I hate you too Grass. Now it'll make it easier, didn't ask for anything else yeah or no?
: P
Also nobody has answered even one of my questions from earlier
Is team shadow technologically advanced?
If so is their tech better than ours?
Have they created mass destructive classed weaponry? Nukes, chemical bombs, warheads, etc.
What are team shadows believes or motivation?
What is their view on the world?
Do they use weapons and science instead of magic and such we use?
Why do they choose to fight/kill?
(I'm aware they're after the legendaries to dominate and conquer the village of clouds and vice versa)
Do they believe poke-people are insufficient beings?
Do they have reasons to fight/kill at all or are they a sadistic/insane group of people?
If the theory that women feel pain worse than guys do, you wanna go paintballing with me next weekend grass? >: D
Especially that last one...