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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. I hate misty terrain... Evil fairies ruin me every time in competitive battle until I bring out my flash cannon hydreigon and my blaziken... And even in rps they haunt me so...
  2. Jake gasped as he realized that the mist had illuminated his body and given him away. He angrily stood up and brushed himself off, hoping the disgusting pink mist would disappear soon. "Well, I hate this mist more than I thought, it turned me into a pink lightbulb... Anyways, Sarcus, Grace, two little fairy devils... I think I should be taking my leave..." "Or maybe not..." He grumbled His team angrily shouted as they looked down and noticed they too, were glowing brightly. "I notice that this mist is definently worse than I had expected... Have I ruined this for you?"
  3. NUUU! RED AND BLACK SNIVY WOULD BE EPIC! Black skin and red lines running through would be epic... And I'd do a black and red magikarp cuz gold sucks...
  4. Also that art studio thing is 4.99 : P If I could get it I'd make fucking red and black badass snivy lines
  5. ((Ralts is a fairy type grass...)) Jake got down low quickly and flinched as the area became enveloped in a pink mist. "Ewwww, what is this junk...?" Deino seemed to be slowly weakening to the mist and he seemed... Slightly weaker... "Don't worry Deino it'll pass sometime..."
  6. I'm very sorry about that... I usually don't have such violent mood changes XD... Anyways I posted...
  7. Jake saw Grace's pokemon and his eyes went wide. "That's the biggest fairy I've ever seen... It's terrifying... It looks so happy but it's just gonna murder us... Have you seen those moonblasts? My god..." At the word moonblast Deino's head jolted in rage but Jake calmed him down, him and his whole team hated fairies. "Hehe... First she causes trouble and then gets that beast? I'm not gonna like her very much.., especially when I finally do get her to battle me! And maybe when one of you finally evolves..." Jake continued watching the fight glaring at the fairy pokemon. "And Sarcus is no better with that little fairy gallant..."
  8. XD yeah! *sings* I GOTTA JAR OF DIRT! I GOTTA JAR OF DIRT! I GOTTA JAR OF DIRT! AND GUESS WHATS INSIDE IT!? *spirit binds myself* ME!!!!! Yeah I feel weird today... Sorry bout that...
  9. Jake crept into the bushes when Grace and Sarcus weren't looking during their battle. He turned to his team and said, "Alright guys, this is the discipline test I was talking about, no interrupting them, and no loud noises. Or no lunch for any of you." He turned and began to watch the battle.
  10. Alpha the word I starred was b*stard ^didnt come in like a wrecking ball
  11. That feeling when I learn that I actually like Fern
  12. Jake looked back at the boy with his hands behind his head and calmly stated "I know every pressure point in your body from you Achilles' tendon to your clavicle. I could stun your body... And I know a thing of two about dodging..." Jake turned to Grace and shortly exclaimed "You're a real goody two shoes you know that? and all but that guy *points to the boy* is NOT! I figured you'd have might not heal him but I guessed wrong. You're a lot better off than I am for sure, I could learn a thing or two about being "nice" from you..." "But first..." He laughed. "I wanna have some fun!" Jake then caused a small orb to emerge from the boy and he moved his hand, as he moved it he put the small ball inside a locker, he then took it out and put it back into the boy and he jolted up, screamed, and ran off. "Spirit bind, one of my favorites... Hehehe..." He then playfully stated "Smell ya later!" He turned back, smiled, and laughed at the thought of how nice she was, and he walked after Sarcus to the feild. He could use some training too. Maybe he could get Sarcus to have a short teaching session with him, he could maybe teach him some discipline, it was something he and his pokemon hadn't practiced on having.
  13. Jake's eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief as his sad expression disappeared at Sarcus's words. Clearly he cared enough to help him. "Well, thank you Sarcus!" Jake took the oppurtunity to make a quick mischievous joke and leave it at that. "Now would for ONCE be a good time for you to be around Grace!" Jake looked down at the boy and went to work. His mother was a nurse and he knew a large amount of bodily functions. "Well Sarcus judging by your attack it seems you'd have done quite the toll of damage... It seems the slug you gave him rattled his brain a bit and it hit the front of his skull most likely and knocked him out. No telling how bad it is though..." Jake got up and signaled Grace to come over and help with bodily motions.
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