguns are the... MK 23 Colt single action army Smith and Wesson 500 magnum Colt 1911 Colt 44 magnum Yes, in case you can't tell... I like handguns. Especially revolvers. Post your favs!
  10. "Ew!" He laughed a bit before he put on a bit of a smile. "Well maybe that schedule change I had was a good thing? Now I have all of Grace and Sarcus's classes together. You have the same schedule as them Max?"
  11. Wait... How is SHE king! That means Pokemon Princess is a guy! *she dies of embarrassment* YEAH!
  12. Fine... I'll make it specific too XD Name: Jake Kurai Age: 13 Description: Jake is a 5.8 foot, slender, and well built. (Like a tiny little six pack, working out pays off people XD) He has tan white skin and deep gray blue eyes. Sandy blonde hair (almost to the point of eyebrow length bangs) He chooses to usually wear a thin long sleeved shirt. They are almost always dark colored (black, navy, pine green etc.) and never have turtlenecks. He's found wearing jeans almost all the time. Ranging from normal blue jeans to dark navy. There are no chains hanging from his jeans. Wears black and red Nike running shoes. (All black with red streaks running to the toe) Loves to wear a playful smirk on his face. Personality: normally frisky, comedic, and quite and calm, he suffers from mild to moderate mood swings causing him to change from a normal personality to something unusual, or even similar to his normal persona. They can range from a simple quite mood swing to a fretting, frilly, panicking variant. Jake is NOT Goth! Team: Houndour (demon) 20 Ability: flash fire Current moveset: Howl Crunch Flamethrower Inferno Sneasel (Whisper) 20 Ability: pickpocket Current moveset: Slash Ice beam Hail Blizzard Riolu (Soul) 17 Ability: steadfast Current moveset: Reversal Quick attack Power up punch Counter Deino (Z) 21 Ability:Hustle Current moveset: Headbutt Dragon rage Dragon rush Crunch Personalities: Houndour (Demon) Quick to anger, hard fighter. Sneasel (whisper) Clever, much like Jake himself. Riolu (Soul) Justified and often Jake off when he's going against good ethics. Deino (Z) Hungers to fight deeply, stares off into space imagining battles, but is angry that he is unable to see causing him to anger quickly. There. Happy?
  13. Grass I'm aware of you throwing Wikipedia articles at me rudely like usual! -__- I already know why
  14. The only heritage I have here for the big five are Germany and Ireland. My dad's Italian but he was a stepfather... I guess I've gotta go with UK Holds most of my heritage.
  15. Also, I got my hates XD Alina's theme IT BURNS! Just like the fairies... ;_; Em's theme is LIEK Much emotion Such move True unexpected Wow Lol actually I saw something around these borders coming. Em is so much like me but so different. Like a parallel universe that seems so much like home...
  16. I still don't know what legend I want, I mean sure Jake's plot and all helps the idea of the legends I want. But if I can't do that then I wonder what I have to pick...
  17. "You see Max, Grace really is... Amazing at healing. She cares about people's well being tenfold times more than I do. She can heal complete strangers like it's nothing but I have trouble healing people like close friends. Not only am I just a bad healer in general, but I have funky mood swings I can't control. Therefor I can't hold one emotion. Meaning I can't heal anybody correctly. She... Could care and trust for an entire nation before I could even make friends with anybody..." The sleeves on his shirt slid down over his hands slightly before he pulled them back to his wrists gently. "Really makes me consider what's wrong with me." He dropped his gaze to the floor. "I can't seem to connect to people like she can. But whatever, she makes it look easy and I don't even have the same qualities as her. But what do I do good? She's as to healing as I am to...? I don't know... I'd have to consider that. It's hard to explain my feelings for other people. I'm not a scumbag only for myself, neither do I hate anybody. It's just that I don't care. You know? If Grace saw a crying child she'd help him faster than I could even look at him. I don't know what I'd do... Walk by? Gaze? Ask him what's wrong? I'm never the same, but always the same at the same time... Never the same emotion but always the same question, what and for why would I act? It's hard to explain. But I'm sure you understand."
  18. Wild pokemon battle theme http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tW82Ftg_5iw Just spoke to me... Needed to have this theme somewhere
  19. K here's another theme! Jake's rival battle theme! (Includes Grace, Sarcus, Max etc) http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9heoRINbo0o Yeah I'm on my phone right now XD
  20. LOL but seriously. That drapion and skorupi actually made me smile. They are amazing. Just change the eyes like I said, and I would shed tears of joy.
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