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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. ^see? This guy knows what he's doing.
  2. Make drapions eyes red and the area above purple. The end. Best evar
  3. Is still trying to come up with something that's not bad or sexually related #Absol'sGonnaBeHating!
  4. Oh what so not only do I get thrown down the hill but then people sit on me again? What the heck. P.S. You're all dead to me... Sincerely Jake, the chair you're sitting on. P.S.S A**holes...
  5. A POKEMON!...trainer... #Absol'sGonnaBeHating
  6. I'm a mean person just be happy you don't have to deal with me #Absol'sGonnaBeHating
  7. I hate you too Grass. Now it'll make it easier, didn't ask for anything else yeah or no? : P Also nobody has answered even one of my questions from earlier THESE PERHAPS!? Is team shadow technologically advanced? If so is their tech better than ours? Have they created mass destructive classed weaponry? Nukes, chemical bombs, warheads, etc. What are team shadows believes or motivation? What is their view on the world? Do they use weapons and science instead of magic and such we use? Why do they choose to fight/kill? (I'm aware they're after the legendaries to dominate and conquer the village of clouds and vice versa) Do they believe poke-people are insufficient beings? Do they have reasons to fight/kill at all or are they a sadistic/insane group of people? If the theory that women feel pain worse than guys do, you wanna go paintballing with me next weekend grass? >: D Especially that last one...
  8. Also I've considered something. Why not, just to reduce rp confusion, just change Jake's schedule to the same as you guy's. For the reason of "to many students joining classes and some need to be moved to others to save room" then "this schedule will go into effect tomorrow due to the exams." Boom, no more issues with classes
  9. *thinks to self* So... I wonder when I'll finally be freed of being a freaking inanimate object
  10. ^ Was originally the one who said pidoves evolve into powerful staraptor Also hates on the total badass of the metal gear series
  11. Freaking stingers... I hate those missiles... *REX explodes* WHAT!? Ahhhh come on! Well... >: D *grabs an activation remote control* So... I Hurd u liek orbital strikes? *pushes button* *electromagnet rail gun launches a hydrogen bomb* (Huge explosion) *we all respawn* I... Didn't see that coming... Probably should've considered that before firing that... Well I'm king! Wait no I'm unarmed... Never mind.... *steps off hill*
  12. *Climbs into metal gear REX's cockpit* I'll just take that spot at the top now!
  13. I'm happy I just died, looking at your ugly ass mom hurt twice as much.
  14. Banned for being an evil boss
  15. No Cobra he's somewhere around here with his tempest dragons
  16. Why not just use an orbital hydrogen bomb rail gun (Remember a rail gun is any weapon that uses electromagnets to throw projectiles at high speeds without using any sort of fuel) Blast tons of bombs stronger than nukes at earth without having to pay for fuel!
  17. Yo mama is so stupid when the zombies are her brain they went hungry because it was so small
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