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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. I never have writers block I just think of something creative. By turning on the switch that nearly has never been used. My creativity switch...
  2. It hurts people 7-13s ears in the original Japanese song by using binacual frequencies, and backwards is just freaky... At my age the effect is prime
  3. You don't even know... How freaking terrifying this is I made the link to YouTube to warn you!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE READ! The thumbnail is nightmare fuel and so is the song! BE CAREFUL
  4. I wanna take it further but then Ame would ban me or give me my first warning point... Says hi to you wall every day
  5. I'm so confused at how you didn'ted feel normaled about this
  6. I love those type of characters, always make anime tragic
  7. Banned for switching avatars so much
  8. It does... That's the bad thing and the poor dragon types? Lets not even get into this... http://www.google.com/imgres?client=safari&sa=X&hl=en&biw=320&bih=460&tbm=isch&tbnid=YVcLZWW5mnqU8M%3A&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pokedit.com%2FPokemon%2BFairy%2BType%2Bcauses%2BFlurry_7072.html&docid=2DfVRZBFC1GXZM&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pokedit.com%2Fboards%2Fckfinder%2Fuserfiles%2F2%2Fimages%2Ffairy-type-is-super-effective-against-dragon-type.png&w=500&h=245&ei=0AHOUsnOJen22gXBqoHYDw&zoom=1&ved=0CEcQhBwwBg&iact=rc&page=1&start=0&ndsp=16
  9. Is afraid of fairy pokemon (Don't make fun of me about dat fear xD)
  10. Well, I'm screwed. So... What do you fairies do to your torture subjects?... Hehe... He... Ummm...
  11. How could you do that!? Yvetal was like, my first hope! Luckily I have darkrai! >: D *mumble* I swear to god if darkrai dies I'm screwed... Doomed by fairies... Lol...
  12. *bagpipes begin to play* COME GET ME I SAY! COME AT ME FAIRIES! *ten minutes later I'm strapped to a torture machine* Why? Just why?
  13. And yeah, the ribbons over do it. I just use it for the invincible competitive wall. After all, they have only two weaknesses and huge def... Too bad they're just more evil pokemon... Xerneas is their leader, and they've waged war on me. And everyone else on my side.
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