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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Bagel! Oh wait... Not a pokemon? Zangoose
  2. I had a dream that I was being chased by a creature that ended up attacking me ferociously against a tree slashing my chest to bits... Bleck.... I once had a dream that I couldn't wake from, it's hard to remember but it was like Nightmare island... Every fear ever all in one dream...
  3. Jake slowly unpacked his things from his bag onto the couch and walked over to the kitchen to be greeted by his pair of raging cats that were desperate to get fed. They scorched him with hisses for being late. He opened the pantry and bent over to get the cat food but felt something shift within his leg, he feel to the ground roaring in pain. He looked to his now terribly bloodied jeans, even worse than before and exploded with anger, if it just wasn't for that stupid pole having to be in the way as he turned to see Max he wouldn't be in this mess. Luckily for him his mother was a nurse so she had taught him more than enough about the body and medical things. He slowly removed the jeans ever so carefully as he felt the object shift again as he moved the jeans down his leg. The site was horrible, not only was there the scrape and the bloodbath on his jeans, but there was something poking at the top of his kneecap coming from under the skin, overwhelmed with the gore he just took in he moved back from the new roaring cats in despair as they saw the scene. They were rubbing against him to try to ease his pain now, but something like this wasn't fixed by cats. His bone was fractured. And he was on the floor. In his house. Alone. With exams the next day. "Why... *sniffle* did this have to happen to m-m-me now?...what d-did I do to deserve... T-t-this?..." He lied his body out onto the floor slowly as the bone shifted slightly, he thought of trying to heal it but he was no good with that sort of magic and he wasn't exactly ready to crawl up the stairs to get bandages. Now in shock his vision grew dark and he resisted fainting. Jake's pokemon surrounded him including his cats and they backed away stuttering in fear at the sight of Jake's pain. "For o-o-once...maybe having G-G-Grace around... Could be useful... To bad she c-can't be around when I need her m-m-most...if at all..." He giggled slightly and fell to the tile unable to move, hungry, tired, and hurt, all the boy could do was sleep. A dream came to him... One of the past but less fuzzy. (???) she must be eliminated for she interrupts my plans! (Jake) are you serious!? It can't be done. (???) this bag of weapons here contains more than you need! Now get to work! (Jake) NO! It can't be done, you've got to be freaking kidding me! (???) ... Fine, but here's the bag "in case you change your mind" (Jake) but... This can't do it, she's stronger than you can imagine! (???) .m...l...must....e....ni....sh.....inte....lan...ng...enough! (Jake) alright... I'll try....but no complaints if it can't be done! (???) I'd be more proud than you could believe if you pull this off. Now go! You've trained for this and you know the location, act natural!Just finish the job...
  4. Mother of god... SOMEBODY FINALLY GOT ME!!!! Alpha
  5. Pidgey vs noibat *eye twitches* They're both just weak anyways dangit!
  6. TFW people are demanding you for things you can't give them
  7. No, your guess is once again, not me or correct. Alpha
  8. I'd love to play, minecraft username for da whitelist is Jakephil00
  9. Kingmurdoc incoming! Duck and cover! He wants da Beldum
  10. ^ Mentor-y you say? Good luck getting Jake and Sarcus to listen to all that. But Jake is interested in the idea of meeting a dragon master to help with his Deino since dark types are naturally attracted to him, Deino being an acceptation for being half dark half dragon, but dragon types are VERY hard to control. It'd sure be nice if for once Emerald would use her almighty smack of dragon knowledge on me... That'd sure be nice... But would I listen is the question xD. I'm getting a good idea that the future plot of Jake will be affected by your decisions in the rp, choose carefully to prevent me from leaving friendships and/or being bad! Maybe something evil if your choices are terrible >: 3
  11. "Cya tomorrow!" Jake turned and snickered lightly at the thought of Max's comment on Sarcus. "Self righteous prick... Hehehe... Fits him...could be a nickname..." He turned his head over his shoulder lightly to see of Gallant had somehow managed to notice him and made sure Sarcus hadn't either as he was walking away. He grabbed his bike and lightly moved it upward with a blank stare, which remained on his face as the rim ironically fell out the wheel at the time he needed to get home most, it slammed to the ground with a loud clatter. The wheel sagged downward slightly towards the ground. Not only had he popped the wheel and had the rim fall out, but he still had to get home and feed his cats, who would be screeching and meowing loudly at him for being late to get home and feed them. His gaze slowly hardened as his eyes began to twitch as he imagined the crying cats and the fact his parents and little brother were still on vacation, so they couldn't feed the cats or help him get home. He grunted loudly and grinded his teeth in anger but was suddenly silenced as his face enlightened slowly to a beautiful plan. He fixed the rim back into the wheel and told Demon to heat the rubber around the hole just enough to melt it, Demon slowly affixed his temperature to melt the rubber until it had melted over the hole then he told Whisper to freeze it. "Did it!" He climbed back on top of his bike and continued to go home, ready for the next day.
  12. "Ah, yes Vendaturf sounds like a great place, all the quite neighbors and... Jake noticed Sarcus had walked up to and began to talk. Max hadn't seemed nearly as friendly sounding with Sarcus than he did with Jake. "Do... You two perhaps have a rivalry of some sort?" ((Short posts yes I know...))
  13. ^ Meditation! It solves backpain, hunger disorders, and sleep issues now!? really? Meditation solves stress issues and helps you focus...
  14. Wow I've heard that one twice now.... Is trainer silver instead of gold
  15. "Oh, I see, Nice to meet you Maximus! How about I just call you Max?" He raised his arm to shake his hand joyfully, he was surprised somebody had been so quick to greet him kindly, after the Alina and Emerald incident he was rather met with scowls and being called an idiot "rogue" or some other insult of the sort. He, for once was actually rather happy to be noticed as something good. It had actually got him into a happy mood. "I've seen you in class sometimes before but I'd never really taken the time to meet any other classmates..." He slowly turned to the suspicious arcanine who was staring at him intently with its large black eyes. "That's a find arcanine, it's Physic is amazing... It's been trained well to a point such as this." He inspected the pokemon carefully, his eyes staring right into his. Jake then called forth his houndour, Demon. "This is my Houndour, although I'm not a huge fan of fire types this rascal and that Sneasel over there were my first two pokemon I'd ever had besides my domestic umbreon and meowth I have back at home. But they weren't fighters... So, what brings you here? Where you from? I came here from Mossdeep city in the Hoenn region, the reason I came here wasn't very specified however..."
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