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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Sylveon is very good, heck it's a better wall than umbreon, just weak in physical and speed fields. But they're still evil, and they're out to get me. But you Sarcus, Can save me! Thank god for steel types...
  2. No, an even fairy is pure evil... pure... THEM! *points at creepy faced sylveon wrapping its ribbons around my fellow dark types*
  3. Jake had went to his locker and grabbed his junk. He was very happy the day was over, for tomorrow was the day that all they would do was review stuff he'd already known. He began to think of a nightmarish thought, he thought of a sylveon using its ribbons to wrap around all Jake's pokemon and him and it put on a horrifying devious smile and said "Lets have some fun..." Jake shook his head and dismissed the thought and continued to happily walk along, he hadn't seen his friends so he looked around and didn't see much more than crowds everywhere, so all hopes of finding them lost he stood still and searched around for his friends.
  4. And I know lots about the pokemon, but not about what they actually are in the pokedex, man I always wanted a snow warning sneasel/weavile tho... Pickpocket is cool too I guess... *sigh*
  5. I thought it did affection cuz da hearts... But I have maxed out all my teams affection cuz it's super useful
  6. I was playing pokemon x and y! You know those objects in the background during battles? Like trees in the woods or rocks in caves? Seem pretty useless huh? Well guess what? I used blizzard during a battle In a wooded area and there was a tree in the background. The tree seemed to be hit by blizzard and I got an Oran berry! Yes! These objects are actually able to be hit and give items! I also found that after beating an enemy trainer's pokemon, scratching the battle symbol with your stylus after the text "the enemy --- has fainted!" Has appeared is the time to scratch the symbol. By doing so you will rub your pokemon's head and it will slightly increase their affection level in pokemon amie! These are just a few secrets I've found! Stay tuned in cause I find more!
  7. Yes! Come join me on the dark side! >: D Yes the game's mythology is very very dear to the existence of unknown and their importance, but man if they lived up to the mythology of being epic...
  8. Oh crap... We better leave before this guy finds TM Explosion...
  9. ^ Sorry been having a bad day and I'm not thinking right... But seriously... Toxicroak?What is wrong with it? It's got huge hooks on its hands... What is it a pirate? Gotta hate pidove, really? Another bird pokemon that you see constantly? Pidgey, fearow, starly, and now pidove... Really Nintendo? That many birds are needed?
  10. IKR XD It's so useless and stupid... I mean sure an electric and ground type is great but THIS!? HELL NO
  11. Well, xerneas CAN learn night slash so at least dark aura would make it stronger. Sadly fairy aura for Yvetal is useful for it leans no fairy attacks. Poor, poor, Yvetal... It seems fairy types have ruined me forever..
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