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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by HahnSolo

  1. Venonat itself is virtually worthless very early game challenges. Around Corey, once you evolve it, it carried me through most of the way through my second playthrough. Great against the dark and psychic leaders. Even with the lacking sp atk evs, you can still turn it into a great sweeper. With some luck, you can get up 2 qd’s while their asleep with sleep powder and sweep just about anything.
  2. With that many mons you’d be better off just picking your favorites and keeping the rest in rotation if you hit a snag later on. I would try to get as much coverage and variety in one team as possible though. My picks would be 1. Archeops/staraptor (Fast sweepers) 2. Krookodile/swampert/mamoswine (electric immunity/revenge killers) 3. Mienshao/Infernape (wallbreakers) 4. Metagross/ferrothorn (physical walls) 5. A-Ninetales/Sylveon (special walls/dragon immunity) 6. Sceptile/Decidueye (coverage, normal/fighting immunity)
  3. Sounds good to me. What moves would you recommend? For reborn specifically i mean. It can't learn much coverage naturally, and TM's are a bit limited. Where would I find a scarf in reborn? I wasn't aware it was even in the game.
  4. I'm a bit conflicted on how to optimize my Primarina. I was originally thinking a full defensive set with max sp def and HP, but its defense is low enough to get OHKO'd without reflect by gunk shot or poison jab and its speed is so low that it has to endure at least one hit before it can get that up. Its sp atk is unreal, so maxing that with speed for a sweeper build was my second choice, but its speed, even with max EV's and nature is still barely breaking 200, and will still likely get out-sped by a good amount of mons. I could drop reflect and put some into defense, but I already have a physical wall on my team, so I thought it was kind of redundant. My current set up is a hybrid of the two as shown below, but its speed is still low and the extra 30 hp from the EVs doesn't seem to make much difference. What do you guys think? I appreciate any feedback! Thanks! Moves: Surf Rain Dance Moonblast Reflect
  5. Not the most original set, but it certainly packs some heat. STAB choice band explosion is basically a guaranteed kill on anything. Adamant 252 Atk/252 Spd/6 HP Choice band, for reference, is given by the guy who trades you an Onix in the Lower Peridot Ward after reborn is re-built.
  6. Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but here's a few of those. Phione Ferrothorn Litten
  7. @Gast Well that makes it easy. Not sure how i missed that thread in my search. Thanks!
  8. Hi! I managed to actually snag a 4 IV Silvally, which I went ahead and EV trained. Unfortunately i've only got a few of the memories to change its typing, most of which are useless. So far i've got Bug, Dragon, Steel, Fighting, Ice, and Dark. Could someone point me in the direction of the rest? Thanks in advance!
  9. @kinnydiaper64 Any hints on where exactly that is? I've been searching for like 20 minutes...
  10. @Gheist If youre still stuck, one of the other npc's you get pokemon for helps you out. She's located on Apophyll and really enjoys music. The rest is in the spoiler if you need it
  11. @Gheist There was an npc in the Jasper Ward who mentioned she could really use a Jigglypuff to deal with how loud her Loudred is. Try there
  12. @iDunno Could've been bugged on my end. I saw some other people with your issue. I chucked him one i got out of a vending machine. Looks like @DreamblitzX can help you out though.
  13. He takes any Vanillite. You can grab one out of the vending machine in Spinel Town.
  14. This is a bit unrelated, but for another move tutor as added to E17 as well with some serious firepower.
  15. Has anyone, by chance, found any mega stones for any of the starters? So far all ive got is Banettite, Glalite, and Houndoomite, all of which are pretty mediocre megas.
  16. Im not familiar with trading. Lemme clear my party. Sorry again
  17. I might've missed the request, since I didn't have the game listening for it. Sorry about that. Could you try it again?
  18. Thanks! Online tag is HahnSolo, same as the name. Let me know when you're ready or if you'd like anything in return
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