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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Don't be an idiot Don't help people so much Don't always be a complete dick
  2. Jake continued to run off not turning back to notice Grace was after him, he sprinted faster and faster as he went trying to think as he ran, memories seemingly bursting into his mind. (Flashback) (???) she must be eliminated for she interrupts my plans! (Jake) are you serious!? It can't be done. (???) this bag of weapons here contains more than you need! Now get to work! (Jake) NO! It can't be done, you've got to be freaking kidding me! (???) ... Fine, but here's the bag "in case you change your mind" (Normal) The words burned Jake's mind. And the memory began to become very fuzzy. (Flashback) (???) .......... M........ K...d ...n..... .o... ..o... ha.. .o.ls..... .o ....h... r! (Jake) B.. I... Ca... e. Do..!........ (???) ...O! G.... O... ...I...H... ..H... JO.. (Jake) fine... I will do my best... (Normal) The memory blurred away and Jake continued running.
  3. "Cya!" Jake yelled out to the ranger He grabbed up his Deino who appeared to be paying great attention to something and used head motions to tell his other pokemon to follow him. Jake put his head down and thought to himself "How can I compete with them? They're so determined and I've never fought before... I guess I really am the weakest..." He pulled his head back up and power walked to catch up to his friends, tripping over a loose vine and loading his Deino, who fell on the ground next to him whincing in anger. Jake looked up at his friends rather embarresed, brushed himself off, grabbed Deino, and did his best to replace his embaressment with a smug look. He then looked to his friends very embarresed by managing to do something so clutzy. "Lets... Just go..."
  4. Alpha... If people said my name over and over I'd die of insanity... ^ Likes 4everalone
  5. Sorry alpha! I can't give you my dark gym badge! Come back when you're a little... MMMMMMM... More ready...
  6. I hate morning! I'll be up at like 10 or 11 am! mornings... Btw when I said "El delphin esta en el jacuzzi" It's a lot weirder than you'd expect
  7. Grass! I can't move! And I don't see you! Please don't hurt me or something! For once I do Wish tao was here to help... Wait she'd make this worse... help! Grass! Help! Plz... *attempts to do puppy eyes but can't move* ((If shadow clones are animate objects... Couldn't you mega glomp me?... 0_0))
  8. grass... Wherever you are in this little pocket dimension... I can't do anything about it! I'm kinda... Frozen up here... If only I could do something about this... I don't exactly want to use spirit bind on myself cuz then I'll be in some object...so please, spare me... I can't resist you and or anything here... If you glomp me now I could TOTALLY die of something!
  9. That feel when a person who thinks they know Spanish walks up to you and says El delphin esta en el jacuzzi 0_0
  10. (Tao) HEY! WHERE DID GOOD GUY AND GRASSY LADY GO!? (Me) SARCUS!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm still paralyzed... And still in glomp danger...
  11. *cringes but nothing happens, suddenly from the shadows* (???)DONT WORRY ILL SAVE YOU GOOD GUY!!! *taokaka then jumped out at grass* (Tao)GET READY GRASSY LADY! HERE COMES TAOS BIG SUPER TAO TACKLE MEOW!
  12. D*mm you Sarcus... *tries to move* He wasn't... Kidding... I just hope grass didn't follow me... *jaws music begins to play*
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