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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. I don't even know how many rupees I have, and I'm serious
  2. And yes my life has been a jackass to me so far Asthma ruins my naturally athletic body I have felt REAL pain (snapping my leg in half x.x) I am constantly bullied and or made fun off I am seen as a desirable bullying target because I never fight back I have no place to unwind my hellish inner feelings. Good things I have a family that cares about me I have a brother to teach me about caring for people instead of being a stone hearted person (which I am) I am able to walk normal after my freak leg break I have a gift of wisdom that I have proven about 4 times and brought people from suicide by using it. I am a good manipulator when I need to be (but that can also be bad and evil technically) I can fight considerably well I fight asthma with pure ambition to be better instead of letting it ruin my lungs. My school gym day on the track Sprint around a track: completely fine until the end where my asthma murders my lungs Run around the track again except this time running up and down the stadium stairs and there are 4 sets of stadium stairs: asthma is destroying my performance and I'm Literally running on willpower. Hard athletics is hard with asthma
  3. But that's not that bad even, and speed is a virtue, like I'm pretty fast with lots of muscle. But for a male building speed isn't as easy as building muscle and nearly instantly losing calories. Like its surprising that I can outrun and outlast people when I'm a natural stud. Yet despite that my brain is larger than my muscles. I know more science than necessary and i still manage to work out. Plus, asthma is my one weakness. I, despite outlasting some people due to sheer willpower, will be out speeded and out lasted by other people no matter what because of the damn disease. And it's pretty bad too. It all adds to the why does my body suck so badly factor.
  4. It's true, nature can be derpier than even the super derped anime lucky star... Listen I'll clarify... I was hunting on the woods in a plains landscape/biome area and guess what I saw? A FRESH MOUNTAIN LION TRACK!!!! Wtf is a mountain lion doing in a forest in a plains area? Like what? MOUNTAIN LION in a plain biome!? In a forest!? What has this world come to?!
  5. Why does this anime have to derp so much, it talks about anime in an anime and they talk about food, tell a lot, and troll each other by just coming over to a sick friends house to copy homework. Lolwut
  6. That's really good, typically I see girls with long hair, I generally keep my hair short, or a medium length to still look like a snazzy badass but not so long that I look like a rock punk with neck length hair. But that's good that there's not much to grab onto, and you've shown natural flexibility but what are you strengths? I've seen cougar (mountain lion) tracks that were fresh and instantly became twice as cautious as I already was and pulled out my flesh knife (even though it's pathetic to try to cut it because that'll just piss it off) and then slowly and cautiously stalked back to the camp. what would you do in that situation of seeing the same fresh track as I did?
  7. Jake eavesdropped on their conversation in interest by laying his head low and ate slowly. He heard something about a secret apparently. Doing something again, in the same place. He didn't know what to make of it because he was missing a lot of facts. The first thing that came to his mind was maybe they had to redo a project or something, but that didn't seem logical. They had their exam coming and no projects had been assigned. And there were no thoughts that came to his head from there except one that seemed very faint but played out into a well remembered memory finally. He had remembered the time 7 months ago he had ruined his friends battle and that seemed like the only logical thought besides maybe they were going to rematch to an eating contest. Nobody was that serious unless they meant business and he messed up bad those long 7 months ago by not attempting to stop sneasel and houndour, the two wild rogue pokemon, and after hard consideration he knew that had to be the only resolution. And since they had definently said in the same place he knew exactly what they meant, and this time he'd watch from a different place and control his pokemon, it was also a golden opportunity to teach discipline to them, especially Deino. He whispered to his pokemon what was going on and he assured them 3 times the punishment for ruining the battle would be brutal, as in no lunch the next day and Deino for once listened and agreed. It loved lunch dearly after all. Jake stopped the eavesdropping and returned to eating his banana happily.
  8. Not bad, but the best bows take days to make, and dat camping cheating tho XD I should teach you survival skills. And to carve a bow that works especially well you need to have a very strong wood, and a very soft wood. By taking the strong wood (a large amount to carve a bow from) is necessary and a softer wood is needed to make string. Heck even a shoelace can work as a string.
  9. Jake quickly backed away flinching from Sarcus and sighed heavily hoping his other fear hadn't been discovered, yeah needles were scary but he instantly regretted his joke to Sarcus, although he was great at hiding it he hid a timid side of him somewhere in his original two moods he had before he had developed mood swinging. His original two moods being a darker, more reclusive angry one and the other a lighter, more timid and desirable mood. He continued to eat hoping Sarcus wouldn't talk to him any more.
  10. Jake put on his usual smug look "Hi, what's with the hard stares? You want to kill her too?" Jake snickered along with his pokemon, all except for Deino who was stuffing his face with food. "If I could I would take a chance to get her back for all the trouble she's caused me!" Jake muttered a thought about Grace to himself. "Why are you always happier than the rest of us d*** you... You're the reason I'm still in this school getting in trouble... And you're worried about getting an answer wrong..." He smugly took a nip at his banana
  11. Jake scanned the cafeteria for his friends and of course noticed Grace's pokemon stealing food like usual... He sat down next to his friends once he found them and watched Sarcus glare at Grace about something before he tapped on his shoulder, Deino and his other pokemon were eating away viciously and Jake grabbed a banana before his pokemon would've eaten all the food and the single banana too.
