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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. But Beldum CAN speak, I've seen you talk to it! XD And babbling at air is ok, especially when the person you're talking to has psychic powers. Seems normal to me... But yeah I changed it to And your Beldum that creepily speaks apparently!
  2. "Hahaha! Sarcus you crack me up, now get serious, because I'm not, these mood swings are just killing me... Now pepper it again before it can hit back, and please, finish it off this time... The misty terrain is making me feel hopeless... Hehehe... Messing with Sarcus is fun, and being comically relieving can be fun too... I hope you win Sarcus! I believe in you! And your Beldum that creepily speaks apparently!" (Mood swing) "Ok, forget what I just said Sarcus, as long as you can manage to hit it, and avoid damage the you're fine, try going for it and using beldum's naturally jerky movements to dodge the attack and then bash it, and yes, I'm actually in my right mind now."
  3. "Sarcus, you know she's gonna outsmart you right!? It's obvious that you're using the same attack! Try something else! Like, a confusion attack! Or something... Maybe I was wrong about Grace outsmarting you Sarcus... Hehehe... She's still trying to think up something!"
  4. Jake was shocked when Grace healed her pokemon "WHAT!?" *anime fits* "COME ON SARCUS YOU CAN DO IT! SHOW HER WHO'S BOSS!" He turned to his pokemon and sarcastically said "See what I mean? Grace IS a healing machine..."
  5. "Ooh, finally some action! I'd like to see Grace pull this one off!" Jake's pokemon agreed "Hey, Grace! You should maybe try and tell florges to dodge that! That would really help!" Jake's pokemon giggled at Jake but Deino, remained still, simply staring without saying a word.
  6. Bubble... Goomy?.... FUCKING BUBBLES TOO?! It's like I have to see the opposite of me in every single way... Rainbows, and bubbles, and fairies... My life seems to be falling apart ;_;
  7. I won an award for amazing and touching poetry in a campus wide competition and earned my right to have my poem posted in a book, it was enough to make my mother cry, apparently I'm good at poetry despite my smug tone...
  8. Jake's eyes flashed as he playfully made a joke of Grace again. "Well isn't this just dandy? Two fairy types are about to make out... I think I should cover my eyes..." Jake sarcastically covered his eyes and laughed. His pokemon rolled over and laughed hysterically.
  9. I love ice types, I use them all the time. Heck I took the type quiz once and got dark and ice... Fairies are just an issue to me ok? They need to be stopped before they ruin me forever... And they have two damn weaknesses and have way too much defense and hp... It's gonna be a rough battle against them but in the end darkness will prevail over the light and i will finally have my revenge
  10. Only one way to destroy them... I need to call in spongebob and get his power cannon to destroy flabebe...
  11. NO! That's not good enough... My other dark types cannot learn such moves... Hydreigon is my only surviver... Forget Gary Oak FUCKING FAIRY OAK!
  12. If only there was a way to stop the little bastards from ruining everything I've done... My level 100 hydreigon cannot go to waste because of a damn flower that shoots moon bombs...
  13. What has this come too? If mew is a damn fairy than mewtwo is a dark type! K?! *huddles in a corner* Fairies are evil, I'm not right... Dark types are the originals... They are good... Fairies are evil... They must DIE!!! Dark types need to find a way to kill fairies... They only have two weaknesses... It's not fair... My opposite is better than me... They'll see... THEY'LL ALL SEE!!! MUHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!! *rewind button* Lets try this again... Damn fairies tho... Why game freak? Why would you come ruin me like this?...
  14. Gallade is psychic and fighting And dark and fairy is an abomination... It's like putting me and grass together... OMG THE HORROR OF SYLVBREON!!!
  15. Light or not the damn things are my opposite and they must die. I see fairy arceus coming and he must be killed immediately
  16. And in case you were wondering, this is an angry German http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4uDSnYQx3Q Notice the evil German stare...
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