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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Now I want you both to tell me some things... What's your favorite handguns? What's your favorite brands? (gunmakers) What's your favorite rifle? What's your favorite combat knife? You like shotguns? Explosives? Would you learn CQC technique if you could? What would be your primary weapon? What would be your sidearm? Do you have a secondary sidearm?
  2. I don't wanna pokemon theme XD If I had any damn theme it would be something like Rules Of Nature. Now THAT is one badass theme. And Stains Of Time! Yes PLEASE! And Red Sun? Not bad... Also... No wonder Jake can't heal for shit XD BUT must it be pokemon, (sorry I'm on my phone) http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eksc6Z9upPk Normal battle theme http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l7zyX2cQRPY Dat serious battle http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uEqRQFwmins Secret battle in RP that would spoil my plot if I told you >: 3
  3. I've trained a goodra to nearly level 100 He's 94 now... I know well enough they can take more than a few moonblasts. And my hydreigon was trained fine thank you. I'm an Ev experimenter
  4. The question is little Vinny...am I the fire that burns people?
  5. Banned because I have still yet to be amused
  6. Y is for you're stupider than Grasssnake Pokemon Princess
  7. Water logging them while poking pressure points is evil XD
  8. YEAH! *respawns* K now that I'm not a throne... I can move on... *shoots cobra with mark 23* WOOHOO! Back in the game!
  9. Sorry typing mistake, my mind kinda drifted. Edited. Anyways in RP what's the day of the week? I've forgotten.
  10. Since I'll be having to get back to my class soon and I know you're big on knowledge, I just wanted to know... Is healing magic affected by emotions and such?
  11. As he watced everyone leave he then waited to enter the class "Sonny, may I ask a question?"
  12. Holy hell, all of the characters have the same schedule now. To bad GRASS has to be there too... Murdoc is fine XD
  13. Suddenly a student walked into the room carrying some sort of note and she gave it to Jake quietly before exiting the room, once Jake read it he left the room seemingly unamused by whatever was on it. He reached the office and once inside the counselor there handed him a schedule. (Counselor) "This is your new schedule, due to the large amounts of new students joining we need classes to have more room in them. This schedule takes effect the next school day you're here due to complications with the exams" (Jake) "thanks, see you." (Counselor) "have a good rest of the day! That little rogue..." Not only had the counselor now called him that but it seemed to be becoming some sort of nickname to Jake. "Let's see... Hmmm... WAIT WHAT!?" Upon further inspection it seemed Jake now had the exact same schedule as his friends to his dismay. "Wonderful... Now I have to deal with them all day..." He quickly returned to class and set his crutches aside on an empty desk once he sat down.
  14. It's not the intellect that makes the man, it's the man that makes the intellect. You can be touchy about it all you want, just don't get sensitive XD
  15. Exactly, I'm bored and need an excuse to type
  16. Banned for possessing no ability to amuse.
  17. now can you possibly help me not be a throne vinny? XD
  18. Amusing on 16 levels, far superior to that of Murdoc's attempt. You have successfully proven a sense of humor, Murdoc has shown not to have one as of the current point. IQ tests have no amusement value. I sound like a fucking robot. XD
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