  12. Snares? That's the easy way, sure they're easy to make but that's only for hogs and rabbits. I'm talking about Making a underground tree shelter by digging, attracting food and killing. Water is under a tree usually so I have water inside the tree shelter. And making bows takes expertise that only years of carving work can obtain. And sure climbing and tree jumping is nice and all, but it makes vibrations that cause animals to spook and run. I've hunted before XD, Making arrows requires aerodynamic propulsion that can only be obtained naturally by killing birds which is extremely hard, and a bear can climb and it will chase you and ram the trees. The only way to kill a bear is to stab through it's very thick hide into the throat or in the spine. Which even then is hard. And they don't give a shit, they will maul you to death and chase you through the forest until they calm down. Tree or not. And shelter underground is a great idea because not only is there water, warmth absorption from dirt, and air pockets, but it's a place to hide from bears and wolves. They can't get to you unless they smell you and if they find your shelter than a stab to the eye will pierce their brain causing instant death. Luring is the easiest way to eat for a long while. Plus by using reflection from the sun and holding two fingers in front of the knife while atop a tree you can make a bright light meaning distress to an overhead pilot. And if I needed fire then I can use my knife to scrape the wood from trees to cause heat that will soon make fire. It's not about being a tree jumping night ninja, it's about being smarter than the thing after you. And believe me a bear WILL chase you up a tree and they will get you some time. And digging is a necessity to get the water, true. But I will staircase as I go down so I can climb out if I need to. Work pays off. And a river is a good source of food and water too if I could find one while I was working, I could catch salmon and drink water, but I would make my under tree home farther from the river and I would always check the river before going because bears are notorious for hanging around rivers and catching salmon.
  13. And yes I know it's only a knife that I can have but the only knife I have is attached to a languard with a whistle XD And yeah swords are cool and all but they're too slow, hard to avoid, but can be slow in some situations. So I prefer a knife or short sword (Bowie knife)
  14. Easy, use a whistle to attract attention from predators and give them a taste of my knife skills. Make a shelter from cactus ribs and sleep under rocks at night. And drink water from under plants where there's aqua firs
  15. (I love the way the cold feels, I might be weird in the brain about it though because I almost got frostbite once and I didn't want to go inside) Loves Miley Cyrus
  16. But my question is... How would a fight between our two styles come out? XD I'm the "examine and wait for it" type And you're the dodge and hitter that all people get beaten by... Wouldn't that by default mean neither of us would move the whole fight? XD Imagine this. Announcer: today folks we have two fighters! Jake in the blue corner and grass in the red! It'll be a big fight today folks! And now we're underway! *neither of us blinks and we just stare awkwardly*
  17. But still, just by the language, lucky star IS NOT A LITTLE GIRL ANIME. It's just really really really bad...
  18. And the first one of you to suggest a snake dies, I hate snakes! I HATE EM! Serperior is the only exception because it's not going to eat me alive. IM TALKING TO YOU SERVIPER! I SEE YOU PUTTING ON YOUR DINNER APRON!
  19. DUMMIT FACKIN MURDUCK I HAS SCIZOR AND STEELIX! And I'm the assassination type or close combat, no evidence but a guilty tear as I stab a person's spinal cord causing instant death. Or snipe them from afar with a 22 rifle. Or if I couldn't I have very elegant fighting moves, no rough punches, I mostly take other peoples power and use it against them. For example, my brother tried to kick me today. I grabbed his leg and tripped him by knocking out the other with one of my legs. The crazed sword fighting is out of my style, even when I'm angry I just fight faster XD
  20. Here's another Christmas story kiddies! (Totally not pedo Santa) "ALRIGHT KIDDIES! IN DIS STORY THERE'S GRASS! A SERPERIOR! AND JAKE, A LITTLE FLUFFY ABSOL! ENJOY KIDDIES!!! HEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!" (Grass) hey, Jake where's my maple syrup? I know I had it on the boat whenever we hit shore, have you seen it? (Jake) the maple syrup is gone! (Grass) why is the syrup gone?! (Jake) one, it's changed you into a greedy little tyrant of a snake, and two it's sticky. So I cut all the barrels up! Now we don't have to worry about it! (Grass) THOSE REASONS ARENT GOOD ENOUGH! NOW I HAVE NO SYRUP AND IM HUNGRY! (Totally not pedo Santa) now kiddies, Grass was mad! So, she solved the issue herself! And Jake never saw the light of day again! (There is a small moving lump in Grass's belly) (Totally not pedo Santa) DONT MESS WITH OTHER PEOPLES STUFF KIDDIES! DO YOU WANNA BE A JAKE?! I THOUGHT SO, LETS GO TO MY VAN KIDDIES! ILL READ MOAR STORIES! The end...
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