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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. I'd say something weird too if it were in my nature... That is unless I'm having another stupid mood swing while I'm talking... So don't expect me to go around saying crap like... El delphin ésta en el jacuzzi... The probability of that is... Pretty... Ummm... Impossible... Besides the point, I'm guessing your hour is running low now... Sorry for suddenly becoming mean. I've lost my sanity to all the random posts I've had in the past, they annoy my head until I have to write them somewhere... So in this case I'm done with that now
  2. YES FINALLY A TRIPLE POST! > : D I looked up my name's definition... 0-0 It means "the cunning supplanter" That means I'm a smart (and evil) and I take one's rightful place... my name is evil XD
  3. I finally got to the last episode of BlazBlue. I swear if Ragna dies, somebody is gonna pay... I blame it on the damn fairy types if he does
  4. My first post was What? That's all? Wow... Then the second one was Now Alina if you'd please tell Tao to get the hell off me I'd be all good...
  5. Well isn't that great, and I speak enough spanish to get by in just about any place overrun with them...
  6. LIGHT!? So, you're technically by default stronger than me... And you hate fairies because they're not light type in America... Anyways! Get ready for this killing blow! *prepares to swing the blood Scythe when suddenly Tao tackles me and searches me for food* NOOOO!!!!!
  7. I totally am ready to fight, the blood Scythe IS the most badass sword ever After all... It eats your soul every time in slash with it > : D giving me more power to wield the sword! And don't even think about trying to kill me, cuz I has dis azure grimoir! It'll give me evil powers!
  8. "Houndour... You're now demon! Sneasel... You're now whisper! Riolu... You're now soul! And Deino... How about... Z? These are some good nicknames for you guys!"
  9. 0_0 my little sword isn't gonna win dis... *runs away* RAGNA! RAGNA! I NEED TO BURROW THE BLOOD SCHYTHE! *takes* THANK YOU!!! *runs back* Alright you little... Lets see you handle dis!
  10. *throws her angrily* That was... An unusual epidemic... Now... Don't make me do dis... *grabs sword hilt*
  11. Only one thing I can do.... TAO I FOUND FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS ON GRASS'S HEAD!!!!!! *tao comes running* Have fun with that while I get out of here!
  12. Well... I guess I only have one thing to do... *grabs and throws taokaka* Her annoying talking should keep her long enough so I can get away... *starts to walk away*
  13. "Oh boy, this could be bad... Too bad, that runt is too fast anyways..." "Now!" He turned to his team "Lets think of some nicknames..."
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