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Everything posted by HahnSolo

  1. @Ichiru Either is fine on any of the 3 evolution lines. Go ahead and send the trade invite when your're ready. Tag is HahnSolo, same as before
  2. @Ichiru You've got a Jynx, Kabutops, and Toxicroak? Fantastic! Want anything specific in return? Sure thing, lemme know when your ready.
  3. @Zero1Six That's great! Sorry it took me a bit to get back. Can you still do the trade?
  4. Bump. List was updated. I'm so close!
  5. @Ichiru Great! I've got 5 of your 'mons ready to go, send me a trade request anytime. Tag is HahnSolo
  6. @Starry Knight Most of these 'mons were weather dependent (Which is a pain to set the date to the right one), or events I missed/required items i didn't have anymore. Or have a 1% chance of spawning (I looked for scyther for 3 hours...). I figured it would be easier just to trade them. Thanks for the help though! @Ichiru I have all the 'mons you are looking for, but only need Gourgeist, Honchkrow, Turtwig, and Shedinja. Any particular 4 of those listed you need the most?
  7. @T.O.W.A.N. For the tropius? Sounds good! Send me a trade offer!
  8. @T.O.W.A.N. Just whats on the list. I could use a wave incense or sea incense to breed a mantyke or azurill if you have either of those we could trade whatever with yours holding the item(s) @Starry Knight Go ahead and send the trade offer, i've got another decent goomy to trade
  9. @T.O.W.A.N. Great! Send me a trade offer whenever. Tag is HahnSolo
  10. @T.O.W.A.N. Looking for anything in particular in return? I've got both a Gothita and tropius, any preference?
  11. @Starry Knight Thanks a bunch! The Phantump evolved before it registering in the dex, but thats alright I can breed it. @T.O.W.A.N. I've got the tsareena line, corsola, and timburr, but I need the rowlet still. What are you looking for in return?
  12. @Starry Knight Nope! Do whatever you want with em
  13. @Starry Knight Alright! I've got 2 more eeveelutions and a couple good IV goomy's to trade if thats ok with you. Ill wait on a trade offer
  14. @Starry Knight Thanks! Do you have anymore on the list to trade?
  15. @Starry Knight You can set up the trade for the first 6 on whichever account. I'd settle for a sea incense (if you have one) for the Azurill. I have a marill and can breed it, I just lost the item required to do so a while ago. I got the game updated. If the eeveelutions are alright with you, send me a trade offer whenever,
  16. @Starry Knight Give me a second though, I have to update my game
  17. @Starry Knight I've got some extra eeveelutions if that would meet your criteria. My online Tag is HahnSolo, same as on here.
  18. @Starry Knight Sure! You can grab whatever has the worst stats, it makes no difference to me. What would you like in return?
  19. I'm close to finishing a certain side-quest. I have all the available non-legendary 'mons minus the list below. I have almost 20 boxes of 'mons, including a few pokerus infected ones and a few 4-5 IV psuedos available for trade. Don't hesitate to make an offer. Gen 1 Jynx Line Kabutops Line Gen 4 Toxicroak Line Thanks!
  20. @wcv I was afraid of that. Thanks!
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