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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. noooo... If you chain me you will get it right eventually... Karp he's sneaky..
  2. OMG I have run out of options for so many of these... Sylveon
  3. Banned for *insert a stupid reason here*
  4. Oh my god, if this conversation was anything like lucky star we'd al be screwed
  5. "Uhhh, what's going on? You ok Sarcus?" He looked at Sarcus strangely noticing gallant had fiercely entered the room with him for some odd reason. Riolu immediately noticed the aura surrounding gallant and prepared itself.
  6. "So not only is she a healing machine but she actually knows about sicknesses too... Luckily for me from birth all my mom talked to me about was her medical school... Hehehe..." He smirked at Grace when he saw the miccino happily smile at her. "She has her ways with these things... I just wonder how she does it...she connects with these pokemon so easily... But how?... My pokemon are super attached to me from bondage but she can just make bonds with anything it seems..." Jake looked at Emerald and then immediately dodged her hard gaze as it crossed the room.
  7. "Battling? Testing? Abilities!? Healing!?... 500!? Botching!? This is gonna be great!" (Mood swing) "That is if I wasn't being tested on it you know... I prefer to have fun... But still manage to not ruin everything i touch like some people do... That happy Healy junk... Sure, yeah whatever." He laid his head upon his desk in anger consulting his thoughts of the tests, he realized he had a mood swing and from the looks of it he was being pretty negative. He raised his head and shook off the thoughts of anger and continued to listen. "We'll just see who needs improvement after this..." He glared at Grace and thought of Sarcus, who was in a different classroom with hatred, " I've always been at the bottom but not today runts..."
  8. I just finished episode two Break Homework Konachan is amazing at video games Densist trip ideas Yelling Staring contest fail Nuggets Manga Anime Anime drama CDs and of course WTF
  9. Grass... The pikachu... Is you... And your... BOSSINESS
  10. A very derpy start to a very derpy anime... But they over derped it
  11. Hook up a serperior DAT VINE WHIP x100 THO! It would snatch up your folks while you sleep and eat dem! >: D But I'm kidding. I'd hook up a blastoise. It's pokedex entry states it's cannons already have enough power to blast right through metal clean out the other side. Now let's add our PULSE machine and we've got a blastoise that can pierce entire planets, including the core, causing the planet to have an internal explosive meltdown destroying the entire planet with a water gun. seems legit.
  12. grassnake is probably going to come here and be like... ITS SO DANG TRUE
  13. ^ I THINK I DONT TRUST YOU! I'm so tough I don't need to do a barrel role
  15. The avatar is misleading to the type XD ^ Isn't sneaky and devious
  16. Banned for being sneaky and devious
  17. Nope Magikarp because he's sneaky and devious. Break the chain and pay
  18. Episode 1 Talking about food Looking cute Homework Getting a physical Screaming Yeah... WTF
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