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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. I'd say ff6, some people wonder how good all the ff games were. And some people just think it's an awesome series and it totally should be reviewed
  2. and that's why somebody needs to be creative for once (I'm insulting myself not you) and actually help to think of something to help things become more interesting... And not boring long posts that everyone gets bored of... Something short,sweet, but still hilarious or interesting...
  3. Hey, I'm that guy who's got two personalities and can be really serious or really funny. I can see your interest in dark types, it's well placed. I too use many assorted dark type pokemon. I also find Japanese culture interesting too. People call me jake and Absol. I don't care what your preference is gray. Welcome and as cobra said, sanity isn't required here. I learned that too late and payed for it dearly.
  4. Tfw you get something awesome and don't care about it 7 days later.
  5. ^ He's right, maybe to make them longer and more descriptive than they already are? Example Focus blast! He called out to his lucario. A wave of orange energy slowly formed in the pokemon's hands and began to slowly fluctuate back and forth until it had become a radiant ball. Lucario then lifted it's head and pushed out its hands sending the energy ball flying across the field, whipping up a dust storm as it soared above the ground to hit on the unready metagross head on. But of course battles in rp's can be long so you'd get tired of all the typing...
  6. NUUU karp get off ur detective doggie case and get here, we're gonna chain you! >: D
  7. Hey everybody! Today I will do my schoolwork! So by tomorrow I'd be able to turn it in happily knowing I doed it for a change!
  8. Now if you can speak English it seems pretty easy, use the words of and or and eat and see, but what about to foreigners? Truth is people that English is one of the hardest languages to learn. Now back to foreigners, we all know that a past tense word ends with "ed". See this is where English trolls foreigners, English breaks it's own rules. Eat in past tense is ate! See what I mean? Now for the game rules! 1. You must write your own sentence by using English like a fail, like using "ed" on past tense words like eat to make eated instead if ate. 2. Try to not be racist please D: it hurts peeps feels... 3. It's ok to make fun of pokemon reborn characters to make them sound dumb, just not real people. 4. Have fun! For confused people here's an example. So professor Ame, today I eat, and yesterday I eated! Get the gist? If not I'm overly complicated and I apologize, have fun!
  9. Radomus in his detective costume as a dog?! Oh, that's not a pokemon? Houndour
  10. How do you know I hate pink darn you... Loves sparkling vampires xD
  11. Aren't we all once we beat her for once?
  12. ^ Deh gurl/ guy with a girl avatar Is very right. Use ur good rod! I *cough* hate *cough luvdiscs *cough*
  13. Well, then I'm gonna die in a few days... My brain cells have had serious painful and high casualty deaths while watching this anime
  14. "Hehehe... Hehe... He... he..." Jake stuttered with fear as he saw Gallant stare at him so fiercely it seemed he was casting upon him a death wish. Jake then tried to enlighten the mood of the room by telling a joke, but it came out as a fearful stutter. "Please... Please... Don't play jokes when your joke doesn't sound like a joke... Ok? Hehe..." He sank into his seat as Gallant stared at him even harder with immense terror. "You're... Not joking are you gallant?..." He turned his attention the the front of the room shaking slightly as he imagined Gallant's sharp blades impaling him through the chest.
  15. LOL I gotta see this stuff, gallant's at somebodies throat and emeralds just like: really? I'm just gonna ignore that and continue class. Lol she's a boss
  16. I'm so tough I watched TWO episodes of lucky star and only had 6,000,000 brain cells die...
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